Indexed by:Journal Papers
Date of Publication:2019-10-24
Included Journals:EI、SCIE
ISSN No.:0921-5093
Key Words:Bulk metallic glass; Shear band; Loading rate; Nanoindentation
Abstract:This study investigated the deformation behaviour of a Ti32.8Zr30.2Ni5.3Cu9Be22.7 bulk metallic glass via indentation and compression tests with loading rate ranging from 30 mu N/s to 30000 mu N/s. The load-displacement (P-h) curves show evident displacement bursts (pop-in events). The statistic analysis reveals that the pop-in events are correlated to the loading rate, i.e., the pop-in size increasing linearly with the indentation depth and decreasing exponentially with the loading rate. Cube corner indenter with much sharper geometry favours the promoting of pronounced pop-in events, compared to Berkovich indenter. Similar loading rate effect can be observed in the micro-pillar compression tests. SEM observation of the deformed pillars reveals that the shear bands (along a similar to 50.7 degrees plane with respect to the loading axis) initiate from the side wall and run across the entire pillars. The free-volume theory and shear transformation zone (STZ) are used to explain these observations quantitatively. The serration to smooth shape of P-h curves is most likely due to the simultaneous operation of multiple shear bands at high loading rate while the single shear band contribution could not be resolved.
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Alma Mater:Dalian University of Technology (DUT)
Degree:Doctoral Degree
School/Department:State Key Laboratory of Industrial Equipment for Structral Analysis, Department of Engineering Mechanics
Discipline:Solid Mechanics. Applied and Experimental Mechanics. Engineering Mechanics. Mechanical Manufacture and Automation. Vehicle Engineering. Aerospace Mechanics and Engineering. mechanics of manufacturing process
Business Address:Room 321, Department of Engineering Mechanics
Contact Information:Tel.: 86 0411-84708406 Email:
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