- Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties degradation of HPNb alloy after a five-year service
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- 论文类型: 期刊论文
- 发表时间: 2018-04-01
- 收录刊物: SCIE
- 卷号: 5
- 期号: 4
- ISSN号: 2053-1591
- 关键字: microstructure evolution; degradation; HPNb alloy; carbide; creep strength
- 摘要: The microstructure and mechanical properties of ethylene cracking furnace tube (HPNb alloy) are investigated by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), tensile tests and Charpy impact tests at room temperature, tensile tests and creep tests at high temperature in this paper. The primary carbides of HPNb alloy coarsened and formed a continuous network after a five-year service. Furthermore, a lot of fine secondary carbides precipitated in the dendrite interior. The primary carbides M7C3 and NbC transformed into M23C6 and G phase after service, respectively. The furnace tube after service exhibits higher yield strength, lower tensile strength, worse ductility and toughness than as-cast tube at room temperature. At high temperature, the tensile strength and yield strength of service tube are higher than as-cast tube, but its tensile elongation is lower. The creep strength of HPNb alloy at high temperature decreases after a five-year service. Both microstructure and mechanical properties of ethylene cracking furnace tube have deteriorated after a five-year service.