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An advantage of dual-antenna reception in peer-to-peer mobile wireless networks


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2012-05-19

Included Journals:EI、Scopus

Page Number:1270-1275

Abstract:This work shows prospects of application of transceiving stations with two antennas to provide an optimal routing in peer-to-peer mobile wireless networks. Route discovery for data transmission from source to destination is implemented by use of two antennas for signal reception at each station in the network. An optimal route discovery becomes possible due to detection of angular position of neighbors situated in a radio access area. Detection of angular position allows delegating functions of a router to optimally situated neighbors (three and less) and, in consequence, the overall quantity of intermediate stations that perform functions of a router decreases by several times (for example by 18 times in comparison with neural method). ? 2012 IEEE.

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