Hongfei Ye

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Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates   Supervisor of Master's Candidates  

Main positions:力学与航空航天学院副院长







2022/01 至今,大连理工大学,运载学部工程力学系,教授

2017/01– 2021/12,大连理工大学,运载学部工程力学系,副教授

2013/01 – 2016/12,大连理工大学,运载学部工程力学系,讲师

2013/01 – 2015/01,大连理工大学,运载学部船舶工程学院,师资博士后(合作导师:宗智 教授)

2006/09 – 2012/12,大连理工大学,运载学部工程力学系,博士(免试推荐,导师:张洪武 教授)

2008/04 – 2008/09,香港城市大学,建筑系,研究助理

2002/09 – 2006/07,大连理工大学,工程力学系,学士



1. 微纳米尺度力学的基本理论与数值计算方法

2. 微纳米流体及其限域力学性质的变化规律及机理

3. 多场作用下微纳米流体限域变形行为的调控技术

4. 航天装备先进纳米复合材料力学性能多尺度表征

5. 面向航空多层级复杂结构的有限元方法与应用




















辽宁省教学成果奖一等奖 2








    已发表论文70余篇,部分研究成果发表在《ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces》、《Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng.》、《Appl. Surf. Sci.》、《Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.》、《Phys. Rev. B》、《Nanotechnology》、《Soft Matter》、《Microfluid. Nanofluid.》、《J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.》、《Nanoscale Res. Lett.》等国内外知名学术期刊中,封面论文3篇,他引800余次。

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1.  Hongfei Ye, Chenguang Yin, Jian Wang, and Yonggang Zheng*. Controllable and gradient wettability of bilayer two-dimensional materials regulated by interlayer distance. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 14: 41489-41498, 2022.

2.  Dong Li, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng, Hongfei Ye*. Understanding the size and chirality dependence of bending stiffness of single-layer MoS2 by a spring-driven method. Physical Review B, 106: 144109, 2022.

3.  Jian Wang, Yonggang Zheng, Hongwu Zhang, Hongfei Ye*. Machine learning-generated TIP4P-BGWT model for liquid and supercooled water. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 367: 120459, 2022.

4.  Dong Li, Yonggang Zheng, Hongwu Zhang, Zhen Chen, Hongfei Ye*. Commensurate stacking-induced ultrahigh yet discontinuous bending stiffness of the double-layer black phosphorus. Applied Surface Science, 605: 154729, 2022.

5.  Dong Li, Yonggang Zheng , Hongwu Zhang, Hongfei Ye*. Self-bending behavior and varying bending stiffness of black phosphorus/molybdenum disulfide (BP/MoS2) heterostructure. Nanomaterials, 12: 3635, 2022.

6.  Hongfei Ye*, Jian Wang, Yonggang Zheng, Hongwu Zhang and Zhen Chen. Machine learning for reparameterization of four-site water models: TIP4P-BG and TIP4P-BGT. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23: 10164-10173, 2021.

7.  Zhiqiang Hu, Yu Liu, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng and Hongfei Ye*. Implicit material point method with convected particle domain interpolation for consolidation and dynamic analysis of saturated porous media with massive deformation. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 13(2): 2150023, 2021.

8.  Qian Li, Jiayong Zhang, Jia Sun, Huayuan Tang, Yonggang Zheng and Hongfei Ye*. Nanostructural characteristics-mediated plastic behavior of Cu/Ag polycrystalline multilayered materials. Physica Scripta, 96: 015701, 2021.

9.  Jianhua Wang, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng*, Hongfei Ye*. High-order NURBS elements based isogeometric formulation for swellable soft materials. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 363: 112901, 2020.

10. Jia Sun, Qian Li, Huayuan Tang, Hongwu Zhang, Hongfei Ye*, Yonggang Zheng*. Helium implantation effects on the tensile response of nano-twinned copper. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 541: 152426, 2020.

11. Hongfei Ye, Dong Li, Xin Ye, Yonggang Zheng, Zhongqiang Zhang, Hongwu Zhang*, Zhen Chen*. An adjustable permeation membrane up to the separation for multicomponent gas mixture. Scientific Reports, 9(1): 7380, 2019.

