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Paper Publications
[1]Liu, Lizhao, Li, Xinying, Zheng, Dai, Shuyu, Huang, Xiaoming, Zhao, Jijun, JJ (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Phys, Minist Educ, Key Lab Mat Modificat Laser Ion & Electron Beams, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China., Huang, XM (reprint author), Sch Ocean Sci & Technol, Panjin 124221.Tunable bending modulus and bending limit of oxidized graphene[J],NANOSCALE,2020,12(3):1623-1628
[2]Oishi, T., Morita, S., Dai, S.Y., Kobayashi, M., Kawamura, G., Liu, Y., Goto.Doppler profile diagnostics on VUV spectra for the impurity ion temperature in edge plasmas of La...[A],2018,1289(1)
[3]Shi, Quan, Wang, Dezhen, Dai, Shuyu, SY (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Phys, Minist Educ, Key Lab Mat Modificat Laser Ion & Electron Beams, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..3D modelling of tungsten fuzz growth under the bombardment of helium plasma[J],Fusion Engineering and Design,2018,136(,SI):554-557
[4]Dai, S. Y., Oishi, T., Kawamura, G., Kobayashi, M., Morita, S., Feng, Y., Wang, D. Z., SY (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Phys, Minist Educ, Key Lab Mat Modificat Laser Ion & Electron Beams, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Three-dimensional simulations of edge impurity flow obtained by the vacuum ultraviolet emission...[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2018,58(9)
[5]Kawamura, G., Tanaka, H., Mukai, K., Peterson, B., Dai, S. Y., Masuzaki, S., Kobayashi, M., Suzuki, Y., Feng, G (reprint author), Natl Inst Nat Sci, Natl Inst Fus Sci, Toki, Gifu 5095292, Japan., Kawamura, Grad Univ Adv Studies SOKENDAI, Dept Fus Sci.Three-dimensional impurity transport modeling of neon-seeded and nitrogen-seeded LHD plasmas[J],PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION,2018,60(8)
[6]Xu, J. C., Deng, G. Z., Dai, S. Y., Yao, D. M., Luo, G. N., Guo, H. Y., Wang, L., G. S., Feng, W., Liu, H., J. B., Zhang, Ming, T. F., Yip, C.S., L (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Plasma Phys, Hefei 230031, Anhui, Peoples R China..Upgrade Design of Lower Divertor Langmuir Probe Diagnostic System in the EAST Tokamak[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,2018,46(5,SI):1331-1337
[7]Dai, Shuyu, Wang, Dezhen, SY (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Phys, Key Lab Mat Modificat Laser Ion & Elect Beams, Minist Educ, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Impact of sheath evolution on ion impinging energy on the target during edge localized modes[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2018,58(1)
[8]戴舒宇, 王德真.Three-dimensional simulations of edge impurity flow obtained by the vacuum ultraviolet emission d...[J],Nuclear Fusion,2018,58:96024-
[9]戴舒宇, 王德真.Investigation of edge impurity transport derived from the first wall on EAST with EMC3-EIRENE mod...[J],Fusion Engineering and Design,2018,136:699-705
[10]Oishi, T., Morita, S., Dai, S. Y., Kobayashi, M., Kawamura, G., Huang, X. L., Zhang, H. M., Liu, Y., Goto, T (reprint author), Natl Inst Nat Sci, Natl Inst Fus Sci, 322-6 Oroshi Cho, Toki, Gifu 5095292, Japan., Oishi, SOKENDAI, Dept Fus Sci.Observation of carbon impurity flow in the edge stochastic magnetic field layer of Large Helica...[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2018,58(1)
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