张宁,博士,副教授。入选大连理工大学“星海学者”人才培育计划 ——“星海骨干”工程。
√ 从事限域通道传质理论、气体膜分离过程、分子模拟等方面的研究;
√ 主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,发表学术论文50余篇,授权发明专利2项;
√ 与英国曼彻斯特大学诺贝尔奖得主Andre Geim课题组(R. R. Nair教授)在石墨烯制备及膜分离应用方面已建立长期合作关系。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,52476179,2025/01-2028/12,负责人.
2. 国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目,2021YFC2901300,2021/12-2025/11,子课题负责人.
3. 辽宁省自然科学基金面上项目,2021-MS-120,2021/08-2023/07,负责人.
4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,21506019,2016/01-2018/12,负责人.
5. 教育部中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,DUT20JC43,2020/01-2021/12,负责人.
6. 教育部中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,DUT16QY43,2016/01-2017/12,负责人.
7. 教育部中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(引进人才专题二期),DUT16RC(4)80,2018/01-2019/12,负责人.
8. 教育部中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(引进人才专题),DUT14RC(3)077,2013/01-2015/12,负责人.
9. 辽宁省高等学校创新团队支持计划项目,LT2015007,2016/01-2018/12,参与人.
10. "新能源汽车"重点专项项目,2016YFB0101200,参与人.
2024至今,Energy Lab青年编委
2018年, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 专刊客座编辑
53. Zhiying Li, Haotong Li, Chuanlong Jin, Jianbo Li, Junjiang Bao, Xiaopeng Zhang, Ning Zhang*, Gaohong He*, Cong Chen*, Yongchen Song. Confined in-situ synthesis of uniformly distributed mixed matrix membranes via solvent evaporation for efficient CO₂ capture. Advanced Functional Materials, 2025. (Online)
52. Xue Hu, Zhiying Li, Jianbo Li, Chuanlong Jin, Junjiang Bao, Xiaopeng Zhang, Xiaobin Jiang, Ning Zhang*, Gaohong He*. Honeycomb ZIF-67 membranes with hierarchical channels for high-permeance gas separation. Small, 2025, 21:2406693.
51. Jianduo Zhang, Fucheng Dai, Jianbo Li, Dawei He, Xuan Lin, Xiaobin Jiang, Junjiang Bao, Xiaopeng Zhang, Gaohong He, Ning Zhang*. Confined ionic association and its effect on Li+/Mg2+ permselective transport through the HKUST-1 nanopore. Desalination, 2025, 593:118204.
50. Zhiying Li, Jianduo Zhang, Ning Zhang*, Zhiwei Li, Junjiang Bao*, Xiaopeng Zhang, Gaohong He, Cong Chen*, Yongchen Song. Tunable nano-wrinked channels of reduced graphene oxide membranes for molecular sieving gas separation. Carbon, 2024, 567:116988.
49. Zhiying Li, Yingmei Meng, Ning Zhang*, Junjiang Bao, Xiaopeng Zhang, Gaohong He, Cong Chen*, Yongchen Song. Crosslinked microporous membrane with pore compensation for efficient and long-term gas separation. Journal of Membrane Science, 2024, 711:123201.
48. Zhiying Li, Zhiwei Li, Ning Zhang*, Junjiang Bao, Xiaopeng Zhang, Gaohong He, Cong Chen*, Yongchen Song. Ultra-thin size-sieving gas separation membrane by precisely contra-diffusion-match growth of ZIF-67 among GO laminates. Journal of Membrane Science, 2024, 694:122428.
47. Jianduo Zhang, Houchuan Yu, Xiaobin Jiang, Rongli Yang, Ning Zhang*, Shaohua Yin, Guoli Zhou, Xiaopeng Zhang, Junjiang Bao, Gaohong He. Effect of ionic association on the pressure-driven Li+/Mg2+ permselective transport through nanochannels. Separation and Purification Technology, 2024, 344: 127236.
