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学科:精细化工. 应用化学. 无机化学
个人简介Personal Profile
主要从事功能化金属−有机限域空间超分子体系的可控构筑及仿生催化研究。2008年获得大连理工大学学士学位,并保送精细化工国家重点实验室直接攻读博士学位(师从段春迎教授)。2011年获国家留学基金委公派资格,于美国University of Massachusetts联合培养,2014年获得大连理工大学博士学位。现为科技部创新人才推进计划创新团队、教育部“仿生识别与荧光传感”创新团队和辽宁省高水平创新创业团队青年骨干。2017年入选大连市高层次人才创新支持计划,荣获大连市青年五四奖章(集体)。2018、2021年连续入选大连理工大学星海人才培育计划。先后主持国家自然科学基金委面上项目、青年项目和中国博士后科学基金,参与承担国家自然科学基金重点项目、科技部重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)子课题以及国家重点研发计划子课题。在J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Nature Commun.等国际期刊上发表学术论文50余篇,申请/授权国家发明专利10余件。受邀J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Chem、Adv.Mater.、Coord. Chem. Rev.等国际期刊审稿人。
1、大连理工大学“星海人才培育计划”— 星海优青(2018年、2021年)
2、大连市高层次人才“创新支持计划”— 青年科技之星(2017年)
43. Huali Wang, Yu Zhang, Guanfeng Ji, Jianwei Wei, Liang Zhao,* Cheng He, and Chunying Duan,* Reserving Electrons in Cofactor Decorated Coordination Capsules for Biomimetic Electrosynthesis of α-Hydroxy/amino Esters, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2024, 146(43), 29272−29277. (Cover Paper)
42. Zhonghe Wang, Yang Tang, Songtao Liu, Liang Zhao,* Huaqing Li, Cheng He, and Chunying Duan,* Energy Transfer-Mediated Multiphoton Excitation for Selective Oxidation of C(sp3)−H Bonds with Coordination Polymer, Nat. Commun., 2024, 15(1), 8813.
41. Jianwei Wei, Liang Zhao,* Yu Zhang, Gang Han, Cheng He, Chong Wang, and Chunying Duan,* Enzyme Grafting with a Cofactor-Decorated Metal−Organic Capsule for Solar-to-Chemical Conversion, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2023, 145(12), 6719−6729.
40. Guanfeng Ji, Liang Zhao,* Jianwei Wei, Junkai Cai, Cheng He, Zenggang Du, Wei Cai, and Chunying Duan,* A Metal−Organic Framework as a Multiphoton Excitation Regulator for the Activation of Inert C(sp3)−H Bonds and Oxygen, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2022, 61(2), e202114490. (Hot Paper, Editor’s Highlights)
39. Junkai Cai, Liang Zhao,* Cheng He, Yanan Li, and Chunying Duan,* A Host−Guest Semibiological Photosynthesis System Coupling Artificial and Natural Enzymes for Solar Alcohol Splitting, Nat. Commun., 2021, 12(1), 5092. (Editor’s Highlights)
38. Liang Zhao,# Junkai Cai,# Yanan Li, Jianwei Wei, and Chunying Duan,* A Host−Guest Approach to Combining Enzymatic and Artificial Catalysis for Catalyzing Biomimetic Monooxygenation, Nat. Commun., 2020, 11(1), 2903. (Editor’s Highlights)
37. Jianwei Wei, Liang Zhao,* Cheng He, Sijia Zheng, Joost N. H. Reek, and Chunying Duan,* Metal−Organic Capsules with NADH Mimics as Switchable Selectivity Regulators for Photocatalytic Transfer Hydrogenation, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141(32), 12707−12716.
36. Liang Zhao, Jianwei Wei, Jing Zhang, Cheng He,* Chunying Duan,* Encapsulation of a Quinhydrone Cofactor in the Inner Pocket of Cobalt Triangular Prisms: Combined Light−Driven Reduction of Protons and Hydrogenation of Nitrobenzene, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2017, 56(48), 15284−15288.
