Chen Jianyun
Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Alma Mater:大连理工大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree
Discipline:Hydraulic Structure Engineering. Disaster Prevention & Mitigation Engineering. Structural Engineering. Project Management
Contact Information:QQ:593001776
Date of Publication:2009-01-01
Page Number:117-122
ISSN No.:1000-1301
Abstract:The dynamic characteristics of wind turbine are directly affected by the dynamic characteristics of blade, so it is necessary to study the dynamic characteristics of rotating blade. The rotational blade with the effects of gravity force and cen-trifugal force will cause centrifugal effect, and will change the blade ' s dynamic characters. Based on the concept of spacial plane and finite element method, this paper calculates the axial force plane of blade nodes and the first three orders of natu-ral frequency plane with two variable parameters of time and rotational speeds, and the stiffening coefficient is also used to describe the stiffening degree of the blade, and then presents the correction formula of frequency. The result shows that the method used in this paper can simulate the dynamic characters of rotational blade with centrifugal stiffening effect, and re-flect the practical dynamic characters of the blade more accurately.
2004 -博士生导师,大连理工大学土木水利学院
2006- 教授,大连理工大学土木水利学院
2007- 2008 研究生院副院长
2009 - 2014 建设工程学部水利学院 副院长
1999 -2004 副教授,大连理工大学土木水利学院 ,工程抗震研究所副所长