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唐军,博士、教授、博士生导师。从事近岸环境水动力研究,包括:海岸和近海水动力、水环境、防灾减灾等。承担了国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、英国Leverhulme Trust Visiting Fellow基金等项目研究。研究成果在《COAST ENG》、《OCEAN ENG》、《J WATERW PORT COAST》、《海洋学报》等权威刊物发表论文多篇,获教育部自然科学一等奖、辽宁省自然科学学术成果一等奖等奖励。

  • 研究方向




  • 国际期刊代表论文

[1]    Tang J*, Chen YX, Shen YM, Cao SR. Numerical study on stem-generated turbulence due to emergent rigid vegetation in water waves. Ocean Engineering, 2024, 304: 117940.

[2]    Huang XY, Tang J*, Shen YM. Long time series of ocean wave prediction based on PatchTST model. Ocean Engineering, 2024, 301: 117572.

[3]    Zhao CY, Tang J*, Shen YM, Wang YT. Study on wave attenuation in following and opposing currents due to rigid vegetation. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 236: 109574.

[4]    Zhao CY, Tang J*, Shen YM. Experimental study on solitary wave attenuation by emerged vegetation in currents. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 220: 108414.

[5]     Tang J* , Li QS, Meng XY, Shen YM, Zhang ML. Numerical modeling of coastal waves and nearshore currents on adaptive quadtree grids. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 2018, 144(5): 04018011.

[6]     Tang J*, Lyu YG, Shen YM, Zhang, ML, Su MR. Numerical study on influences of breakwater layout on coastal waves, wave-induced currents, sediment transport and beach morphological evolution. Ocean Engineering, 2017, 141: 375-387.

[7]     Tang J*, Shen YM, Causon DM, Qian L, Mingham CG. Numerical study of periodic long wave run-up on a rigid vegetation sloping beach. Coastal Engineering, 2017, 121: 158-166.

[8]     Tang J*, Shen SD, Wang H. Numerical model for coastal wave propagation through mild slope zone in the presence of rigid vegetation. Coastal Engineering, 2015, 97: 53-59.

[9]     Tang J*, Causon D, Mingham C, Qian L. Numerical study of vegetation damping effects on solitary wave run-up using the nonlinear shallow water equations. Coastal Engineering, 2013, 75: 21-28.

[10]  Tang J*, Shen YM, Zheng YH, Qiu DH. An efficient computational model for solving the mild slope equation. Coastal Engineering, 2004, 51(2): 143-154.

  • 国内期刊代表论文

[1]   Zhao CY, Zhang Y, Tang J*, Shen YM. Numerical investigation of solitary wave run-up attenuation by patchy vegetation. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2020, 39(5): 105–114.

[2]     Tang J*, Lyu YG, Shen YM. Numerical simulation of sediment transport in coastal waves and wave-induced currents. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2016, 35(9): 111-116.

[3]     Tang J*, Lyu YG, Shen YM. Numerical study on water waves and wave-induced longshore currents in Obaköy coastal water. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2014, 33(9): 40-46.

[4]     Tang J*, Shen YM, Shi F, Zhang M. Numerical study of wave and longshore current interaction. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2012, 31(3): 10-17.

[5]     Tang J*, Shen YM, Qiu DH. Numerical study of pollutant movement in waves and wave-induced long-shore currents in surf zone. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2008, 27(1): 122-131.

[6]    黄心裕,唐军*,王晓宇. 基于Prophet算法的海南近海波浪长时段时序分析与预测. 海洋学报, 2022, 44(4): 114–121.

[7]     唐军, 沈永明, 崔雷. 基于抛物型缓坡方程模拟近岸植被区波浪传播. 海洋学报, 2011, 33(1):7-11.

[8]     唐军, 沈永明, 崔雷, 郑永红. 随机波浪作用下近岸波流场的数值模拟. 力学学报, 2008, 40(4): 455-463.

[9]     唐军, 沈永明, 郑永红, 邱大洪. 结合椭圆型缓坡方程模拟近岸波流场. 海洋学报, 2006, 28(1): 146-151.

[10]  唐军, 邹志利, 沈永明, 邱大洪. 近岸海域波浪场中污染物运动的实验研究. 海洋学报, 2004, 26(1): 105-112.

  • 教育经历Education Background
  • 工作经历Work Experience
  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会兼职Social Affiliations
    • 海岸和近海水动力:波浪传播变形;沿岸流、裂流等近岸流;波流相互作用;台风浪、风暴潮;浅水流动;AI+海岸和近海工程等.

    • 海岸和近海水环境:污染物输运泥沙输运和岸滩演变.

    • 海岸防灾减灾:台风浪、风暴潮;植被消浪减灾;生态护岸等.