
- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:西北工业大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:材料科学与工程学院
- 学科:材料连接技术. 材料加工工程
- 办公地点:大连理工大学材料科学与工程学院铸造中心206室
- 联系方式:一三四 七八五五 六八一六
- 电子邮箱:lipeng2016@dlut.edu.cn
董红刚, 雷明凯, Yang, Jiang, 李炎光, Xia, Yueqing, Hao, Xiaohu, 李鹏, Sun, Dongsheng, Hu, Jianjun, 周文龙.Evolution of interface and tensile properties in 5052 aluminum alloy/304 stainless steel rotary friction welded joint after post-weld heat treatment[J],Journal of Manufacturing Processes,2020,51:142-150
李鹏, 董红刚.Effect of inhomogeneous interface structure on mechanical and electrical properties of rotary friction welded aluminum alloy/copper joints[A],JIM Autumn Meeting 2018,2018,371-
李鹏, Wang, Shuai, Xia, Yueqing, Hao, Xiaohu, 董红刚.Diffusion bonding of AlCoCrFeNi2.1 eutectic high entropy alloy to TiAl alloy[J],Journal of Materials Science Technology,2020,45:59-69
李鹏, 马超群, 李艳光, 董红刚.铝/钢旋转摩擦焊接接头微观组织与腐蚀性能不均匀性研究[J],电焊机,2021,50(9):60-68
Awais Akhtar, 董红刚, 夏月庆, 李鹏.Lap joining 5052 aluminum alloy to Ti6Al4V titanium alloy by GTAW process with AlSi12 filler wire[J],China Welding,2021,29(3):1-8
夏月庆, 董红刚, 张润泽, 王亚强, 郝晓虎, 李鹏, 董闯.Interfacial microstructure and shear strength of Ti6Al4V alloy/316L stainless steel joint brazed with Ti33.3Zr16.7Cu50-xNix amorphous filler metals[J],Materials and Design,2021,187:108380-