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现任职于大连理工大学环境学院(全燮教授团队),研究领域包括生物膜形成及调控机理、功能性生物膜载体制备、污水生物脱氮新技术以及环境分子生物学研究等(见下图)。以项目负责人身份主持国家自然科学基金项目、中国博士后面上及特别资助项目、辽宁省面上项目、企业委托项目等等。近年来在Water Research、Chemical Engineering Journal、Bioresource Technology、Environmental Research 等高水平期刊发表SCI论文数十篇,授权发明专利12项,获辽宁省科技进步一等奖1项。
>Tao Liu*, Chaohui Li, Xie Quan. Toxic effect of copper ions on anammox in IFFAS process flled with ZVI-10 modifed carriers, Environmental Research, 2024, 117893
>Tao Liu*, Jing Liu, Chaohui Li, Xie Quan. Zero valent iron modifed carriers can promote anammox resistance to tetracycline hydrochloride stress. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 109907
>Xiangqian Guan, Tao Liu*, Nan Wu, Xie Quan. Methanogenesis performance and microbial characteristics in An-IFFAS process flled with conductive suspended carriers at ambient temperature, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 109254
>Kun Liang, Tao Liu*, Xie Quan. Simultaneous removal of refractory organic pollutants and nitrogen using electron shuttle suspended bioflm carriers in an integrated hydrolysis/acidifcation-anoxic/aerobic process, Chemosphere, 2023,138946
>Tao Liu*, Qian Li, Xie Quan. Step-feed sequence batch reactor flled with surface-modifed carriers can enhance nitrogen removal from low C/N ratio wastewater, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 108848
>Nan Wu, Tao Liu*, Qian Li, Xie Quan. Enhancing anaerobic methane production in integrated floating-flm activated sludge system flled with novel MWCNTs-modifed carriers, Chemosphere, 2022,134483
>Tao Liu*, Qian Li, Nan Wu, Xie Quan. Enhancing the formation of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) bioflm and nitrogen removal performance using two-units IFFAS process flled with surface-modifed carriers, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 108316
>Tao Liu*, Ruiqi Tian, Qian Li, Nan Wu, Xie Quan, Strengthened attachment of anammox bacteria on iron-based modified carrier and its effects on anammox performance in integrated floating-film activated sludge (IFFAS) process, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 787, 147679
>Tao Liu*, Jiawei Xu, Ruiqi Tian, Xie Quan, Enhanced simultaneous nitrification and denitrification via adding N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs) in integrated floating fixed-film activated sludge process, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 166, 107884
>Tao Liu*, Xiaolu He, Guangyue Jia, Jiawei Xu, Xie Quan, Shijie You*. Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification process using novel surface-modified suspended carriers for the treatment of real domestic wastewater, Chemosphere, 2020, 247: 125831
>Tao Liu*, Guangyue Jia, Jiawei Xu, Xiaolu He, Xie Quan. Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in continuous flow MBBR with novel surface-modified carriers, Environmental Technology, 2020, 1-11
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Research FocusMore>>
- Novel nitrogen bioremoval technologies
- Preparation of functional biofilm carriers
- Mechenism of biofilm formation and control