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  • 陈俊鑫 ( 教授 )

    的个人主页 http://faculty.dlut.edu.cn/chenjunxin/zh_CN/index.htm

  •   教授   博士生导师   硕士生导师
  • 主要任职:Professor
科学研究 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究
  • 主要研究方向:人工智能、AI+健康、智能感知、可穿戴设备等。





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    Associate Editor, Expery Systems (Wiley) (SCI, JCR Q2), 2023.10-至今

    Associate Editor, International Journal Of Interactive Multimedia And Artificial Intelligence, (SCI, JCR Q2), 2025.1-至今

    Associate Editor, Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems, 2022.10-至今

    Lead Guest Editor, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (SCI, IF=7.056, SCI一区期刊, 医工交叉旗舰期刊), Signal Processing: Image Communication (SCI 2区期刊)


    截至2024年12月,在IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Network等业内知名SCI杂志和国际会议上发表论文150+篇,H-index 36,Google 引用4000+次

    Google Profile:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Mn-xNAIAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN



    To Appear with you


    [132] Tongyue He  (博三), Junxin Chen*, David Camacho, Empowering the measurement of early Parkinson's disease digital biomarkers by a features-attention fusion network and smartphone, Measurement, Accepted, In Press. (SCI, IF=5.2) 

    [131] Xu Xu1 (博二), Junxin Chen1, Dipanwita Thakur, Duo Hong*, Multi-Modal Disease Segmentation with Continual Learning and Adaptive Decision Fusion, Information Fusion, Accepted, In Press. Accepted, In Press. (SCI, IF=14.7;与中国医科大学附属第一医院合作) 

    [130] Xu Xu (博二), Junxin Chen, Jiayue Yin, Tooth Instance Segmentation and Disease Detection With Uncertainty-Aware Contrastive Learning and Cross-Scale Attention, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health InformaticsAccepted, In Press. (SCI, IF=6.7;与中国医科大学附属口腔医院合作) 

    [129] Xu Xu (博二), Chong Fu, Junxin Chen, Emotion Recognition Empowered Human-Computer Interaction with Domain Adaptation Network, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Accepted, In Press. (SCI, IF=4.3)

    [128] Tongyue He (博三), Junxin Chen*, M. Shamim Hossain, Zhihan Lyu, Enhanced detection of early Parkinson’ s disease through multi-sensor fusion on smartphone-based IoMT platforms, Information Fusion, 117: 102868 (2025). (SCI, IF=14.7) 

    [127] Junxin Chen, Wenrui Lv, Leo Yu Zhang, Zhongyun Hua, Li-bo Zhang & Zhi-liang Zhu, Power- alpha chaotic system with robust chaos, Nonlinear Dynamics, Accepted, In Press.  (SCI, IF=5.2) 


    [126] Yani Zhang (博一), Qiankun Li, Haijun Duan, Liang Tan, Yaping Chen, Junxin Chen*, Machine Learning Based Prediction Model for the Prolonged  SARS-CoV-2 Shedding: Identifying Risk Factors Associated with Viral Shedding Duration, Journal of Translation Medicine22: 1054 (2024).  (SCI, IF=5.8, 与中国科学技术大学合作) 

    [125] Tianyu Sun (博一), Ben-Guo He∗ , Junxin Chen∗ , Haiyan Lu, Bo Fang, Yicong Zhou, Optimization of Electric Vehicle Charging and Scheduling Based on VANETs, Vehicular Communications50(1): 100857 (2024).  (SCI, IF=5.8) 

    [124] Xu Xu (博二), Junxin Chen*, Wenrui Lv, Wei Wang, and Yushu Zhang, Image Tampering Detection With Frequency-Aware Attention and Multiview Fusion, IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, Accepted, In Press. 

