Bin Liu
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Paper Publications
AResU-Net: Attention Residual U-Net for Brain Tumor Segmentation

Indexed by:Journal Papers

Date of Publication:2020-05-01


Included Journals:SCIE



Key Words:brain tumor segmentation; MRI; deep learning; attention mechanism; AResU-Net

Abstract:Automatic segmentation of brain tumors from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a challenging task due to the uneven, irregular and unstructured size and shape of tumors. Recently, brain tumor segmentation methods based on the symmetric U-Net architecture have achieved favorable performance. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of enhancing local responses for feature extraction and restoration has also been shown in recent works, which may encourage the better performance of the brain tumor segmentation problem. Inspired by this, we try to introduce the attention mechanism into the existing U-Net architecture to explore the effects of local important responses on this task. More specifically, we propose an end-to-end 2D brain tumor segmentation network, i.e., attention residual U-Net (AResU-Net), which simultaneously embeds attention mechanism and residual units into U-Net for the further performance improvement of brain tumor segmentation. AResU-Net adds a series of attention units among corresponding down-sampling and up-sampling processes, and it adaptively rescales features to effectively enhance local responses of down-sampling residual features utilized for the feature recovery of the following up-sampling process. We extensively evaluate AResU-Net on two MRI brain tumor segmentation benchmarks of BraTS 2017 and BraTS 2018 datasets. Experiment results illustrate that the proposed AResU-Net outperforms its baselines and achieves comparable performance with typical brain tumor segmentation methods.

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Alma Mater:大连理工大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree


Discipline:Software Engineering. Computer Applied Technology

Business Address:大连市经济技术开发区图强街321号大连理工大学开发区校区信息楼



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