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个人信息Personal Information
主要任职:盘锦校区食品与环境学院副院长 Vice Dean School of Food and Environment Panjin Campus Dalian University of Technology
学科:环境工程. 环境科学
办公地点:环境学院 B 505
化工 海洋与生命学院 D05-201
Selected peer-reviewed journal papers before 2013
H. Li, L. Liu and F. Yang. Covalent assembly of 3D graphene/polypyrrole foams for oil spill cleanup. J. Mater. Chem. A. 2013 (1), 3446-3453.
B. Gao, L. Liu, J. Liu and F. Yang. A photo-catalysis and rotating nano-CaCO3 dynamic membrane system with Fe-ZnIn2S4 efficiently removes halogenated compounds in water. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental.Accepted on 3-Feb- 2013.
L. Liu, F. Zhao, J. Liu and F. Yang. Preparation of Highly Conductive Cathodic Membrane with Graphene (Oxide)/PPy and the Membrane Antifouling Property in Filtrating Yeast Suspensions in EMBR. Journal of Membrane Science 2013, 437(15), 99-107.
L. Liu, B. Gao, J. Liu and F. Yang. Rotating a helical membrane for turbulence enhancement and fouling reduction. Chemical Engineering Journal 2012 (181-182), 486-493.
L. Liu, C. Zhao and F. Yang. TiO2 and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) coated polyester filter in bioreactor for wastewater treatment. Water Research 2012(46), 1969-1978.
J. Liu, L. Liu, B. Gao and F. Yang. Integration of bio-electrochemical cell in membrane bioreactor for membrane cathode fouling reduction through electricity generation. Journal of Membrane Science 2013(430), 196-202.
L. Liu, J. Liu, B. Gao and F. Yang. Minute electric field reduced membrane fouling and improved performance of membrane bioreactor. Separation and Purification Technology 2012(86), 106-112.
B. Gao, L. Liu, J. Liu and F. Yang. Photocatalytic degradation of 2,4,6-tribromophenol over Fe doped ZnIn2S4 stable activity and enhanced debromination. Applied catalysis B: Environmental 2013(129), 89-97.
H. Li, L. Liu and F. Yang. Hydrophobic modification of polyurethane foam for oil spill cleanup, Marine Pollution Bulletin 2012(64), 1648-1653.
L. Liu, L. Xiao and F. Yang. Terylene membrane modification with Polyrotaxanes, TiO2 and Polyvinyl alcohol for better antifouling and adsorption property. Journal of Membrane Science 2009(333), 110-117.
L. Liu, X. Xu, C. Zhao and F. Yang. A new helical membrane module for increasing permeate flux. Journal of Membrane Science 2010(360), 142-148.
L. Liu, F. Chen and F. Yang. Stable photocatalytic activity of immobilized FeO/TiO2/ACF on composite membrane in degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol. Separation and Purification Technology. 2009(70), 173-178.
J. Liu, L. Liu, B. Gao and F. Yang. Cathode membrane fouling reduction and sludge property in membrane bioreactor integrating electrocoagulation and electrostatic repulsion. Separation and Purification Technology 2012(100), 44-50.
L. Liu, F. Chen, F. Yang and Y. Chen and J. Crittenden. Photocatalytic degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol using nanoscale Fe/TiO2.. Chemical Engineering Journal 2012(181-182), 189-195.
L. Liu, J. Liu, G. Bo, F. Yang, J. Crittenden and Y. Chen. Conductive and hydrophilic polypyrrole modified membrane cathodes and fouling reduction in MBR. Journal of Membrane Science 2013(429), 252-258.
L. Jie, L. Liu, F. Yang, F. Liu and Z. Liu. The configuration and application of helical membrane modules in MBR. Journal of Membrane Science 2012(392-393), 112-121.
L. Liu, J. Liu, B. Gao, F. Yang and S. Chellam. Fouling reductions in a membrane bioreactor using an intermittent electric field and cathodic membrane modified by vapor phase polymerized pyrrole. Journal of Membrane Science 2012 (394–395), 202-208.