46. Houchuan Yu, Jianduo Zhang, Junjiang Bao*, Xiaobin Jiang, Rongli Yang, Guoli Zhou, Shaohua Yin, Xiaopeng Zhang, Gaohong He, Ning Zhang*. Preferential permeation of Li+ over Mg2+ through homogenously negatively-charged nanochannels. Desalination, 2024, 582: 117653.
45. Muhammad Kashif, Muhammad Ashraf Sabri, Ning Zhang*, Fawzi Banat*. Graphene: A diamond hammer for cracking hard nuts in reverse osmosis desalination membranes. Desalination, 2024, 581: 117552.
44. Junjiang Bao, Shuai Li, Xiaopeng Zhang, Ning Zhang*. An energy-economic-environment tri-Objective evaluation method for gas membrane separation processes of H2/CO2. Membranes, 2024, 14(1):3.
43. Hu C., Achari A., Rowe P., Xiao H., Suran S., Li Z., Huang K., Chi C., Cherian C., Sreepal V., Bentley P. D., Pratt A., Zhang N., Novoselov K., Michaelides A., Raveendran Nair R. pH-dependent water permeability switching and its memory in MoS2 membranes. Nature, 2023, 616:719.
42. Desheng Jiang, Ning Zhang*, Gaohong He, Ailing Wang*. Sandwich-structured covalent organic framework membranes for selective sodium ion transport. Desalination, 2023, 567:116988.
41. Ning Zhang, Houchuan Yu, Jianduo Zhang, Xiaobin Jiang, Shaohua Yin, Guoli Zhou, Xiaopeng Zhang, Junjiang Bao, Gaohong He*. Pressure-driven Li+/Mg2+ selective permeation through size-sieving nanochannels: The role of the second hydration shell. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 327:124818.
40. Hao Wang, Jianbo Li*, Mengqi Li, Lingjie Wang, Hailong Gao, Ning Zhang*. Reverse electrodialysis characteristic of the LiBr-ethanol-water ternary solution. Journal of Power Sources, 2023, 585:233636.
39. Mengwei Sun, Zhiwei Li, Qiuyan Wang, Ning Zhang*, Rui Xie, Xiaojie Ju, Wei Wang, Zhuang Liu*, Liangyin Chu. MoS2 laminate membranes with structural-phase-dependent permeation for molecular separation. Cell Reports Physical Science, 2023, 4:101239.
38. Ning Zhang, Hui Yu, Haoyu Cui, Hui Xiao, Xiaobin Jiang*, Yan Dai, Xiaopeng Zhang, Junjiang Bao, Gaohong He*. Bio-inspired molecular bridge anchoring GO laminates onto PAN substrate for molecular separation. Advanced Membranes, 2022, 2:100034.
37. Ning Zhang, Yang Luo, Zhiwei Li, Hui Yu, En Jiang, Zhiying Li, Yan Dai, Junjiang Bao, Xiaopeng Zhang, Gaohong He*. Molecular investigation on the mechanism of permselective transport of CO2/N2 mixture through graphene slit. Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 282:119986.
36. Lili Huang, Zhiying Li, Yang Luo, Ning Zhang*, Wenxu Qi, En Jiang, Junjiang Bao, Xiaopeng Zhang, Wenji Zheng, Baigang An*, Gaohong He. Low-pressure loose GO composite membrane intercalated by CNT for effective dye/salt separation. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 256:117839.
35. Ning Zhang, Wenxu Qi, Lili Huang, En Jiang, Zhiying Li, Yang Luo, Xiaopeng Zhang, Junjiang Bao, Wenji Zheng, Gaohong He*. A composite membrane of cross-linked GO network semi-interpenetrating in polysulfone substrate for dye removal from water. Journal of Membrane Science, 2020, 613:118456.
34. En Jiang, Jun Huo, Yang Luo, Zhiying Li, Xiaopeng Zhang, Junjiang Bao, Xiaoming Yan, Gaohong He, Ning Zhang*. Influence of electric field on nanoconfined proton behaviours: A molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 319: 114113.
