
- 性别:男
- 出生日期:1987-07-08
- 毕业院校:大连理工大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:力学与航空航天学院
- 学科:固体力学. 工程力学
- 办公地点:力学楼503
- 联系方式:邮箱:zhoucaihua@dlut.edu.cn
- 电子邮箱:zhoucaihua@dlut.edu.cn
[1] 王博, Mao, Zebei, Li, Dongyu, Zhang, Ke, 周才华, 任明法, 李桐.Multiscale insights into the stretching behavior of Kevlar fiber[J],COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2022,185
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[3] 周才华, Jiang, Liangliang, 田阔, 毕祥军, 王博.Origami Crash Boxes Subjected to Dynamic Oblique Loading[J],JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME,2022,84(9)
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[5] 毕祥军, 陈炳全, 吴浩, 王立朋, 蒋亮亮, 王博, 周才华.运载火箭线式捆绑分离装置的设计、分析与优化[J],机械工程学报,2019,55(14):60-68
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[7] 王博, 周才华, 由衷.预折纹管在低速冲击载荷作用下的能量吸收[J],爆炸与冲击,2015,4:473-481
[8] 周昳鸣, 张君茹, 周才华, 王博, 程耿东.汽车吸能管的多样性可竞争解优化设计[A],2015中国力学大会,2022,130-130
[9] 周才华, 王博, Ma, Jiayao, You, Zhong.Dynamic axial crushing of origami crash boxes[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES,2022,118:1-12
[10] 周才华, 李桐, Ming, Shizhao, Song, Zhibo, 王博.Effects of welding on energy absorption of kirigami cruciform under axial crushing[J],THIN WALLED STRUCTURES,2022,142(,SI):297-310
[11] Ming, Shizhao, 周才华, 李桐, Song, Zhibo, 王博.Energy absorption of thin-walled square tubes designed by kirigami approach[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES,2022,157:150-164
[12] 王博, Zhang, Ke, 周才华, 任明法, Gu, Yuantong, 李桐.Engineering the mechanical properties of CNT/PEEK nanocomposites[J],RSC Advances,2022,9(23):12836-12845
[13] 王博, 田阔, 周才华, 郝鹏, Zheng, Yanbing, Ma, Yunlong, Wang, Jiebing.Grid-pattern optimization framework of novel hierarchical stiffened shells allowing for imperfecti[J],AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2022,62:114-121
[14] 宋志博, 明世朝, 李桐, 杜凯繁, 周才华, 王博.Improving the energy absorption capacity of square CFRP tubes with cutout by introducing chamfer[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES,2022,189(105994):1-17
[15] 周才华, 李桐, Ming, Shizhao, Song, Zhibo, 王博.Improving the Energy Absorption of Cruciform With Large Global Slenderness Ratio by Kirigami Appro[J],JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME,2022,86(8)
[16] 周才华, Xia, Chaoxiang, Ming, Shizhao, 毕祥军, 李桐.Low-Velocity Impact Response of Discontinuous Kirigami Cruciform Sandwich Panel[J],International Journal of Applied Mechanics,2022,11(5)
[17] Ming, Shizhao, Song, Zhibo, 周才华, 杜凯繁, Teng, Chenghao, Wang, Yan, 徐胜利, 王博.The crashworthiness design of metal/CFRP hybrid tubes based on origami-ending approach: Experimental[J],COMPOSITE STRUCTURES,2022,279
[18] 周才华, Ming, Shizhao, 李桐, 王博, 任明法.The Energy Absorption Behavior of Cruciforms Designed by Kirigami Approach[J],JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME,2022,85(12)
[19] 明世朝, 宋志博, 周才华, 李桐, 杜凯繁, 徐胜利, 王博.The energy absorption of long origami-ending tubes with geomertical imperfections[J],THIN WALLED STRUCTURES,2022,161(107415):1-15
[20] Ming, Shizhao, Song, Zhibo, 李桐, 杜凯繁, 周才华, 王博.The energy absorption of thin-walled tubes designed by origami approach applied to the ends[J],MATERIALS DESIGN,2022,192