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个人信息Personal Information
主要任职:Professor at the Institute of Advanced Measurement & Control Technology
学科:控制理论与控制工程. 化学工程
联系方式:Tel:(0411)84706465 实验室网站:http://act.dlut.edu.cn/
- [1]王慧, 樊佶, 闫璐垚, 刘涛, Zhang, Hongbin, Grace Li, Findeisen, Rolf.Deep learning-based image analysis with RTFormer network for measuring 2D crystal size distributi...[J],MEASUREMENT,2025,242
- [2]郝首霖, 刘涛, Rogers, Eric, Wang, Youqing, Paszke, Wojciech.PI-Based Set-Point Learning Control for Batch Processes with Unknown Dynamics and Nonrepetitive U...[J],IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,2024
- [3]李元鋆, 赵洺延, 宋博, 刘涛.管式连续结晶器温度分布的高斯过程回归建模与预测[J],化学工业与工程,2024,41(06):169-175
- [4]晏彬, 岳书豪, 徐刘勇, 郝首霖, 刘涛.Robust anti-disturbance control of nonlinear systems by a dual-pole assignment based disturbance ...[A],Proceedings - 2024 39th Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation, YAC 2024,2024,318-323
- [5]陈益军, 双永灿, 樊佶, 于海晨, 刘涛.In-situ Measurement of Crystal Length and Width Based on Binocular Vision with Oriented Object De...[A],Proceedings - 2024 39th Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation, YAC 2024,2024,324-329
- [6]郝首霖, Du, Ruitao, 刘涛, Paszke, Wojciech.New Predictor-Based Anti-Disturbance Control for Discrete-Time Systems With Input Delay Subject t...[J],International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,2024
- [7]AHMAD NASEEM, 宫宜辉, 郝首霖, 刘涛, 张继研, 王海霞, 朱勇.ESO-Based Data Driven Set-Point Learning Control for Nonlinear batch Processes with PD-Type Feedb...[A],Proceedings of 2024 IEEE 13th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference, DDCLS 2024,2024,2082-2088
- [8]郝首霖, 宫宜辉, AHMAD NASEEM, 岳书豪, 刘涛.New Adaptive ESO Based Data-Driven Anti-Disturbance Control for Nonlinear Systems with Convergenc...[A],IFAC PAPERSONLINE,2024,58(14):397-402
- [9]徐刘勇, 郝首霖, 刘涛, Zhu, Yong, 王海霞, 张继研.Q-Learning Based Parameter Tuning for Model-Free Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Systems[A],14th Asian Control Conference, ASCC 2024,2024,2078-2083
- [10]岳书豪, 郝首霖, 刘涛, 于海晨, 张继研, 王海霞.Data-Driven Anti-Disturbance Control with High-Order Extended State Observer for Unknown Nonlinea...[A],14th Asian Control Conference, ASCC 2024,2024,2005-2010
- [11]双永灿, 樊佶, 刘涛, Tan, Yonghong.In Situ Calibration of Binocular Vision System for 3-D Measurement of Particle Size during Crysta...[J],IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2024
- [12]王建成, 李强亚, 阎帅, 刘涛, 谭永红.梯度提升最小二乘支持向量回归的压电执行器磁滞特性建模[J],控制理论与应用,2024,41(09):1692-1697
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- [14]闫璐垚, 樊佶, 王慧, 刘涛, Zhao, Zhenbang.Automatic Labeling of In-Situ Crystal Images based on Lightweight Network Bisenetv2[A],Chinese Control Conference, CCC,2024,7888-7893
- [15]郝首霖, 宫宜辉, AHMAD NASEEM, 岳书豪, 刘涛.New Adaptive ESO Based Data-Driven Anti-Disturbance Control for Nonlinear Systems with Convergenc...[A],IFAC-PapersOnLine,2024,58(14):397-402
- [16]郝首霖, 宫宜辉, AHMAD NASEEM, 岳书豪, 刘涛.New Adaptive ESO Based Data-Driven Anti-Disturbance Control for Nonlinear Systems with Convergenc...[J],IFAC PapersOnLine,2024,14
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- [20]ahmad naseem, 宫宜辉, 郝首霖, 刘涛, Wang, Qing-Guo.Data-driven set-point learning control with ESO and RBFNN for nonlinear batch processes subject t...[J],ISA TRANSACTIONS,2024,146:308-318