    [123] 陈俊鑫, 王鸿博,张芷境,蒋芳芳,数字电子技术课程思政达成度分析,《实验室科学》,27(5): 212-217 (2024).(教改论文)

    [122] Qingxin Sheng, Chong Fu, Zhaonan Lin, Junxin Chen, Xingwei Wang, Chiu-wing Sham, Content-Aware Selective Encryption for H.265/HEVC using Deep Hashing Network and Steganography, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications,  Accepted, In Press. (SCI, IF=5.1, 与东北大学合作) 

    [121] Tongyue He (研三博士), Junxin Chen*, Xu Xu,  Giancarlo Fortino, Wei Wang, Early detection of Parkinson’s disease using deep NeuroEnhanceNet with smartphone walking recordings, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 32: 3603-3614 (2024). (SCI, IF=4.8, 与东北大学合作) 

    [120] Jiye Tang, Junxin Chen*, Xu Xu, Aiping Liu, Xun Chen, Imagined Speech Reconstruction from Neural Signals – An Overview of Sources and Methods, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 73: 4011721 (2024). (SCI, IF= 5.6) 

    [119]  Tongyue He(研三博士), Junxin Chen*, Yongyong Chen, Smartphone-based detection of early Parkinson’s disease with tapping records and a multimodal-multiscale ensemble network, IEEE Sensors Journal, 24(20): 33207-33216 (2024). (SCI, IF= 4.3;与东北大学合作) 

    [118] Yuxiang Peng, Chong Fu, Yu Zheng, Yunjia Tian, Guixing Cao, Junxin Chen, Medical steganography: Enhanced security and image quality, and new SQ assessment, Signal Processing, 223: 109546 (2024). (SCI, IF= 3;与东北大学合作) 

    [117] Sihan Ge(研二硕士), Junxin Chen, Wei Wang, et al., Predicting who has delayed cerebral ischemia after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage using machine learning approach: a multicenter, retrospective cohort study, BMC Neurology, 24(1): 177 (2024). (SCI, 与东北大学、北部战区总医院、陆军军医大学合作)

    [116] Wei Song, Chong Fu, Zhaonan Lin, Yanfeng Zhang, Junxin Chen, Chiu-Wing Sham, Batch medical image encryption using 3D Latin cube-based simultaneous permutation and diffusion, Signal, Image and Video Processing, 18(3): 2499-2508 (2024). (SCI, 与东北大学合作)

    [115] Wei Song, Chong Fu, Yu Zheng, Yanfeng Zhang, Junxin Chen, Peipei Wang, Batch image encryption using cross image permutation and diffusion, Journal of Information Security and Applications, 80: 103686 (2024). (SCI, IF=3.8;与东北大学合作)

    [114] Qingxin Sheng, Chong Fu, Wei Song, Zhaonan Lin, Junxin Chen, Chiu-Wing Sham, A chaotic selective encryption scheme for H. 265/HEVC video with zero bit rate increment, Nonlinear Dynamics, 112 (9): 7631-7648. (SCI, IF=5.2;与东北大学合作)

    [113] Qingxin Sheng, Chong Fu, Zhaonan Lin, Junxin Chen, Lin Cao, Chiu-Wing Sham, An efficient chaotic image encryption scheme using simultaneous permutation–diffusion operation, The Visual Computer, 40(3): 1643-1658 (2024). (SCI, IF=3;与东北大学合作).

    [112] Qingxin Sheng, Chong Fu, Zhaonan Lin, Junxin Chen, Xingwei Wang, Chiu-Wing Sham, Content-Aware Tunable Selective Encryption for HEVC using Sine-Modular Chaotification Model, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Accepted, In Press. (SCI, 中科院一区,IF= 8.4;与东北大学合作) 

    [111] Kai Fang, Junxin Chen, Han Zhu, Thippa Reddy Gadekallu, Xiaoping Wu, Wei Wang, Explainable-AI-based two-stage solution for WSN object localization using zero-touch mobile transceivers, Science China Information Sciences, 67: 170302 (2024). (CCF-A, SCI, IF=7.3;与北京理工大学合作)

