个人信息Personal Information
主要任职:Professor at the Institute of Advanced Measurement & Control Technology
学科:控制理论与控制工程. 化学工程
联系方式:Tel:(0411)84706465 实验室网站:http://act.dlut.edu.cn/
- [101]王栋, 刘涛, 孙希明, 仲崇权.Discrete-time domain two-degree-of-freedom control design for integrating and unstable processe...[J],ISA TRANSACTIONS,2022,63(63):121-132
- [102]Cui, Jiyao, Chen, Yueling, 刘涛.Discrete-time domain IMC-based PID control design for industrial processes with time delay[A],35th Chinese Control Conference (CCC),2022,2016-August:5946-5951
- [103]Du, Guang-Qing, 薛闯, Zhao, Qian-Qian, 贾旭, 刘涛, 陈丽杰, 牟英, 白凤武.Design of online off-gas analysis system for anaerobic ABE fermentation and the strategy for im...[J],PROCESS BIOCHEMISTRY,2022,51(5):555-560
- [104]许佳, 刘涛.微生物发酵尾气在线监测与仪器自校正标定[J],控制工程,2022,25(1):44-49
- [105]王旭东, 刘涛, 薛闯, 王子璇, 孙旭东.基于近红外光谱实时监测乙醇发酵过程多组分参数[J],生物工程学报,2022,35(8):1491-1499
- [106]张方坤, 刘涛, 关润铎.基于溶液温度差谱分析的ATR-FTIR原位测量方法[J],光谱学与光谱分析,2022,37(10):3011-3015
- [107]郝首霖, 刘涛, Paszke, Wojciech, Tao, Hongfeng.Output Feedback Based Iterative Learning Control with Finite Frequency Range Specifications via...[A],2021,53(2):1397-1402
- [108]Hou, Jie, 刘涛, Wang, Qing-Guo.Subspace identification of Hammerstein-type nonlinear systems subject to unknown periodic distu...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL,2021,94(4):849-859
- [109]董雅琳, 裴小静, 刘涛, 仲崇权.管道传输气体超声波流量计的新设计方法[J],控制工程,2021,27(12):2210-2218
- [110]Shoulin Hao, 刘涛, Wojciech Paszke.Robust static output feedback based ILC design with finite frequency specifications for batch pro...[A],2021,1861-1866
- [111]Shoulin Hao, 刘涛, Wojciech Paszke, Hongfeng Tao.Output feedback based iterative learning control with finite frequency range specifications via a...[A],2021
- [112]Xinpeng Geng, Zhencai Wang, Shoulin Hao, 刘涛, Zoltan Kalman Nagy.Anti-windup disturbance rejection control design for sampled systems with output delay and asymme...[A],2021,11-17
- [113]Liu, Jingxiang, 刘涛, Chen, Junghui, Yue, Hong, Zhang, Fangkun, Sun, Feiran.Data-driven modeling of product crystal size distribution and optimal input design for batch co...[J],JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL,2021,96:1-14
- [114]Mu, Guoqing, 刘涛, Liu, Jingxiang, 夏良志, 于才渊.Calibration Model Building for Online Monitoring of the Granule Moisture Content during Fluidiz...[J],INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2021,58(16):6476-6485
- [115]郝首霖, 刘涛, Paszke, Wojciech, Galkowski, Krzysztof.Robust iterative learning control for batch processes with input delay subject to time-varying ...[J],IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS,2021,10(15):1904-1915
- [116]Sun, Feiran, 刘涛, Cao, Yi, Ni, Xiongwei, Nagy, Zoltan Kalman.Kinetic parameter estimation for cooling crystallization process based on cell average techniqu...[J],CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2020,28(6):1637-1651
- [117]Hao, Shoulin, Liu, Tao, Rogers, Eric, T (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Control Sci & Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Extended state observer based indirect-type ILC for single-input single-output batch processes ...[J],AUTOMATICA,2020,112
- [118]Liu, Tao, Hou, Jie, Qin, S. Joe, Wang, Wei, T (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Minist Educ, Key Lab Intelligent Control & Optimizat Ind Equip, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China., Liu, Sch Control Sci & Engn, Dalian.Subspace model identification under load disturbance with unknown transient and periodic dynami...[J],JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL,2020,85:100-111
- [119]董雅琳, 裴小静, 刘涛, 仲崇权.管道传输气体超声波流量计的新设计方法[J],控制工程,2020,27(12):2210-2218
- [120]Rudong Zang, Shoulin Hao, 刘涛, Guo Wang.Predictor-based disturbance rejection control design for low-order stable and integrating proce...[A],2020,2323-2328