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李焕杰,大连理工大学生物医学工程学院副教授,博士生导师。大连理工大学“星海骨干”,国际脑影像和行为期刊BBI-intergrative编委,Frontiers in Neuroscience期刊的review editor,中国心理学会脑成像专委会委员。2015年博士毕业于北京大学医学物理专业,并于2016年至2018年在美国哈佛大学医学院麦克林医院(全美排名第一的精神病医院)进行为期2年的博士后科学研究。主要研究方向:围绕“个体-组间-中心间”建立一体化的大样本脑功能和脑结构磁共振成像数据质量增强和分析平台,全面保障不同维度(个体- 组间-中心间)和不同角度(结构-功能)磁共振成像数据研究的准确性和可靠性。建立客观可靠的脑重大精神疾病和脑发育影像指标,推动脑影像研究成果向临床转化,助力实现精准医疗。目前已在脑成像领域权威期刊(NeuroImage和Human Brain Mapping)发表高水平期刊论文20余篇,国际会议论文20余篇,软件著作权2项,联合出版脑科学专著1部。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项、省部级项目2项,获批辽宁省国际科技合作计划项目(100万元);作为项目骨干参与中国脑计划的科技创新2030--“脑科学与类脑研究“重大项目,其中个人承担科研经费100.0万元,参与国家级项目5项,个人承担科研总经费300余万元。
D.Y. Zhou, Z.M. Liu, G.Y. Gong, Y.G. Zhang, L. Lin, K.L. Cai, H.S. Xu, F.Y. Cong, H.J. Li*, A.G. Chen*. Decreased functional and structural connectivity is associated with core symptom improvement in children with autism spectrum disorder after Mini-Basketball Training Program. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2023, Accepted. JCR-Q1
Y.X. Hao, H.S. Xu, M.R. Xia, C.W. Yan, Y.G. Zhang, D.Y. Zhou, T. Kärkkäinen, L.D. Nickerson*, H.J. Li*, F.Y. Cong. Removal of site effects and enhancement of signal using dual projection independent component analysis for pooling multi-site MRI data. European Journal of Neuroscience. 2023, 58(6): 3466-3487. JCR-Q2
H.S. Xu, Y.X. Hao, Y.G. Zhang, D.Y. Zhou, T. Kärkkäinen, L.D. Nickerson*, H.J. Li*, F.Y. Cong. Harmonization of multi-site functional MRI data with dual-projection based ICA model. Frontiers in neuroscience, 2023, 17: 1225606. JCR-Q2
W. Zhao, H.J. Li* (co-first author), Y.X. Hao, G.Q. Hu, Y.G. Zhang, B.B. Frederick*, F.Y. Cong. An Efficient fMRI Data Reduction Strategy Using Neighborhood Preserving Embedding Algorithm. Human Brain Mapping, 2022, 43(5): 1561-1576. JCR-Q1
L. Lin, J.D Zhang, Y.T Liu, X.Y Hao, J. Shen, Y. Yu, H.S Xu, F.Y Cong, H.J Li*, J.L Wu*. Aberrant Brain Functional Networks in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Graph Theoretical and Support-vector Machine Approach. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2022, Online. JCR-Q2
W. Zhao, H.J. Li (co-first author), Y.X. Hao, F.Y. Cong*. Consistency of Independent Component Analysis for FMRI. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 2021, 351: 109013.
H.J. Li, Smith. SM, Gruber. S, Lukas. SE, Silveri. MM, Hill KP, Killgore WDS, Nickerson LD.Denoising scanner effects from multimodal MRI data using linked independent component analysis. NeuroImage, 2020, 208: 116388. JCR-Q1
H.J. Li, L.D. Nickerson, T.E. Nichols, J.H. Gao*. Comparison of a voxelation-corrected cluster-size test withTFCE inference for group-level MRI analysis. Human Brain Mapping, 2017, 38: 1269-1280. JCR-Q1
H.J. Li, L.D. Nickerson, J.H. Xiong, Q.H. Zou, Y. Fan, Y.J. Ma, T.Q. Shi, J.Q. Ge, J.H. Gao*. A high performance3D cluster-based test of unsmoothed fMRI data. NeuroImage, 2014, 98: 537-546. JCR-Q1
H.J. Li*, L.D. Nickerson, X.N. Zhao, T.E. Nichols, J.H. Gao*. A Voxelation-corrected Non-stationary 3D Cluster-size Test Based on Random Field Theory. NeuroImage, 2015, 118: 676-682. JCR-Q1
G.Q Hu, H.J. Li, W.Zhao, Y.X Hao, Z.L Bai, L.D Nickerson, F.Y Cong, Discovering hidden brain network responses to naturalistic stimuli via tensor component analysis of multi-subject fMRI data, NeuroImage, 2022, 255, 119193.