35. Liang Zhao, Jianwei Wei, Junhua Lu, Cheng He,* Chunying Duan,* Renewable Molecular Flasks with NADH Models: Combination of Light−Driven Proton Reduction and Biomimetic Hydrogenation of Benzoxazinones, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2017, 56(30), 8692−8696.
34. Huaqing Li, Songtao Liu, Guanfeng Ji, Cheng He, Yefei Wang, Hui Gao, Liang Zhao* and Chunying Duan, In-Situ Exfoliation of Copper-Based Metal−Organic Framework for Boosting Synergistic Photoactivation of Inert C(sp3)−H Bonds and Oxygen, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12(30), 19069−19080.
33. Hui Gao, Yang Tang, Songtao Liu, Cheng He, Huaqing Li, Liang Zhao,* and Chunying Duan, Eosin Y Post-Decorated Metal−Organic Framework as a Selectivity Regulator for the Alcohols Oxidation, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2024, 16(29), 37896−37905.
32. Lehua Zhao, Yu Zhang, Huali Wang, Jing Wang, Cheng He, Liang Zhao,* and Chunying Duan, Isolation of Copper Photocatalyst on Metal−Organic Cage for the Sulfonylation of Aryl Halides by Visible-Light Mediated C(sp2)−S Cross-Coupling, Chem. Commun., 2024, 60(53), 6805−6808.
31. Zeming Wang, Qiang Song, Cheng He, Pengyu Feng, Liang Zhao,* and Chunying Duan, Naphthalene-Based Donor−Acceptor Covalent Organic Frameworks as Electron Distribution Regulator for Boosting Photocatalysis under Green Light Irradiation, Chem. Commun., 2024, 60(36), 4793−4796.
30. Runbao Wang, Rong Zhang, Kun Jin, Yaming Li, Chunying Duan, Liang Zhao,* Ruthenium(II)-Catalyzed C-H Allylation of N,N-Dialkyl Thiobenzamides with Allyl Methyl Carbonate by Sulfur Coordination, Synlett, 2024, 35, DOI: 10.1055/a-2415-3708.
29. Guanfeng Ji, Liang Zhao,* Yang Tang, Songtao Liu, Yefei Wang, Cheng He, and Chunying Duan, Ultrathin Two-Dimensional Cerium-Based Metal−Organic Framework Nanosheet that Boosts Selective Oxidation of Inert C(sp3)−H Bond through Multiphoton Excitation, Small, 2023, 19(26), 2300597.
28. Yu Zhang, Liang Zhao,* Jianwei Wei, Guanfeng Ji, Huali Wang, Cheng He, Lehua Zhao, and Chunying Duan,* Dye-Binding Metal−Organic Cage for Highly Efficient Multiphoton Activation of C(sp3)−H Bonds, ACS Mater. Lett., 2023, 5(8), 2263−2269.
27. Yefei Wang, Liang Zhao,* Songtao Liu, Guanfeng Ji, Cheng He, Yang Tang, and Chunying Duan, A Mixed-Component Metal−Organic Framework for Boosting Synergistic Photoactivation of C(sp3)−H and Oxygen, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2023, 15(13), 16744−16754.
26. Yang Tang, Guanfeng Ji, Hanning Li, Hui Gao, Cheng He, Liang Zhao* and Chunying Duan, Ligand-Regulated Photoinduced Electron Transfer within Metal−Organic Frameworks for Efficient Photocatalysis, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2023, 10(18), 5439−5451.
25. Jianwei Wei, Liang Zhao,* Yu Zhang, Peng Zhou, Guangzhou Liu, and Chunying Duan, Light-Switched Selective Catalysis with NADH Mimic Functionalized Metal−Organic Capsules, Chem. Commun., 2023, 59(1), 71−74.
