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- [1]史思琪, 金士杰, Zhang, Donghui, Liao, Jingyu, Fu, Dongxin, 林莉.Improving Ultrasonic Testing by Using Machine Learning Framework Based on Model Interpretation St...[J],Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition),2024,36(1)
- [2]罗忠兵, 刘振浩, Li, Fei-long, 金士杰.Defects Imaging in Corner Part with Surface Adaptive Ultrasonic and Focusing in Receiving (FiR) S...[J],JOURNAL OF NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION,2024,43(2)
- [3]金士杰, 狄成军, Su, Jiakai, Shi, Siqi, 罗忠兵.Profile reconstruction of irregular planar defects by mirrored composite-mode total focusing meth...[J],NDT and E International,2024,141
- [4]金士杰, 王欣皓, Wang, Zhicheng, 罗忠兵.Defect detection of spherical heads by time-of-flight diffraction[J],Applied Acoustics,2024,216
- [5]金士杰, 杨雅喃, 田鑫, 史思琪, 林莉.微流控芯片流道特征超声C扫描分析[J],应用声学,2024,42(6):1123-1128
- [6]廖静瑜, 苏嘉凯, 李潇, 张晓峰, 金士杰, 杨会敏, 林莉.核电站BOSS焊缝缺陷超声全聚焦检测[J],无损探伤,2024,47(01):1-4+9
- [7]廖静瑜, 孙旭, 刘梓昱, 金士杰, 张东辉, 林莉.基于频域稀疏盲解卷积的奥氏体不锈钢TOFD盲区小缺陷定量检测[J],无损检测,2024,45(07):70-75
- [8]罗忠兵, Wang, Hong, Zhang, Song, Li, Fengzhong, 金士杰.A phased array ultrasonic-based enhanced strategy of critically refracted longitudinal (LCR) wave...[J],NDT and E International,133
- [9]金士杰, 张波, 孙旭, 王志诚, 林莉.基于 TOFD 周向扫查图像特征的管道缺陷超声检测[J],Journal of Mechanical Engineering,59(4):18-24
- [10]金士杰, Wang, Zhi-cheng, Yang, Ya-nan, 罗忠兵.Corrected Mode-Converted Wave Method for Detecting Defects in TOFD Dead Zone[J],Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation,42(3)
- [11]金士杰, 王志诚, 田鑫, 孙旭, 林莉.基于半跨模式波的铝合金板底面缺陷TOFD检测[J],航空学报,2024,44(4)
- [12]严凡, 林莉, 金士杰.超声全矩阵数据联合稀疏重构的多测量向量模型应用[J],应用声学,2024,42(3):523-528
- [13]孙旭, 林莉, 马志远, 金士杰.Enhancement of time resolution in ultrasonic time-of-flight diffraction technique with frequency ...[J],IEEE Transactions On Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control,2021,68(10):3204-3215
- [14]金士杰, 孙旭, 罗忠兵, 马天天, 林莉.Quantitative detection of shallow subsurface cracks in pipeline with Time-of-Flight diffraction t...[J],NDT & E International,2021,118:102397-
- [15]金士杰, 刘晨飞, 史思琪, 林莉, 罗忠兵.Profile reconstruction and quantitative detection of planar defects with composite-mode total foc...[J],NDT & E International,2021,123:102518-
- [16]金士杰, 张波, 孙旭, 林莉.Reduction of layered dead zone in time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD) for pipeline with spectrum an...[J],Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation,2021,40(2):48-
- [17]史思琪, 林莉, 罗忠兵, 孙旭, 金士杰.Resolution Enhancement of Ultrasonic Imaging at Oblique Incidence by using WTFM based on FMC-AR[J],Measurement,2021,183:109798-
- [18]金士杰, 刘晨飞, 史思琪, 廖静瑜, 林莉.基于全模式全聚焦方法的裂纹超声成像定量检测[J],仪器仪表学报,2021,42(1):183-190
- [19]赵天伟, 廖静瑜, 金士杰, 杨会敏, 康达.带不锈钢堆焊层的主管道焊缝全聚焦超声检测[J],无损检测,2021,43(8):62-66
- [20]林莉, 史思琪, 孙旭, 马志远, 张晓峰, 刘丽丽, 金士杰.基于自回归谱外推的全聚焦成像分辨力提升[J],机械工程学报,2021,56(22):8-13