Y.Y. Zhang, W.Y. Du, Y.Y. Yin, H.J. Li, Z.W. Liu, Y. Yang, Y. Han, J.H. Gao. Impaired cerebral vascular and metabolic responses to parametric N-back tasks in subjective cognitive decline. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism. 2021, 41: 2743-2755. JCR-Q1
YY. Zhang, YY. Yin, H.J. Li, JH. Gao. Measurement of CMRO 2 and its relationship with CBF in hypoxia with an extended calibrated BOLD method. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism. 2020, 40: 2066-2080. JCR-Q1
G.Q Hu, Q. Zhang, A.B. Waters, H.J. Li, C. Zhang, J.L Wu, F.Y Cong, L.D Nickerson. Tensor clustering on outer-product of Coefficient and Component Matrices of Independent Component Analysis for Reliable Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data Decomposition. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2019, 325:108359. JCR-Q2
R. Mahini, TY. Zhou, P Li, AK. Nandi, H.J. Li, H. Li, FY. Cong. Cluster Aggregation for Analyzing Event-Related Potentials.Advance in Neural Networks, PT II.14th International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN). 2017, 10262:507-515. EI
X. Jiang, J.W. Sheng, H.J. Li, Y.H. Chai, X. Zhou, B. Wu, X.D. Guo, J.H. Gao*. Detection of Sub-NanoteslaOscillatory Magnetic Fields Using MRI. Magn. Reson. Med. 75: 519-26, 2016. JCR-Q1
Y.J. Ma, W.T. Liu, X.N. Zhao, W.N. Tang, H.J. Li, Y. Fan, X. Tang, Y.Y. Zhang, J.H. Gao*. 3D inter-slab echo-shifted FLASH sequence for susceptibility weighted imaging. Magn. Reson. Med. 2016, 76: 222-228. JCR-Q1
Y.J. Ma, W.T. Liu, X.N. Zhao, W.N. Tang, X. Tang, Y. Fan, H.J. Li, J.H. Gao*. Improved Adaptive Reconstructionof Multichannel MR Images. Med. Physics. 2015, 42: 637-44. JCR-Q2
Y. Fan, L.D. Nickerson, H.J. Li, Y.J. Ma, B.J. Lyu, X.Y. Miao, Y. Zhuo, J.Q. Ge, Q.H. Zou, J.H. Gao*. Functional Connectivity-Based Parcellation of the Thalamus: An Unsupervised Clustering Method and Its Validity Investigation. Brian Connec. 2015, 5: 620-630. JCR-Q2
X. Jiang, H.J. Li, Q.F. Luo, J.H. Gao*. Modeling MR signal change induced by oxygen effect in neuronal tissuepreparations of various geometries. Mag. Reson. Med. 2011, 65: 1258-64. JCR-Q1
H.J. Li, L.D. Nickerson. Investigate Brain Structure and Functional Variation of Heavy Cannabis Use with Multimodal MRI data. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2020.
Y.X. Hao, W. Zhao, B.K. Chen, F.Y. Cong, H.J. Li. A Dual-projection MRI Data Denoising Method Based on ICA and Regression. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2020.
W. Zhao, Y.X. Hao, B.K. Chen, H.J. Li, F.Y. Cong. A NPE-mutated method to strengthen outcomes of ICA on both individual and group level fMRI data. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2020.
