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Wang Zhelong

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Main positions:Professor, Head of Lab of Intelligent System
Other Post:自动化技术研究所所长
Alma Mater:University of Durham
Degree:Doctoral Degree
School/Department:School of Control Science and Engineering
Discipline:Control Theory and Control Engineering. Pattern Recognition and Intelligence System. Detection Technology and Automation Device
Business Address:Lab of Intelligent System

Contact Information:0411-84709010 wangzl@dlut.edu.cn
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Prof. Zhelong Wang received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in automatic control from Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China, in 1996 and 1999, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in robotics from University of Durham, U.K. in 2003. In 2004, he joined School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, where he is currently a Professor, a Ph.D. supervisor and the Director of Lab of Intelligent Systems, DUT. He was a Visiting Scholar at Stanford University, USA, from 2013 to 2014. His research interests include wearable intelligent system, robotics, mechatronics and wireless sensor networks. He has authored or co-authored over 90 peer-reviewed papers. His research is funded by National Natural Science of China, National Hi-Tec program, National Earthquake Research Funds, Dalian Information Technology Bureau and various industrial collaborators. He is a member of IEEE Technical Committee on Interactive and Wearable Computing and Devices, IEEE Technical Committee on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, Electrical Technique Committee of China Petrochemical Industry, Vice director of Dalian Wireless Sensor Network Engineering Lab. He serves as the Associate Editor of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HUMAN-MACHINE SYSTEMS, and the Editorial Board Member of the Information Fusion and the Industrial Robot, International Journal of Sensor Networks and Data Communications. He receives the Second Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress by China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association, three first prizes by Liaoning Province Natural Science Foundation, an excellent IT tutor award by Dalian Information Technology Bureau and a research award by Audi Foundation. He was supported by Program for Excellent Talents in Liaoning Higher Education Institutions and Liaoning Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talents Project, and was selected as a Dalian Outstanding Expert in 2013.


Educational Experience

  • 1999.9 -- 2004.1

    University of Durham, U.K.       Robotics       Ph.D.

  • 1996.9 -- 1999.3

    Dalian University of Technology       Control Science and Engineering       Master's Degree

  • 1992.9 -- 1996.7

    Dalian University of Technology       Control Theory and Control Engineering       Bachelor's Degree

Work Experience

  • 2005.4 -- Now

    Dalian University of Technology      Professor

  • 2013.2 -- 2014.2

    Stanford University, U.S.A      Visiting Scholar      访问学者

Social Affiliations

  • 2016.1 -- 2022.12


  • 2015.11 -- 2022.12

    副编辑(国际SCI期刊IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems编委会)

  • 2021.1 -- 2022.12

    国际SCI期刊Industrial Robot编委(国际SCI期刊Industrial Robot编委会)

  • 2017.1 -- 2021.12

    国际SCI期刊Information Fusion编委(国际SCI期刊Information Fusion编委)

  • 2015.11 -- 2021.12

    Associate Editor,IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems

  • 2017.1 -- 2021.12

    Associate Editor, Information Fusion

  • 2015.1 -- 2020.12

    Member of editorial board, Industrial Robot

  • 2016.1 -- 2021.12

    Member of Technical Committee, IEEE Computer Support Collaborative Wor and Design

Research Group

Lab of Intelligen...

Lab of Intelligen...

Research Focus

  • 1.先进机器人技术,管道机器人,人机交互,穿戴式智能系统,嵌入式技术,无线传感器网络。 2.应急管理(管理) 本课题组自主研发了蛇形仿生机器人平台,刷式救灾机器人和穿戴式健康监测系统,同时配备了进行智能机器人,无线传感器网络和嵌入式技术研究的多种实验仪器和设备。
  • 每年有多个奖学金名额(硕士生和博士生),研究课题兼有理论研究和实际应用,软硬件结合,强调科研的创新性和实用性,注重培养学生理论与实践相结合。欢迎对智能机器人技术、智能系统,模式识别、信号处理等研究感兴趣的同学加入我们团队,招收自动化,电子,计算机,数学和机械专业的优秀学生。本课题组具体负责建设大连市工业无线传感器网络工程实验室,承担多项国家级研究项目,与美国加州大学和英国埃塞克斯大学等建立了合作交流.
  • His current research interests include body sensor networks, human-machine interaction, wearable intelligent system,robotics and machine learning.