24. Guanfeng Ji, Liang Zhao,* Yefei Wang, Yang Tang, Cheng He, Songtao Liu, and Chunying Duan, A Binuclear Cerium-Based Metal−Organic Framework as an Artificial Monooxygenase for the Saturated Hydrocarbons Aerobic Oxidation with High Efficiency and High Selectivity, ACS Catal., 2022, 12(13), 7821−7832. (Cover Paper)
23. Junkai Cai, Liang Zhao,* Yanan Li, Cheng He, Chong Wang, and Chunying Duan,* Binding of Dual-Function Hybridized Metal−Organic Capsule to Enzymes for Cascade Catalysis, JACS Au, 2022, 2(7), 1736−1746. (Highlights)
22. Yefei Wang, Liang Zhao,* Guanfeng Ji, Cheng He, Songtao Liu, and Chunying Duan, Vanadium(VIV)-Porphyrin-Based Metal−Organic Frameworks for Synergistic Bimetallic Activation of Inert C(sp3)−H Bonds, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2022, 14(2), 2794−2804.
21. Yang Tang, Liang Zhao,* Guanfeng Ji, Yu Zhang, Cheng He, Yefei Wang, Jianwei Wei, and Chunying Duan, Ligand Regulated Metal−Organic Frameworks for Synergistic Photoredox and Nickel Catalysis, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2022, 9(13), 3116−3129. (Cover Paper)
20. Liang Zhao,* Wei Cai, Guanfeng Ji, Jianwei Wei, Zenggang Du, Cheng He, and Chunying Duan, Anthraquinone-Based Metal−Organic Framework as a Bifunctional Photocatalyst for C−H Activation, Inorg. Chem., 2022, 61(25), 9493−9503. (Cover Paper)
19. Liang Zhao,* Zenggang Du, Guanfeng Ji, Yefei Wang, Wei Cai, Cheng He, and Chunying Duan, Eosin Y-Containing Metal−Organic Framework as a Heterogeneous Catalyst for Direct Photoactivation of Inert C−H Bonds, Inorg. Chem., 2022, 61(19), 7256−7265.
18. Yefei Wang, Zhen Zhou, Liang Zhao,* Cheng He, Wenlong Sun, and Chunying Duan,* Ir-Porphyrin-Based Metal−Organic Framework as a Dual Metalloand Photocatalyst for Inert Alkyl C(sp3)−H Bond Activation and Direct Functionalization, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2021, 13(9), 10925−10932.
17. Liang Zhao,* Shaoshuai Chu, Junkai Cai, Jianwei Wei, Yanan Li, Chunying Duan, Metal−Organic Triangles with NADH Mimics for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production, Chinese J. Inorg. Chem., 2021, 37(5), 769−777.
16. Yanan Li, Liang Zhao,* Junkai Cai, Chunying Duan, Coumarin-Based Metal−Organic Cage for Recognition of Glucosamine, Fine Chemicals, 2021, 38(10), 2004−2011.
15. Liang Zhao, Xu Jing, Xuezhao Li, Xiangyang Guo, Le Zeng, Cheng He,* Chunying Duan, Catalytic Properties of Chemical Transformation within the Confined Pockets of Werner-Type Capsules, Coord. Chem. Rev., 2019, 378, 151−187. (Highly Cited)
14. Junkai Cai, Liang Zhao,* Jianwei Wei, Cheng He, Saran Long, Chunying Duan,* Negatively Charged Metal−Organic Hosts with Cobalt Dithiolene Species: Improving PET Processes for Light−Driven Proton Reduction Through Host−Guest Electrostatic Interactions, Chem. Commun., 2019, 55(59), 8524−8527. (Cover Paper)
13. Sijia Zheng, Liang Zhao*, Jianwei Wei, Cheng He, Guangzhou Liu, Chunying Duan, A New Cobalt Triangular Prism Supramolecular Flask: Encapsulation of a Quinhydrone Cofactor for Hydrogenation of Nitroarenes with High Selectivity and Efficiency, Inorg. Chem. Commun., 2019, 109, 107558.