Reza Mahini, Chi Zhang, H.J. Li, et al. Multiple-Subject Consensus Clustering for Determination of Time-Window of Mismatch Negativity Component. The 8th Mismatch Negativity conference, 2018.
Marisa Silveri, H.J. Li, et al. Adolescent Changes in Task FMRI BOLD Signal Accounting for Longitudinal Reductions in Global Grey Matter Perfusion. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2018.
H.J. Li, S.A. Gruber, S.M. Smith, S.E. Lukas, M. Silveri, K.P. Hill, W.D.S Killgore, L.D. Nickerson. Combining Multi-Site/Study MRI Data: A Novel Linked-ICA Denoising Method for Removing Scanner and Site Variability from Multi-Modal MRI Data. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2018. Power Pitch.
L.D. Nickerson, H.J. Li, M. Silveri, S.E. Lukas, K.P. Hill, W.D.S Killgore, S.A. Gruber. Data Fusion to Investigate Multimodal MRI Patterns Associated with Chronic Heavy Marijuana Use. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2018.
H.J. Li, S.A. Gruber, S.E. Lukas, L.D. Nickerson. Data Fusion to Investigate the Effect of Chronic Heavy Marijuana Use on Brain Structure. Harvard Psychiatry Research Day and Mysell Lecture. Harvard Medical School, 2017.
H.S. Xu, L.D. Nickerson, F.Y. Cong, H.J. Li. Cluster-size test based on back propagation neural network. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2017.
H.J. Li, L.D. Nickerson, T.E. Nichols, J.H. Gao. Evaluation the cluster-size inference with random field and permutation methods for group-level MRI analysis. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2016.
H.J. Li, L.D. Nickerson, T.E. Nichols, J.H. Gao. A Voxelation-corrected Non-stationary 3D Cluster-size Test Based on Random Field Theory. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2015.
H.J. Li, L.D. Nickerson, J.H. Xiong, J.H. Gao. A high performance 3D cluster-based test of unsmoothed fMRI data. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2014.
H.J. Li, L.D. Nickerson, J.H. Xiong, J.H. Gao. A more effective cluster-based fMRI data analysis strategy for unsmoothed data. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2014.
H.J. Li, J.H. Xiong, Q.H. Zou, J.H. Gao. The comparison between an improved 3D cluster-size test and TFCE method without spatial smoothness. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2013.
H.J. Li, J.H. Xiong, Q.H. Zou, J.H. Gao. 3D clustered voxels analysis in functional MR imaging. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), 2012.
主持,李焕杰,辽宁省国际科技合作计划,中国-印度多中心脑功能磁共振成像数据联合实验室 (2022JH2/10700002),2022.09.01-2025.08.31,100万。
主持,李焕杰,丛丰裕,王孝武,庄严,丛明,褚金奎,大连理工大学重点基地平台项目, 类脑科学学科交叉平台(DUT20LAB303),2020.1.1-2021.12.31,60万。
主持,李焕杰,蔡兆诚,Lisa Nickerson, 国家级,国自然科学青年基金,不依赖强度阈值和空间平滑的磁共振成像团簇检验模型(81601484), 2017.01-2019.12,21万。
主持,李焕杰,基于神经网络的磁共振成像统计分析模型,中国博士后面上基金,2017.05-2019.05, 5万。
主持,李焕杰,基于Monte Carlo模拟的磁共振程序写团簇检验模型,大连理工大学基本科研业务费二期,2017.01-2018.12,5万。
主持,李焕杰,大连理工大学基本科研业务费一期,组间磁共振成像数据统计分析(DUT15RC(3)086), 2015年9月-2016 年12月,5万。
项目骨干,夏明睿,李焕杰,童琪琦,张瑜,科技部,儿童青少年磁共振脑影像的多中心校正计算方法研究(2022ZD0211500),2022.08-2027.07,500万 (个人承担100万)。
参与,丛丰裕,张驰,李焕杰,国家级,JW创新特区,基于功能性脑成像的雷达兵精神疲劳检测,2017.08-2018.07, 60万。
参与,薛春东,李焕杰,国家级,国自然科学基金,复杂流体中纳米颗粒的流动介导扩散研究,2019.01-2021.12, 34万。