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- [1]王真厚, 桑超峰, 王德真.Simulation of defect evolution in tungsten during annealing by developing a vacancy and interstit...[J],PHYSICA SCRIPTA,99(2)
- [2]Wang, Yue, 孙长江, 边于, 吴锦涛, 张铭洲, 彭瑶, 张彦杰, Gao, Shuaishuai, 王德真, 桑超峰, Li, Nami.Simulation of the impact of particle recycling on the plasma in MPS-LD device based on the BOUT p...[J],CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS,2024
- [3]孙长江, 边于, 桑超峰, Wang, Hongyu, Zhang, Yanjie, Yue, Wu, Jintao, Dezhen.Simulation of ion cyclotron resonance heating by using particle-in-cell method in MPS-LD linear p...[J],Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion,65(3)
- [4]Wang, Yilin, 赵学乐, 吴亦晗, 周庆瑞, 张彦杰, 桑超峰, 王德真.The influence of Ex B drift on tungsten target erosion and W impurity transport during neon seedi...[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,63(9)
- [5]王策, 桑超峰, Liu, Jianbin, 张晨, 王德真.Modeling of tungsten divertor target erosion induced by impurity during edge-localized modes by u...[J],Contributions to Plasma Physics,2024
- [6]边于, 王艺霖, 吴亦晗, 张铭洲, 王越, 桑超峰.Development of Monte Carlo neutral transport code and the application to methane seeding plasma d...[J],Contributions to Plasma Physics,2024
- [7]Zhang, Chen, 赵学乐, Wang, Yiling, 王德真, 桑超峰, Tao, Yuqiang, Jia, Guozhang, Meng, Lingyi, Liang, Bin, Xu, Guosheng.Effects of strike point location on the divertor particle and energy flux decay widths on EAST by...[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,64(1)
- [8]张铭洲, 边于, 桑超峰, Zhao, M. L., Rognlien, T. D., Zhang, C., Wang, Y. L., Y..UEDGE modeling of plasma detachment of CFETR with ITER-like divertor geometry by external impurit...[J],CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS,2024
- [9]桑超峰, Yao, Damao, Liu, Xiaoju, Si, Hang, 王德真, Zhou, Qingrui, Xu, Guosheng, Wang, Liang, Yilin, Zhao, Xuele, 张晨, Ding, Rui, Jia, Guozhang.Design of EAST lower divertor by considering target erosion and tungsten ion transport during the...[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2022,61(6)
- [10]Liu, J. B., 吴凯, 刘盛春, 桑超峰, Meng, L. Y., Feng, W., Hyatt, A., Leonard, A. W., Thomas, D., 张滔, 周廷藩, 王丽, Xiao, B. J., 郭海燕, 王海泉, Xu, G. S., 丁锋, J. C., 刘晓晶, Yuan, Q. P..Divertor detachment and asymmetry in H-mode operation with an ITER-like tungsten divertor in EA...[J],NUCLEAR FUSION,2022,59(12)
- [11]Hu, Wanpeng, 桑超峰, Sun, Zhenyue, 王德真.Divertor tungsten tiles erosion in the region of the castellated gaps[J],FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN,2022,109:330-334
- [12]桑超峰, Ding, Rui, Bonnin, Xavier, Wang, Liang, 王德真.Effects of carbon impurities on the power radiation and tungsten target erosion in EAST[J],PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,2022,25(7)
- [13]桑超峰, 孙继忠, 王德真.Effect of magnetic field on characteristics of divertor plasma and divertor erosion rate: PIC s...[J],FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN,2022,85(10-12):1941-1946
- [14]Du, Hailong, 桑超峰, Wang, Liang, Bonnin, Xavier, 孙继忠, 王德真.Effects of discharge operation regimes and magnetic field geometry on the in-out divertor asymm...[J],FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN,2022,109:1005-1010
- [15]Du, Hailong, 桑超峰, 王丽, Bonnin, X., 郭海燕, 孙继忠, 王德真.Effects of drifts and ballooning instability on the divertor in-out asymmetry in EAST tokamak[J],JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS,2022,463:485-488
- [16]桑超峰, 戴舒宇, 孙继忠, Xavier, Bonnin, Xu Qian, Ding Fang, 王德真.Effects of some parameters on the divertor plasma sheath characteristics and fuel retention in ...[J],Chinese Physics B,2022,23(11)
- [17]Hu, Wanpeng, 桑超峰, Sun, Zhenyue, 王德真.Effects of the divertor tile geometries and magnetic field angles on the heat fluxes to the sur...[J],FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN,2022,116:5-9
- [18]Liu, P., 孙壮, 胡静山, 王丽, Chen, J. L., 梁毅枫, Luo, G. N., 丁洪斌, Zhao, D. Y., Sun, L. Y., Fu, C. L., J. M., 李聪, 海然, 桑超峰, 胡正寰.In situ diagnosis of Li-wall conditioning and H/D co-deposition on the first wall of EAST using...[J],PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION,2022,60(8)
- [19]Zhang, X. R., Shen, Y., 桑超峰, 王忠喜, Dong, J. Q., Du, H. R., 刘济育, 李军, Han, M. K., 王放, 戴舒宇.Impurity effects on trapped electron modes in tokamak plasmas with inverted electron density prof...[J],PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,2022,28(5)
- [20]桑超峰, 孙继忠, 王德真.Kinetic study of plasma behavior and its effect on plasma facing surface in the castellated til...[J],JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS,2022,415(1):S204-S207