Y. Zhou, G. Zhang, J. Chen, G. Yuan, L. Xu, L. Liu and F. Yang. A facile two-step electroreductive synthesis of anthraquinone/graphene nanocomposites as efficient electrocatalyst for O2 reduction in neutral medium. Electrochemistry Communications 2012(22), 69-72.
L. Liu, G. Zheng and F. Yang. Adsorptive removal and oxidation of organic pollutants from water using a novel membrane. Chemical Engineering Journal 2010(156), 553-556.
Q. Meng, F. Yang, L. Liu and F. Meng. Effects of COD/N ratio and DO concentration on simultaneous nitrifcation and denitrifcation in an airlift internal circulation membrane bioreactor. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2008(20), 933-939.
L. LIU, B. John and K. YEUNG. Non-UV germicidal activity of fresh TiO2 and Ag/TiO2. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2009(21), 700-706.
G. Zhang, F. Yang, M. Gao, X. Fang and L. Liu, Electro-Fenton degradation of azo dye using polypyrrole/anthraquinone disulphonate composite film modified graphite cathode in acidic aqueous solutions. Electrochimica Acta. 2008(53), 5155-5161.
M. Gao, F. Yang, G. Zhang, L. Liu and X. Wang. Effects of poly-1,5-diaminoanthraquinone morphology on oxygen reduction in acidic solution. Electrochimica Acta 2009(54), 2224-2228.
P. An, X. Xu, F. Yang, L. Liu and S. Liu. A pilot-scale study on nitrogen removal from dry-spun acrylic fiber wastewater using anammox process. Chemical Engineering Journal 2013(222), 32–40.
G. Zhang, F. Yang, M. Gao and L. Liu. Electrocatalytic Behavior of the Bare and the Anthraquinonedisulfonate /Polypyrrole Composite Film Modified Graphite Cathodes in the Electro-Fenton System. J. Phys. Chem. C 2008(112), 8957–8962.
M. Gao, F. Yang, X. Wang, G. Zhang and L. Liu. Electrochemical Characteristics and Stability of Poly(1,5-diamino-anthraquinone) in Acidic Aqueous Solution. J. Phys. Chem. C 2008(112), 4018–4024.
M. Gao, F. Yang, X. Wang, G. Zhang, and L. Liu. Electrochemical Characteristics and Stability of Poly(1,5-diaminoanthraquinone) in Acidic Aqueous Solution. J. Phys. Chem. C 2007(111), 17268–17274.
C. Wang, F. Yang, L. Liu et al. Hydrophilic and antibacterial properties of polyvinyl alcohol/4-vinylpyridine graft polymer modified polypropylene non-woven fabric membranes. Journal of membrane science. 2009(345), 223-232.
L. Liu, P. Zhang and F. Yang. Adsorptive removal of 2,4 DCP from water by fresh or regenerated chitosan/ ACF/ TiO2. Separation and purification Technology 2010(70), 354-361.
L. Liu, D. Huang and F. Yang. Toluene recovery from simulated gas effluent using POMS membrane separation technique. Separation and Purification Technology 2009(66), 411-416.
F. Meng, H. Zhang, F. Yang and L. Liu. Characterization of cake layer in submerged membrane bioreactor. Environmental science and Technology 2007(41), 4065-4070.
J. Xiao, H. Zhang, F. Yang and L. Liu. Comparison between a sequencing batch membrane bioreactor and a conventional membrane bioreactor. Process Biochemistry 2006(41), 87-95.
R. Li, L. Liu and F. Yang. Preparation of polyaniline/reduced graphene oxide nano-composites and its applications in adsorption of aqueous Hg(II). Chemical engineering journal, accepted and online 2013. Doi10.1016/j.cej.2013.05.089
Y. Han, L. Liu and F. Yang. Using dynamic membrane to separate silicone from silicone processing wastewater. Membrane Science and Technology 2010(30), 89-93.