12. Hongfei Ye, Yonggang Zheng, Lili Zhou, Junfei Zhao, Hongwu Zhang*, Zhen Chen*. Divergent effect of electric fields on the mechanical property of water-filled carbon nanotubes with an application as a nanoscale trigger. Nanotechnology, 29: 025707, 2018.

13. Hongfei Ye, Yonggang Zheng, Zhongqiang Zhang, Hongwu Zhang*, Zhen Chen*. Controllable deformation of salt water-filled carbon nanotubes using an electric field with application to molecular sieving. Nanotechnology, 27: 315702, 2016.

14. Hongfei Ye, Rui Li, Yonggang Zheng, Zhongqiang Zhang, Zhi Zong, Hongwu Zhang*. Torsional failure of water-filled carbon nanotubes. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 25: 87, 2016.

15. Hongfei Ye, Yonggang Zheng, Zhongqiang Zhang, Zhen Chen, Hongwu Zhang*. Water filling and electric field induced enhancement in the mechanical property of carbon nanotubes. Scientific Reports, 5: 17537, 2015.

16. Yonggang Zheng, Haitang He, Hongfei Ye *. Radial stability and configuration transition of carbon nanotubes regulated by enclosed cores. AIP Advances, 5: 057155, 2015.

17. Hongfei Ye, Hongwu Zhang*, Zhen Chen, Yonggang Zheng, Zhi Zong, Zhongqiang Zhang. Reversible stretching of pre-strained water-filled carbon nanotubes under electric fields. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 18: 1201-1207, 2015.

18. Hongfei Ye, Zhongqiang Zhang, Yonggang Zheng, Hongwu Zhang, Zhen Chen, Zhi Zong. Static and dynamic properties of argon inside carbon nanotubes. International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering, 3(3): 1450018, 2014.

19. Hongfei Ye, Zhongqiang Zhang, Hongwu Zhang*, Zhen Chen, Zhi Zong, Yonggang Zheng. The tunable mechanical property of water-filled carbon nanotubes under an electric field. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 47: 125302, 2014.

20. Hongfei Ye, Hongwu Zhang*, Zhongqiang Zhang, and Yonggang Zheng. Water sheared by charged graphene sheets. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 26: 1897-1908, 2012.

21. Yonggang Zheng, Hongfei Ye, Zhongqiang Zhang, and Hongwu Zhang*. Water diffusion inside carbon nanotubes: Mutual effects of surface and confinement. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 14: 964-971, 2012.

22. Hongfei Ye, Hongwu Zhang*, Yonggang Zheng, and Zhongqiang Zhang. Nanoconfinement induced anomalous water diffusion inside carbon nanotubes. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 10: 1359-1364, 2011.

23. Hongfei Ye, Hongwu Zhang*, Zhongqiang Zhang, and Yonggang Zheng. Size and temperature effects on the viscosity of water inside carbon nanotubes. Nanoscale Research Letters, 6: 87, 2011.

24. Hongwu Zhang*, Hongfei Ye, Yonggang Zheng, and Zhongqiang Zhang. Prediction of the viscosity of water confined in carbon nanotubes. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 10: 403-414, 2011.

25. Hongfei Ye, Jinbao Wang and Hongwu Zhang*. Numerical algorithms for prediction of mechanical properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes based on molecular mechanics model. Computational Materials Science, 44: 1089–1097, 2009.

Educational Experience

2006.9 2012.12

  • 大连理工大学
  • 计算力学
  • Doctoral Degree

2002.9 2006.7

  • 大连理工大学
  • 工程力学
  • Bachelor's Degree

1999.9 2002.7

  • 辽宁师范大学附属高中

Work Experience

2013.1 Now
  • 大连理工大学工程力学系
  • 讲师
2013.1 2015.1
  • 大连理工大学船舶工程学院
  • 博士后

Social Affiliations

Research FocusMore>>

  • 围绕限域流体的数值计算方法与应用

  • 计算微纳米力学
  • 面向多层级结构的有限元方法与应用