12. Xu Jing, Cheng He, Liang Zhao, and Chunying Duan,* Photochemical Properties of Host−Guest Supramolecular Systems with Structurally Confined Metal−Organic Capsules, Acc. Chem. Res., 2019, 52(1), 100−109. (Cover Paper, Highly Cited)
11. Liang Zhao, Jian Wang, Pengyan Wu, Cheng He, Xiangyang Guo, Chunying Duan,* DHPA−Containing Cobalt-Based Redox Metal−Organic Cyclohelicates as Enzymatic Molecular Flasks for Light−Driven H2 Production, Sci. Rep., 2017, 7, 14347.
10. Liang Zhao, Jianwei Wei, Feili Zhang, Cheng He, Sijia Zheng, Chunying Duan,* Redox−Active Copper Triangles as an Enzymatic Molecular Flask for Light−Driven Hydrogen Production, RSC Adv., 2017, 7(77), 48989−48993.
9. Liang Zhao, Xiang Wu, Xiaofeng Wang, Chunying Duan, Hongyan Wang, Amol Punjabi, Yang Zhao, Yuanwei Zhang, Zuoshang Xu, Haifeng Gao,* Gang Han,* Development of Excipient−Free Freeze−Dryable Unimolecular Hyperstar Polymers for Efficient siRNA Silencing, ACS Macro Lett., 2017, 6(7), 700−704.
8. Lu Yang, Liang Zhao, Zhen Zhou, Cheng He,* Hui Sun and Chunying Duan, A Thiourea-Functionalized Metal−Organic Macrocycle for the Catalysis of Michael Additions and Prominent Size-Selective Effect, Dalton Trans., 2017, 46(12), 4086−4092.
7. Regino Mercado-Lubo, Yuanwei Zhang, Liang Zhao, Kyle Rossi, Xiang Wu, Yekui Zou, Antonio Castillo, Jack Leonard, Rita Bortell, Dale L. Greiner, Leonard D. Shultz, Gang Han,* and Beth A. McCormick,* A Salmonella Nanoparticle Mimic Overcomes Multidrug Resistance in Tumours, Nat. Commun. 2016, 7(1), 12225.
6. Liang Zhao, Yulu Chu, Cheng He, Chunying Duan,* Fluorescent Detection of RDX within DHPA−Containing Metal−Organic Polyhedra, Chem. Commun., 2014, 50(26), 3467−3469.
5. Liang Zhao, Yang Liu, Cheng He,* Jian Wang, Chunying Duan,* Coordination−Driven Nanosized Lanthanide "Molecular Lanterns" as Luminescent Chemosensors for the Selective Sensing of Magnesium Ions, Dalton Trans., 2014, 43(1), 335−343.
4. Liang Zhao, Artem Kutikov, Jie Shen, Chunying Duan, Jie Song,* and Gang Han,* Stem Cell Labeling using Polyethylenimine Conjugated (α-NaYbF4:Tm3+)/CaF2 Upconversion Nanoparticles, Theranostics, 2013, 3(4), 249−257. (Cover Paper)
3. Cheng He, Jian Wang, Liang Zhao, Tao Liu, Jing Zhang and Chunying Duan,* A Photoactive Basket-Like Metal−Organic Tetragon Worked as an Enzymatic Molecular Flask for Light Driven H2 Production, Chem. Commun., 2013, 49(6), 627−629.
2. Jie Shen, Liang Zhao, Gang Han,* Lanthanide-Doped Upconverting Luminescent Nanoparticle Platforms for Optical Imaging-Guided Drug Delivery and Therapy, Adv. Drug Delivery Rev., 2013, 65, 744−755. (Highly Cited)
1. Liang Zhao, Siyi Qu, Cheng He,* Rong Zhang and Chunying Duan, Face-Driven Octanuclear Cerium(IV) Luminescence Polyhedra: Synthesis and Luminescent Sensing Natural Saccharides, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47(33), 9387−9389.