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陈国海,工学博士,硕士生导师,中国振动工程学会随机振动专业委员会动力可靠度学组成员、中国地震学会近岸与离岸工程灾害环境防护专业委员会委员。2018年获得工程力学专业博士学位。从事随机力学、工业装备/工程结构随机动力学与可靠性优化设计研究。以第一/通讯作者在力学领域国际顶级和权威期刊Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Journal of Sound and Vibration等发表论文20余篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后基金面上项目,先后参加国家自然科学基金重点、面上等项目。曾获“2021 International Conference on Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, Vibration and Control (ICANDVC-2021)”杰出论文奖 (Outstanding paper award)、“第十一届随机振动理论与应用学术会议暨第七届全国随机动力学学术会议”优秀论文奖、博士研究生国家奖学金、“钱令希力学奖”研究生奖、大连理工大学优秀研究生、大连市优秀毕业生、大连理工大学优秀毕业生、“钱令希力学奖”青年教师一等奖等荣誉和奖励。
主要研究兴趣为复杂动力系统不确定性量化与传播、动力可靠度优化、数据驱动的结构可靠性设计与智能设计等。研究团队基于概率守恒原理积分描述的独特视角,统一推导了刻画随机性在时-空域传播、演化的积分型方程,并将其命名为概率密度积分方程,另辟蹊径提出了计算随机力学的统一新框架:直接概率积分法,建立了全新的适用于静/动力、线性/非线性、含随机参数/外激励的时空演变系统不确定性传播分析的概率积分理论,突破了大规模结构非线性随机振动和动力可靠度分析这一挑战性问题,可为空天飞行器、船舶结构、高层建筑、大跨桥梁、海洋平台等大型复杂结构的可靠性设计、安全评价和风险管理提供通用、高效计算工具。研究成果受到了国内外学者的高度认可与追踪研究,被评价“具有严密的理论基础 (rigorous theoretical basis)”、“应用范围较广(wider application)”、“尤其适用于动力学问题 (especially to dynamic problems)”、“适用于强非线性系统 (applicable to strongly nonlinear systems)”、“具有较高的精度和效率 (with high efficiency and accuracy)”等。
1. 结构动力学仿真软件研发,2024-2026,主持,在研
2. 船舶典型结构优化设计方法研究与应用, 2024-2025,主持,在研
3. 数据驱动的结构随机动力学分析方法, 2023-2026, 主持,在研
4. 车-轨-桥系统非线性随机振动与基于可靠度的全局性能评定方法研究, 2022-2024, 主持,在研
5. 强震作用下高速铁路桥梁随机动力学分析高效方法研究, 2019-2021, 主持,结题
6. 大型非线性结构随机地震动力响应和优化设计理论研究, 2021-2025, 骨干,在研
7. 近断层区惯容减震高层建筑随机振动和可靠性优化设计新方法, 2024-2027, 参与,在研
8. 基于体细分表示的复杂设计域超大规模等几何拓扑优化研究, 2022-2025, 参与,在研
9. 显式结构拓扑优化理论算法与自主可控软件研发,2023-2025, 参与,在研
10. 基于等几何分析的结构拓扑优化设计方法研究,2018-2021, 参与,结题
1. Guohai Chen, Dixiong Yang*, Yunhe Liu, Hongchao Guo. System reliability analysis of static and dynamic structures via direct probability integral method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 388 (2022) 114262.
2. Guohai Chen, Dixiong Yang*. A unified analysis framework of static and dynamic structural reliabilities based on direct probability integral method. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021, 158:107783
3. Guohai Chen, Dixiong Yang*. Direct probability integral method for stochastic response analysis of static and dynamic structural systems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2019, 357:112612.
4. Guohai Chen, Hui Huo, Shuangxi Zhan, Dixiong Yang*. Analytical stochastic responses of thin cylindrical shells under various stationary excitations. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2021, 190:106048.
5. Guohai Chen, Guiqiang Guo, Kaisheng Yang, Dixiong Yang*. Multi-step prediction of zero series and gap series of Riemann zeta function. Results in Physics. 2021, 27:104449.
6. Guohai Chen, Zeng Meng, Dixiong Yang*. Exact nonstationary responses of rectangular thin plate on Pasternak foundation excited by stochastic moving loads. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018, 412:166−183.
7. Guohai Chen, Guiqiang Guo, Yi Liu, Dixiong Yang*. Duration effects of near-fault ground motions on structural seismic responses. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2023, 27(11): 3202–3227
8. Guohai Chen, Jilei Zhou, Dixiong Yang*. Benchmark solutions of stationary random vibration for rectangular thin plate based on discrete analytical method. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2017, 50:17−24.
9. Xiaolan Li, Guohai Chen*, Haichao Cui, Dixiong Yang*. Direct probability integral method for static and dynamic reliability analysis of structures with complicated performance functions. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2021, 374: 113583.
10. Luxin Li, Guohai Chen*, Mingxuan Fang, Dixiong Yang*. Reliability analysis of structures with multimodal distributions based on direct probability integral method. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 2021, 215:107885
11. Luxin Li, Mingxuan Fang, Guohai Chen*, Dixiong Yang*. Reliability-based stochastic optimal control of frame building under near-fault ground motions. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2022, 163:108098
12. Hui Huo, Zheng Zhou, Guohai Chen*, Dixiong Yang*. Exact benchmark solutions of random vibration responses for thin-walled orthotropic cylindrical shells. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2021, 207:106644
13. Hui Huo, Wentao Xu, Wenpei Wang, Guohai Chen*, Dixiong Yang*. New non-intrusive stochastic finite element method for plate structures [J]. Computers and Structures, 2022, 268: 106812
14. Xiaolan Li, Guohai Chen*, Yutian Wang, Dixiong Yang*. A unified approach for static and dynamic reliability-based design optimization with multiple most probable points. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 177: 109176
15. Zeng Meng, Jingyu Zhao, Guohai Chen*, Dixiong Yang*. Hybrid uncertainty propagation and reliability analysis using direct probability integral method and exponential convex model. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2022, 228: 108803
16. Dixiong Yang, Hanshu Chen, Zeng Meng, Guohai Chen*. Random vibration and dynamic reliability analyses for nonlinear MDOF systems under additive excitations via DPIM. Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 2021, 147: 04021117
17. Hanshu Chen, Guohai Chen*, Zeng Meng,Yahui Zhang, Dixiong Yang*. Stochastic dynamic analysis of nonlinear MDOF systems under combined Gaussian and Poisson noise excitation based on DPIM. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 176: 109163
18. Luxin Li, Yuan Liang, Guohai Chen*, Dixiong Yang*. Simultaneous layout and size optimization of nonlinear viscous dampers for frame buildings under stochastic seismic excitation. Engineering Structures, 2022, 273: 115067
19. Hui Huo, Dixiong Yang, Guohai Chen*. Exact solutions of random vibration responses for orthotropic rectangular Kirchhoff plates. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 2020, 6(4), 04020041
1. 矩形薄板随机振动精确分析软件(登记号:2021SR2089248)
2. 基于直接概率积分法的工程结构随机力学分析软件(登记号:2021SR2089249)
3. 板结构随机分析的非侵入式随机有限元软件(登记号:2021SR1874823)
4. 中厚壳结构随机振动响应的精确分析软件(登记号:2021SR1874822)
5. 联合随机激励下桥梁随机振动分析软件(登记号:2021SR1874824)