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Lightweight Robust Device-Free Localization in Wireless Networks


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2014-10-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI



Page Number:5681-5689

ISSN No.:0278-0046

Key Words:Bayesian; device-free localization; wireless localization; wireless networks

Abstract:Due to its ability of realizing localization without the need of equipping the target with a wireless device, the device-free wireless localization technique has become a crucial technique for many security and military applications. However, there still lacks an efficient scheme which could achieve robust location estimation performance with low computational cost. To solve this problem, we propose a lightweight robust Bayesian grid approach (BGA) in this paper. The BGA utilizes not only the observation information of the shadowed links, but also the prior information involved in the previous estimations and the constraint information involved in the non-shadowed links, which ensure its robust performance. Meanwhile, the BGA can be carried out with a series of lightweight grid multiplication and addition operations, which eliminates the complex matrix inversion computation involved in the traditional algorithm. The experimental results demonstrate that BGA could achieve a mean tracking error of 0.155 m with a running time of only 1.5 ms.

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