Chen Jianyun

Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates   Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Alma Mater:大连理工大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree


Discipline:Hydraulic Structure Engineering. Disaster Prevention & Mitigation Engineering. Structural Engineering. Project Management

Contact Information:QQ:593001776

Paper Publications



Date of Publication:2004-01-01


Affiliation of Author(s):建设工程学部


Page Number:45-49

ISSN No.:1007-4708

Abstract:A new 3-dimensional strain rate-dependent damage constitutive model for massive concrete is proposed by introducing strain rate-dependant plastic damage variables as internal variables that vary with strain rates, and is applied in the seismic analysis of massive concrete structures. The effects of strain rates induced by seismic excitations on the tensile strength, compressive strength and plastic behavior are taken into account. Consistent with thermodynamic requirements, a strain-driven formalism is adopted. The nonlinear seismic responses of arch dams are computed using this model, and the dynamic interactions among dam-foundation-reservoir as well as the nonlinear dynamic contact of joints are included. The effects of strain rates and loading history on concrete limit strengths and strains are discussed, and the seismic responses of arch dams are compared with the results given by the corresponding rate-independent damage model. It is shown that the distributions of strain rates are different with and without joints. The distribution of strain rates can not only influence the vibration modes of dam, but also have significant effects on the dynamic damage of arch dams.


Pre One:细观夹杂理论预测湿态混凝土抗压强度

Next One:考虑离心刚化效应的旋转风力机叶片动力特性分析


2004 -博士生导师,大连理工大学土木水利学院
2006- 教授,大连理工大学土木水利学院
2007- 2008 研究生院副院长
2009 - 2014 建设工程学部水利学院 副院长
1999 -2004 副教授,大连理工大学土木水利学院 ,工程抗震研究所副所长