    [110] Xu Xu (研一博士), Chong Fu*, David Camacho,  Jong Hyuk Park, Junxin Chen, Internet of Things for Emotion Care: Advances, Applications, and Challenges, Cognitive Computation, 16: 2812-2832 (2024). (SCI, IF=4.3)

    [109] Xu Xu (研一博士), Fengyu Cong, Yongyong Chen, Junxin Chen*, Sleep Stage Classification With Multi-Modal Fusion and Denoising Diffusion Model, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Accepted, In Press. (SCI, IF=6.7) 

    [108] Junxin Chen, Zhiyong Wang, Tongyue He, Bo Fang, Chen Li, Mikael Fridenfalk, Zhihan Lyu, Artificial Intelligence Empowered Digital Twins for ECG Monitoring in a Smart Home, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications, Accepted, In Press. (SCI, IF=5.1) 

    [107] Qingxin Sheng, Chong Fu, Ming Tie, Xingwei Wang, Junxin Chen, Chiu-Wing Sham, A Chaos-based Tunable Selective Encryption Algorithm for H.265/HEVC with Semantic Understanding, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 34(11): 11040-11055 (2024). (SCI, 中科院一区,IF= 8.4;与东北大学合作) 

    [106] Renlong Zhang (研三硕士), Junxin Chen*, Bo Fang, Li-bo Zhang, Amit Kumar Singh, Zhihan Lyu, Artificial Intelligence Generated Data Augmentation for Abdominal Multi-Organ Segmentation, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 70(3): 6031-6041 (2024). (SCI, IF= 4.3). (SCI, IF= 4.3) (交叉学科旗舰)

    [105] Junxin Chen, Xu Xu,Tingting Wang*, Gwanggil Jeon, and David Camacho, An AIoT Framework with Multi-modal Frequency Fusion for WiFi-based Coarse and Fine Activity Recognition, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 11(24): 39020-39029 (2024). (SCI, IF= 11.1)

    [104] Qiankun Li(研二博士), Yimou Wang, Yani Zhang, Zhaoyu Zuo, Junxin Chen*, and Wei Wang, Fuzzy-ViT: A Deep Neuro-Fuzzy System for Cross-Domain Transfer Learning from Large-scale General Data to Medical Image, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 33(10): 231 - 241 (2025). (SCI, IF= 11.9) (与中国科学技术大学合作)

    [103] Tianhai Liang, Qiangqiang Shen, Shuqin Wang, Yongyong Chen, Guokai Zhang, Junxin Chen, Data Completion-guided Unified Graph Learning for Incomplete Multi-View Clustering, ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 18(8): 1-23 (2024). (SCI, IF= 3.6; 与哈工大深圳合作)

    [102] Bo Fang(研三硕士), Zhaocheng Yu, Li-bo Zhang, Yue Teng, Junxin Chen*, K-B2S+: A one-dimensional CNN model for AF detection with short single-lead ECG waves from wearable devices, Digital Communications and Networks, Accepted In Press. (SCI, IF= 7.9)

    [101] Tongyue He (研二博士), Junxin Chen*, Xu Xu, and Wei Wang, Exploiting smartphone voice recording as a digital biomarker for Parkinson’s disease diagnosis, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 73: 4006612 (2024). (SCI, IF= 5.6)

    [100] Junxin Chen, Xu Xu, Gwanggil Jeon, David Camacho*, Ben-Guo He*, WLR-Net: An Improved YOLO-V7 with Edge Constraints and Attention Mechanism for Water Leakage Recognition in the Tunnel, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 8(4): 3105 - 3116 (2024). (SCI, IF= 5.3)

    [99]  Junxin Chen, Bo Fang, Haoyue Li, Li-bo Zhang, Yue Teng*, Giancarlo Fortino, EMCNet: Ensemble Multiscale Convolutional Neural Network for Single-Lead ECG Classification in Wearable Devices, IEEE Sensors Journal, 24(6): 8754-8762 (2024). (SCI, IF= 4.3) 

