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Paper Publications

Effect of pulsating flow on flow-induced vibrations of circular and square cylinders in the laminar regime

2024-07-12 Hits:

Date of Publication:2024-05-21

Journal:Ocean Engineering


ISSN No.:0029-8018

Key Words:cylinder; dynamic response; Flow ratios; fluid-structure interaction; Fluid-structure interaction; Fourier analysis; Fourier series; Frequency ratios; Galloping; Lock-in; Locks (fasteners); optimization; Oscillating cylinders; Oscillating flow; oscillation; Pulsating flow; Reynold number; Reynolds number; simulation; Square cylinders; Velocity components; vibration; Vibrations (mechanical); Vortex flow; Vortex induced vibration; Vortex shedding; vorticity

Date of Publication:2024-05-21

Zhu Xuefeng

Gender:Male Alma Mater:大连理工大学 Other Post:国家重点研发计划首席 Degree:Doctoral Degree School/Department:力学与航空航天学院 Business Address:综合实验2号楼421A Contact Information:xuefeng@dlut.edu.cn E-Mail:xuefeng@dlut.edu.cn