33. Junjiang Bao, Tong Yuan, Lei Zhang, Ning Zhang*, Xiaopeng Zhang, Gaohong He*. Comparative study of liquefied natural gas (LNG) cold energy power generation systems in series and parallel. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 184: 107-126.
32. Ning Zhang, Wenxu Qi, Lili Huang, En Jiang, Junjiang Bao, Xiaopeng Zhang, Baigang An*, Gaohong He*. Review on structural control and modification of graphene oxide-based membranes in water treatment: from separation performance to robust operation. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2019, 27(6): 1348.
31. Jun Huo, Wenxu Qi, Hongda Zhu, Boyun Yang, Gaohong He, Junjiang Bao, Xiaopeng Zhang, Xiaoming Yan, Li Gao, Ning Zhang*. Molecular dynamics simulation on the effect of water uptake on hydrogen bond network for OH- conduction in imidazolium-g-PPO membrane. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44: 3760-3770.
30. Ning Zhang, Boyun Yang, Jun Huo, Wenxu Qi, Xiaopeng Zhang, Xuehua Ruan, Junjiang Bao*, Gaohong He*. Hydration structures of vanadium/oxovanadium cations in the presence of sulfuric acid: A molecular dynamics simulation study. Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 195: 683-692..
29. Ning Zhang, Jun Huo, Boyun Yang, Xuehua Ruan, Xiaopeng Zhang, Junjiang Bao, Wenxu Qi, Gaohong He*. Understanding of imidazolium group hydration and polymer structure for hydroxide anion conduction in hydrated imidazolium-g-PPO membrane by molecular dynamics simulations. Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 192: 1167-1176.
28. Ning Zhang, Shaomin Chen, Boyun Yang, Jun Huo, Xiaopeng Zhang, Junjiang Bao, Xuehua Ruan, Gaohong He*. Effect of Hydrogen Bonding Interaction on Arrangement and Dynamics of Water Confined in Polyamide Membrane: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2018, 122: 4719-4728.
27. Yuechun Song, Jun Huo, Ning Zhang*, Junjiang Bao, Xiaopeng Zhang, Xuehua Ruan, Gaohong He*. Structural Characteristics of Hydrated Protons in Ion Conductive Channels: Synergistic Effect of the Sulfonate Group and Fluorine Studied by Molecular Dynamics Simulation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018, 122(4): 1982-1989.
26. Ning Zhang, Yuechun Song, Jun Huo, Yan Li, Zhao Liu, Junjiang Bao, Shaomin Chen, Xuehua Ruan, Gaohong He*. Formation Mechanism of the Spiral-Like Structure of a Hydrogen Bond Network Confined in a Fluorinated Nanochannel: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 121(25): 13840-13847.
25. Ning Zhang, Zhao Liu, Xuehua Ruan, Xiaoming Yan, Yuechun Song, Zhuanglin Shen, Xuemei Wu, Gaohong He*. Molecular dynamics study of confined structure and diffusion of hydrated proton in Hyfion perfluorosulfonic acid membranes. Chemical Engineering Science, 2017, 158: 224-234.
24. Shaomin Chen, Yuechun Song, Boyun Yang, Jun Huo, Gaohong He, Ning Zhang*. Effects of sulfonic group and fluorine on free energy profile of proton confined in the one-dimensional proton conductive channel. Energy Procedia, 2017, 142: 1166-1171.
23. Cong Chen*, Ning Zhang, Weijun Shen, Weizhong Li, Yongchen Song. Interaction between hydroxyl group and water saturated supercritical CO2 revealed by a molecular dynamics study. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2017, 231: 185-191. (SCI, IF=3.648)
22. Junjiang Bao, Yan Lin, Ruixiang Zhang, Ning Zhang, Gaohong He*. Strengthening power generation efficiency utilizing liquefied natural gas cold energy by a novel two-stage condensation Rankine cycle (TCRC) system. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 143: 312-325.
