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任职 : 重大装备设计教工党支部 书记
学科:机械设计及理论. 工程力学
- [41]曹旭阳, 王志伟, Zhang, Xingang.Precise Locating Control for a Polar Crane Based on Sliding Mode Active Disturbance Rejection Con...[J],MACHINES,2022,9(2)
- [42]潘志毅, 曹旭阳, Wu, Y., 高顺德.Product design method based on integrated geometric and rule-based reasoning[J],MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM,2022,628 629:7-12
- [43]曹旭阳, 高顺德, Wang Qian, Wang Jian-Song, 王欣.Research on Parameterization and Modularization Design Technology of Crawler Crane and Celerity...[A],World Congress on Software Engineering,2022,4:342-347
- [44]曹旭阳.Rigid-Flexible Coupling Dynamic Modeling of a Tower Crane with Long Flexible Boom[A],2017 International Conference on Mechanical Design, ICMD 2017,2022,39-57
- [45]曹旭阳, Yang, Yue, Wang, Wenjun, Gu, Zhenhua.Rigid-Flexible Coupling Dynamic Modeling of a Tower Crane with Long Flexible Boom[A],International Conference on Mechanical Design, ICMD 2017,2022,55:39-57
- [46]王志伟, 曹旭阳, 王殿龙, Zhang, Xingang, Tian, Shuhai.Research on Synchronous Control Technology of Polar Crane in Nuclear Power Plant[A],2020 IEEE 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL SCIENCE AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (ICCSSE),2022,100-104
- [47]Wang, Zhiwei, 曹旭阳, 王殿龙, Zhang, Xingang, Tian, Shuhai.Research on synchronous control technology of polar crane in nuclear power plant[A],2020 IEEE 6th International Conference on Control Science and Systems Engineering, ICCSSE 2020,2022,100-104
- [48]滕儒民, 屈福政, 曹旭阳.Research on the section type for telescopic boom of 100M AWP based on similarity theorem[J],Journal of Convergence Information Technology,2022,8(3):812-820
- [49]曹旭阳, 滕儒民, 潘志毅, 王欣, 高尚.RETRACTED ARTICLE: Intellectualized design of truss structure based on similarity theorem[A],2022,8:4071-4074
- [50]曹旭阳, Dong, Xiang, Wang, Lei.Similar design of telescopic boom section of truck crane[A],Proceedings - 2019 International Conference on Advances in Construction Machinery and Vehicle Engineering, ICACMVE 2019,2022,67-72
- [51]曹旭阳, 滕儒民, 王欣.Similarity Design of Jib System of Truss Cranes[A],/Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing,2022
- [52]曹旭阳, 杨山林, 李章磊, 宋轶, 陈礼.核电环行桥式起重机吊钩组冲顶虚拟实验[J],实验室研究与探索,2022,9:22-25,51
- [53]曹旭阳, 滕儒民, 王欣, 高顺德.机械产品杂交集成设计及产品基因库的构建[J],中国工程机械学报,2022,1:1-7
- [54]隋晓辉, 曹旭阳, 孙丽, 王欣.桥式起重机起升机构理想制动安全系数的探讨[J],起重运输机械,2022,4:45-48
- [55]张博, 曹旭阳, 王殿龙.桥式起重机运行系统自动控制方法及仿真实现[J],机械设计与制造,2022,10:184-187
- [56]贺子奇, 曹旭阳, 董航, 高顺德.深海作业起重机升沉补偿系统的研究现状[J],工程机械与维修,2022,9:56-60
- [57]贺子奇, 曹旭阳, 董航, 高顺德.深海作业起重机升沉补偿系统研究进展[J],工程机械与维修,2022,z1:36-43
- [58]曹旭阳, 张伟, 王欣, 高顺德, 柴荣峰.TBM典型刀盘刀具布置方法及软件实现[J],工程机械,2010,41(1):21-25
- [59]曹旭阳, 宋轶, 齐朝晖, 杨山林.三代核环吊吊钩组升降直线度偏差研究[J],大连理工大学学报,2013,1:51-57
- [60]祁鹏, 曹旭阳, 吕宇飞, 屈云岚, 徐宏伟.三代核环行起重机结构刚度对精确定位的影响[J],起重运输机械,2018,9:107-110