Associate Professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Title of Paper:高温液态水预处理木质纤维素
Date of Publication:2022-10-09
Page Number:11-17
ISSN No.:1672-5425
Abstract:Physical and chemical properties of hot liquid water were introduced.Lignocellulose dissolution in the process of hot liquid water pretreatment,the factors and mechanism of hemicellulose hydrolysis were re-viewed and analyzed in this paper.The hydrolytic process of cellulose was discribed.Both the lignocellulose type and enzyme hydrolysis efficiency should be taken into consideration while choosing pretreatment process of hot liquid water.In addition,the mechanism of hemicellulose hydrolysis in hot liquid water was discussed in order to guide and control the pretreatment process.
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