21. Xuehua Ruan, Hanli Wang, Yan Dai, Gaohong He, Xiaoming Yan, Ning Zhang, Xiaobin Jiang, Gahong He*. Polyimide membrane system for tetrafluoroethylene recovery: Industrial plant, optimal operation and economic analysis. Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 188: 468-475.
20. Xuehua Ruan, Yan Xu, Xuhang Liao, Gaohong He, Xiaoming Yan, Yan Dai, Ning Zhang, Lin Du. Polyethyleneimine-grafted membranes for simultaneously adsorbing heavy metal ions and rejecting suspended particles in wastewater. AIChE Journal, 2017, 00: 00.
19. Ning Zhang, Yuechun Song, Xuehua Ruan, Xiaoming Yan, Zhao Liu, Zhuanglin Shen, Xuemei Wu, Gaohong He*. Structural characteristics of hydrated proton in the conductive channels: effects of confinement and fluorination studied by molecular dynamics simulation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 18(35): 24198-24209. (内封底)
18. Ning Zhang, Xuehua Ruan, Yuechun Song, Zhao Liu, Gaohong He*. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Hydration Structure and Hydrogen Bonding Behavior of Phenol in Aqueous Solution. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2016, 221: 942-948.
17. Cong Chen*, Ning Zhang, Weizhong Li, Yongchen Song. Hydrogen Bonds at Silica-CO2 Saturated Water Interface under Geologic Sequestration Conditions. Molecular Physics, 2016, 114(20): 2924-2935.
16. Xuehua Ruan, Lijuan Wang, Yan Dai, Ning Zhang, Xiaoming Yan, Gaohong He. Effective reclamation of vent gas in ethylbenzene dehydrogenation by coupling multi-stage circle absorption and membrane units. Separation and Purification Technology, 2016, 168: 942-948.
15. Cong Chen*, Bo Dong, Ning Zhang, Weizhong Li, Yongchen Song. Pressure and Temperature Dependence of Contact Angles for CO2/Water/Silica Systems Predicted by Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30(6): 5027-5034.
14. Ning Zhang, Zhuanglin Shen, Cong Chen, Gaohong He*, Ce Hao. Effect of Hydrogen Bonding on Self-diffusion in Methanol/Water Liquid Mixtures: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2015, 203: 90-97.
13. Zhuanglin Shen, Gaohong He, Ning Zhang*, Ce Hao. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Reverse-Osmotic Salt Rejection and Water Transport through Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 2015, 31(6): 1025-1034.
12. Cong Chen*, Ning Zhang, Weizhong Li, Yongchen Song. Water Contact Angle Dependence with Hydroxyl Functional Groups on Silica Surfaces under CO2 Sequestration Conditions. Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49(24): 14680-14687.
11. Cong Chen*, Kun Zhang, Ping Wang, Wizhong Li, Yongchen Song, Ning Zhang. Ion Hydration and Hydrogen Bond Structure in NaCl Solutions at Temperatures and Pressures for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration: the Effects of Solvated CO2 Molecules. Molecular Physics, 2014, 112(1): 74-84.
10. Weizhong Li*, Yujing Feng, Bo Dong, Ning Zhang. Comparison of Two Lattice Boltzmann Schemes in Cartesian Coordinate and Body-Fitted Coordinate System. Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics, 2014, 31(3): 357-362.
09. Ning Zhang, Weizhong Li*, Cong Chen, Jianguo Zuo. Molecular Dynamics Study on Water Self-diffusion in Aqueous Mixtures of Methanol, Ethylene Glycol and Glycerol: Investigations from the Point of View of Hydrogen Bonding. Molecular Physics, 2013, 111(7): 939-949. (SCI, IF=1.870)
08. Ning Zhang,Weizhong Li*, Cong Chen, Jianguo Zuo. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Aggregation in Dimethyl Sulfoxide–Water Binary Mixture. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2013, 1017: 126-135.
