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Numerical study of the effects of physical parameters on the dynamic fuel retention in tungsten materials


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2014-12-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI



Page Number:111-115

ISSN No.:0022-3115

Abstract:Effects of different possible values of physical parameters on the fuel retention in tungsten (W) materials are studied in this work since W is considered as the primary plasma-facing surface material and fuel retention is a critical issue for next-step fusion devices. The upgraded Hydrogen Isotope Inventory Processes Code is used to conduct the study. First, the inventories of hydrogen isotopes (HI) inside W with different possible values of diffusivities and recombination rate coefficients are studied; then the influences of uncertainties in diffusivity, trap concentration, and recombination rate on the effective diffusion are also analyzed. Finally, an illustration of effective diffusion on the permeation and inventory is given. The enhancements of HI permeation flux and inventory in bulk W due to the presence of a carbide WxC layer on the PFS are explained. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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