- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:大连理工大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:力学与航空航天学院
- 学科:动力学与控制. 工程力学. 计算力学
- 办公地点:大连理工大学,力学楼505室。
- 联系方式:电子邮件:yfwang@dlut.edu.cn,QQ号:1043160457。
- 电子邮箱:yfwang@dlut.edu.cn
[41] Luo, Haiyang, Wang, Yuefang, HY (reprint author), State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Dynamics of a Continuum Rotor with Two Nonlinear Models of Bearing and Transverse Electromagnetic [J],JOURNAL OF VIBRATION ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGIES,2015,3(1):49-64
[42] 王跃方.Nonlinear Vibration Analysis of a Rotor-Damper Assembly with Two Paralleling Shafts Excited by Impul[A],2015
[43] 王跃方, 刘志伟, Wang, Y., Department of Engineering Mechanics, Dalian University of TechnologyChina, email: yfwang@dlut.edu.cn.A Matrix-Based Computational Scheme of Generalized Harmonic Balance Method for Periodic Solutions of[J],Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics,2015,4(4):379-389
[44] 黄丽华, 王跃方, 李璐.CFRP加固梁U型锚固效果的数值分析[J],土木建筑与环境工程,2014,36(6):8-13
[45] 刘志伟, 王跃方, 黄金.考虑流动及电磁效应的立式转子瞬态动力响应分析[A],2014,1-1
[46] 王跃方, 王素景.虚拟激励法在叶轮随机振动分析中的应用[J],风机技术,2014,1:13-19,36
[47] 王跃方.Transient Analysis of a Twin Spool Rotor with Squeeze-film Dampers Considering Various Blade-loss Pa[A],2014
[48] 王跃方, 黄丽华.Eigenvalue analysis of an axially moving string with multiple attached oscillators using Green’s fu[A],2014
[49] 王跃方, 郭婷, 孙兴华, 沈鼓.考虑气流激振效应的离心式压缩机叶轮强度分析*[J],风机技术,2013,5:11-21
[50] 黄丽华, 李宇婧, 王跃方, Huang, L.(lh-hang@dlut.edu.cn).BFRP加固钢筋混凝土梁的加固效果[J],东南大学学报(英文版),2013,29(2):182-186
[51] 王跃方.Random Vibration Analysis for Impellers of Centrifugal Compressors Through the Pseudo-Excitation Met[A],2013
[52] 王跃方.Transient dynamical analysis of a dual-rotor system excited by a sudden loss of mass of blade[A],2013
[53] 黄丽华, 王跃方.A Numerical Study of the Anchorages against Debonding of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Ploymer from Concre[A],2013,177(1):177-177
[54] Wang, Yuefang, Lu, Lefeng, Huang, Lihua, YF (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Dept Engn Mech, 2 Linggong Rd, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..NONLINEAR VIBRATION ANALYSIS FOR AN AIRFLOW-EXCITED TRANSLATING STRING[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS,2012,9(4)
[55] 吴宇飞, 王跃方, 孙兴华.径向基函数插值在叶轮流固耦合分析中的应用[J],风机技术,2012,3:34-39
[56] 王跃方.考虑气流激振效应的离心式压缩机叶轮强度分析[A],2012
[57] 王跃方.Dynamics of a Continuum Rotor with Two Nonlinear Models of Bearing and Transverse Electromagnetic Ex[A],2012
[58] 王跃方, 黄丽华.Vibration and bifurcation of a moving string loaded by steady aerodynamic forces[A],2012
[59] Luo, Haiyang, Wang, Yuefang, HY (reprint author), State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Nonlinear vibration of a continuum rotor with transverse electromagnetic and bearing excitations[J],SHOCK AND VIBRATION,2012,19(6):1297-1314
[60] 王跃方, 赵光曦, Zhao, G.-X.(zhaoxuanyi98@163.com).三自由度偏心索风致振动稳定性分析[J],工程力学,2012,29(8):14-21