07. Ning Zhang, Weizhong Li*, Cong Chen, Jianguo Zuo. Evaluation of the Application of Hydrogen Bonding Criteria to DMSO Aqueous Solution. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 2013, 31(6): 1025-1034. (封面)
06. Ning Zhang, Weizhong Li*, Cong Chen, Jianguo Zuo. Molecular Dynamics Investigation of the Effects of Concentration on Hydrogen Bonding in Aqueous Solutions of Methanol, Ethylene Glycol and Glycerol. Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2013, 34(9): 2711- 2719.05. Cong Chen*, Weizhong Li, Yongchen Song, Lindong Weng, Ning Zhang. Formation of Water and Glucose Clusters by Hydrogen Bonds in Glucose Aqueous Solutions. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2012, 984(3): 85-92.
04. Cong Chen*, Weizhong Li, Yongchen Song, Lindong Weng, Ning Zhang. Hydrogen Bonding Analysis of Hydroxyl Groups in Glucose Aqueous Solutions by a Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study. Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2012, 33(7): 2238- 2246.
03. Cong Chen*, Weizhong Li, Yongchen Song, Lindong Weng, Ning Zhang. Effects of Glycerol Concentrations on Self-diffusion Coefficients of Glycerol in Glycerol-Water-Sodium Chloride Ternary Solutions. Acta Chimica Sinica, 2012, 70(8): 1043-1046..
02. Yang Liu*, Jing Cui, Weizhong Li, Ning Zhang. Effect of Surface Microstructure on Microchannel Heat Transfer Performance. Journal of Heat Transfer- Transactions of the ASME, 2011, 133(12): 124501(1-6).
01. Cong Chen*, Weizhong Li, Yongchen Song, Lindong Weng, Ning Zhang. Concentration Dependence of Water Self-diffusion Coefficients in Dilute Glycerol–Water Binary and Glycerol–Water–Sodium Chloride Ternary Solutions and the Insights from Hydrogen Bonds, Molecular Physics, 2011, 110(5): 283-291.
06. Shaomin Chen, Yuechun Song, Boyun Yang, Jun Huo, Gaohong He, Ning Zhang*. Effects of sulfonic group and fluorine on free energy profile of proton confined in the one-dimensional proton conductive channel. 9th International Conference on Applied Energy, 2017, August 21st-24th, Cardiff, UK. (口头报告)
05. Ning Zhang, Yuechun Song, Zhao Liu, Shaomin Chen, Gaohong He*. Molecular dynamics simulation of the effect of temperature on the structure of hydronium in one-dimensional channel decorated with fluorine. 15th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, 2016, July 19th-22nd, Singapore. (口头报告)
04. Yuechun Song, Zhao Liu, Shaomin Chen, Gaohong He, Ning Zhang*. Molecular dynamics simulation of the effect of electric field on the structure of hydronium in one-dimensional fluorinated channel. The 4th International Conference on Molecular Simulation, 2016, October 23rd-26th, Shanghai. (墙报, Best Poster Award)
03. Zhao Liu, Yuechun Song, Shaomin Chen, Gaohong He, Ning Zhang*. Molecular dynamics study on proton self-diffusion in Hyfion membrane: investigations from the point of view of hydrogen bonding. The 4th International Conference on Molecular Simulation, 2016, October 23rd-26th, Shanghai. (墙报)
02. Ning Zhang, Cong Chen, Yujing Feng, Qingnan Pang, Weizhong Li*. Molecular Dynamics Dimulation of the Hydrogen Bonding Structure of Water Molecules inside Carbon Nanotube. ASME 2013 11th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, 2013, June 16-19, V001T12A002, Sapporo, Japan. (口头报告)
01. Ning Zhang, Weizhong Li*, Jing Cui. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Water Transporting through Nanotube Driven by Concentration Difference. ASME 2013 11th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, 2011, June 19-22, 209-213, Edmonton, Canada. (口头报告)
硕士生(宋月春)荣获国际会议“The 4th International Conference on Molecular Simulation”的最佳墙报奖,2016.
Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Alma Mater:大连理工大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree
Discipline:Chemical Engineering. Refrigeration and Cryogenics Engineering
Contact Information:zhangning@dlut.edu.cn
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