Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2020-10-01
Included Journals:SCIE
ISSN No.:0263-8231
Key Words:Thermoplastic sandwich structures; Mechanical properties; Failure mechanisms; Energy absorption; Multi-objective optimization
Abstract:Sandwich structures have attracted increasing attention in engineering applications due to their lightweight effect and energy absorbing capacity. In the current work, fully-thermoplastic honeycomb sandwich structures with 100% recyclability were developed, which consisted of continuous glass fiber-reinforced polypropylene (PP/GF) face sheets, polypropylene (PP) core and assembled using thermoplastic adhesive films. The experimental tests and numerical analysis were conducted to investigate the bending behavior and energy absorption of PP-based sandwich structures. Firstly, a series of three-point bending experiments were tested and the influences of structural factors on bending behaviors were investigated. The typical deformation modes were explored and the damaged microstructure of face-sheets were observed. Finite element models of the sandwich structures were developed to capture the deformation process, and the simulation results were validated with the experimental data. Afterwards, a multi-objective optimization was performed to seek for the maximum specific energy absorption together with the minimum initial peak force simultaneously. Response surface method was adopted to construct objective response functions and used for the defined optimization problem.