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- [21]王宏伟, 夏浩.一种新的非均匀多采样率系统的辨识方法[A],the 32nd Chinese Control Conference(第三十二届中国控制会议),2022,1792-1796
- [22]庞岩, 李维亮, 夏浩.与线性混杂自动机等价的状态依赖空间模型[J],控制理论与应用,2022,3:339-345
- [23]杨鑫, 王大维, 王宇新, 白鑫, 葛宏伟, 夏浩.互补MOOC的主动式课堂建设方法探究[J],现代教育技术,2022,1:115-120
- [24]Bao, Chao, Yang, Junqi, 夏浩.A fast online procedure of background current elimination from dynamic rod worth measurement[J],ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY,2022,158
- [25]庞岩, 夏浩.A hybrid modeling and optimization approach for scheduling problems of assembly automation proc...[J],PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART I JOURNAL OF SY,2022,230(8):778-785
- [26]夏浩, 李玉明.A Method of Performance Assessment of PID Controller with Actuator Saturation[A],International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronic, Industrial and Control Engineering (MEIC),2022,8:824-828
- [27]王宏伟, 连捷, 夏浩.A Multiple Sub-Models Self-Tuning Control Algorithm of Non-Uniformly Sampled Systems Based on A...[A],27th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC),2022,415-420
- [28]夏浩, Jia, Peilin, Xu, Qiancheng.A new event-based control design for first-order unstable processes with time delay[A],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 38TH CHINESE CONTROL CONFERENCE (CCC),2022,2019-July:1789-1794
- [29]王宏伟, 夏浩.A new identification method for non-uniformly sampled-data systems[A],32nd Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2013,2022,1792-1796
- [30]Zhang, Pingyue, Jingyu, 杜宪, 夏浩, 吴玉虎.Comparative Study on LADRC and NLADRC of VGT-EGR System in Diesel Engine[A],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 39TH CHINESE CONTROL CONFERENCE,2022,5566-5571
- [31]夏浩, Wang, Weijie, 庞岩.Continuous crystallization process control with deep Galerkin method[A],Chinese Control Conference, CCC,2022,2021-July:2537-2542
- [32]夏浩, 吴硕, 张苏.Control synthesis of PbS-TiO₂ hollow hybrid structures through ion adsorption-heating progress a...[J],Chemistry An Asian Journal,2022
- [33]夏浩, Li, Zhifen.Crystallization Simulation and Optimization in Continuous Oscillatory Baffled Crystallizer[A],2018 37TH CHINESE CONTROL CONFERENCE (CCC),2022,2018-July:1752-1757
- [34]庞岩, 李维亮, 夏浩.线性混杂自动机的非线性广义最小方差控制[J],控制与决策,2022,2:201-207
- [35]夏浩, Li, Zhifen.Modeling and optimization of continuous crystallization using a continuous oscillatory baffled cr...[A],30th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2018,2022,835-839
- [36]Han, Siqi, 庞岩, 夏浩.Modeling and Tracking Control of Tethered Kite Systems[A],37th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2018,2022,2018-July:7476-7481
- [37]夏浩, Li, Zengle, Yang, Xiluo.Optimal alarm threshold under time-varying operating conditions[A],2018 37TH CHINESE CONTROL CONFERENCE (CCC),2022,2018-July:5948-5953
- [38]夏浩, 于明莉.PI控制器在执行器饱和时跟踪性能评价方法[A],第25届中国过程控制会议,2022,6
- [39]庞岩, 夏浩, Grimble, Michael J..Resilient Nonlinear Control for Attacked Cyber-Physical Systems[J],IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics Systems,2022,50(6):2129-2138
- [40]夏浩, Jia, Peilin, Ma, Liang.Robust Multi-Objective Optimization for Gas Turbine Operation Based on Kriging Surrogate Model[A],Chinese Control Conference, CCC,2022,2021-July:6704-6709