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学科:生物工程与技术. 微生物学
1. 便于采收的微藻培养模式
2. 基于微藻培养的污水处理
3. 富营养水体蓝藻水华的机制
- Zhang, Ying, 王菁晗, Jing-Tian, 迟占有, 孔凡涛, Qian.The long overlooked microalgal nitrous oxide emission: Characteristics, mechanisms, and influencing factors in microalgae-based wastewater treatment scenarios.[J],The Science of the total environment,2024,856(Pt 2):159153
- 李驰, 汪建霞, 王菁晗, 迟占有.Effects of staged multiple phytohormones application on capillary-driven attached Chlorella sp. biofilm.[J],Journal of environmental management,351:119886
- Zhang, Ying, 汪建霞, 张静恬, Liu, Yang, 王菁晗, 迟占有.Effects of environmental microplastic exposure on Chlorella sp. biofilm characteristics and its interaction with nitric oxide signaling[J],Science of the Total Environment,2024,912
- Yu, Chong, 刘洋, 张影, 沈明治, 王菁晗, 迟占有.Seawater Chlorella sp. biofilm for mariculture effluent polishing under environmental combined antibiotics exposure and ecological risk evaluation based on parent antibiotics and transformation products.[J],The Science of the total environment,173643
- Yu, Chong, 李驰, 杜祥, Zhang, Ying, 王菁晗, 迟占有, Qian.Effects of environment-relevant concentrations of antibiotics on seawater Chlorella sp. biofilm in artificial mariculture effluent[J],ALGAL RESEARCH-BIOMASS BIOFUELS AND BIOPRODUCTS,2024,70
- 张静恬, 汪建霞, 刘洋, 张影, 王菁晗, 迟占有, 孔凡涛.Microalgal-bacterial biofilms for wastewater treatment: Operations, performances, mechanisms, and uncertainties.[J],The Science of the total environment,167974
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- 高效人工光微藻(菌)智能培养系统研发技术开发(合作)合同, 企事业单位委托科技项目, 2024/10/14, 在研
- 微藻智能化连续培养工艺优化与示范, 企事业单位委托科技项目, 2024/03/01, 在研
- 藻菌生物膜微环境与藻菌交互关系协同调控CO2固定与N2O减排机制研究, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2022/09/08, 在研
- 水产饵料微藻专用灯具开发, 企事业单位委托科技项目, 2022/07/25, 在研
- 用于净化水产养殖尾水的人工藻坪上微藻附着生长机制研究, 其他课题, 2021/12/28-2024/03/31, 结题
- 甲烷发酵联合微藻固碳生产单细胞蛋白与PHA, 企事业单位委托科技项目, 2022/06/27, 延期
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