J. Suo, L. Liu, F. L. Yang, Preparation of Immobilized Cu/BiVO4 composite photocatalysts and photocatalytic degradation of toluene in air, Journal of catalysis 2009(30), 323-327.
L. Liu, S. Zhao and F. Yang. Study on photocatalytic removal of HCHO from air using PANI/TiO2-SiO2 composite catalyst. China Environmental Science 2009(29), 362-367.
M. Sun, L. Liu, et al. The effect of tourmaline powders on the preparation of nanoTiO2 and photocatalytic oxidation of toluene in air. Imaging science and photochemistry 2008(26), 177-185.
L. Liu, X. Dong, et al, Photocatalytic reduction of nitrate by AgTiO2 catalyst, Chinese journal of inorganic chemistry 2008 (2), 56-62.
X. Li, L. Liu, et al. Nitrogen removal via coupled ammonia oxidation and nitrite reduction using Pt/TiO2 and photocatalysis, Chinese Journal of inorganic chemistry. 2006(7), 1180-1186.
R. Fang, C. Zhao, L. Liu, et. al. Nonwoven modified MBR treating polyester wastewater, Chinese journal of environmental engineering. 2010, 4(9) 2005-2008
F. Zhao, L. Liu, F. Yang and N. Ren, E-Fenton degradation of MB during filtration with Gr/PPy modified membrane cathode, Chemical Engineering Journal. Doi10.1016/j.cej.2013.06.117
L. Liu, B. Shao and F. Yang, Polydopamine coating-surface modification of polyester filter and fouling reduction, Separation and purification Technology, 2013(118), 226–233.
J. Song, L. Liu, F. Yang, N. Ren, J. Crrittenden, Enhanced electricity generation by triclosan and iron anodes in the three chambered membrane biochemical reactor(TC-MBCR), Bioresource Technology, doi/10.1016/j.biortech.2013.07.062
Invited presentations and talks at conferences and dedicated seminars, selected
“Membrane Bioreactor Coupled with Microbial Fuel Cell for Enhancing Treatment Efficiency and Reducing Energy Consumption” Euromembrane 2012. Queen Elizabeth II conference, London, UK, 23-27 Sept 2012.
“New membrane and nano-material in efficient water treatment for ecological risk abatement and pollution control” ECI Separation Technology VIII sustainable separation technology for energy and environmental challenges, Kona, Hawaii, USA, 22 Dec 2010.
“ modified polyester membrane reduced membrane fouling and facilitated application of electric field in MBR” ACS polymer chemistry annual meeting on membrane mediated water processes, Alisomer, Pacific Groove, Monterey , USA , 27 Feb -2 Mar 2011.
“Regenerative adsorptive membrane for removaing micropollutant EDCs from water” Advanced membrane technology IV, membrane for clean and sustainable processes, Trondheim, Norway, 7-12 June 2009.
“Techniques for membrane fouling reduction in MBR and enhancement in water treatment efficiency” 6th IWA Specialist conference on Membrane Technology for Water & wastewater Treatment, Aachen, Germany, 4-7 Oct 2011.
“Membrane and Adsorptive Catalysis in Efficient Water Treatment” China EU Summit on membrane Engineering in water treatments and Reuse, Weihai, China, 1-3 Nov. 2009.
“Applying A/O-MBR treating petrochemical fiber wastewater” The 6th international conference on China urban water development, Jinan, China, 2011.
“Energy-saving potential in membrane process and the technological and economic feasibility of new techniques” The 7th international conference on China urban water development, Ningbo, China, October 2012.
“Membrane, module and material for pollution control” School of civil and environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA, 2011.
“Membrane, module and material for pollution control” Canadian National Research Council, Energy mining and Environment, Ottawa, Canada, April 2011.
“The primary study about integrating chemical cell and MFC in to MBR for wastewater treatment” The 3rd symposium on MFC Harbin, China, 31 Aug-1 Sept 2012.