    [98] Kangyue Liang(研二硕士), Junxin Chen*, Tongyue He, Wei Wang, Amit Kumar Singh, Danda B. Rawat, Houbing Song, Zhihan Lyu, Review of the open datasets for contactless sensing, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 11(11): 19000 - 19022 (2024). (SCI, IF= 10.6)

    [97] Junxin Chen, Xiaojie Yu, Shichang Liu, Tao Chen, Wei Wang, Gwanggil Jeon, Ben-Guo He, Tunnel SAM Adapter: Adapting Segment Anything Model for Tunnel Water Leakage Inspection, Geohazard Mechanics, 2(1): 29-36 (2024). (AI+工程交叉研究)

    [96] Xu Xu(研一博士), Junxin Chen*, Congsheng Li, Chong Fu, Lei Yang, Yan Yan, Zhihan Lyu, Robust Gaze Point Estimation for Metaverse with Common Mode Features Suppression Network,  IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 70(1): 2090-2098  (2024). (SCI, IF= 4.3).  (交叉学科旗舰)


    [95]  Junxin Chen, Zhihuan Guo, Xu Xu, Gwanggil Jeon*, David Camacho, Artificial intelligence for heart sound classification: a review, Expert Systems (Wiley), 41(4): e13535 (2024). (SCI, IF= 3.3)

    [94] Shichang Liu(研一博士), Xu Xu, Gwanggil Jeon, Junxin Chen*, and Ben-Guo He*, Deep learning based water leakage detection for shield tunnel lining, Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 18: 887–898 (2024). (SCI, IF= 3) (AI+工程交叉研究,与东北大学合作)

    [93] Junxin Chen, Xiaojie Yu, Qiankun Li, Wei Wang, Ben-Guo He*, LAG-YOLO: Efficient road damage detector via lightweight attention ghost module, Journal of Intelligent Construction (Tsinghua University Press), 2023, 1,9180032. (AI+工程交叉研究,与东北大学合作)

    [92] Xu Xu (研一博士), Wenrui Lv, Wei Wang, Yushu Zhang, Junxin Chen*, Empowering Semantic Segmentation with Selective Frequency Enhancement and Attention Mechanism for Tampering Detection, IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 5(6): 3270 - 3283 (2024). 

    [91] Yongyong Chen, Junxin Chen*, Shuang Sun, Jingyong Su, Qiankun Li, Zhihan Lyu, Atrial Fibrillation Detection from Compressed ECG Measurements for Wireless Body Sensor Network, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Accepted, In Press  (2023). (SCI, IF= 5.3)  (与哈工大深圳合作)

    [90] Yuxiang Peng, Chong Fu, Guixing Cao, Wei Song, Junxin Chen, Chiu-wing Sham, JPEG Compatible Joint Image Compression and Encryption Algorithm with File Size Preservation, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications, 20(4): 105 (2024). (SCI, IF= 5.1) 

    [89] Qiankun Li(研二博士), Xiaolong Huang, Bo Fang, Yanni Zhang, Yongyong Chen, Junxin Chen*, PnP-AE: A Plug-and-Play Module for Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), Dec. 5-8, 2023, Istanbul, Turkey. (CCF-B会议,与中科大、哈工深合作)

    [88] Xiaojia Zhao, Qiangqiang Shen, Yongyong Chen, Yongsheng Liang, Junxin Chen, Yicong Zhou, Self-Completed Bipartite Graph Learning for Fast Incomplete Multi-View Clustering, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 34(4): 2166-2178  (2024). (SCI, 中科院一区,IF= 8.4;与哈尔滨工业大学、澳门大学合作) 

    [87] Qifeng Lai; Chen Xiong; Jian Chen; Wei Wang; Junxin Chen; Thippa Reddy Gadekallu; Ming Cai; Xiping Hu, Improved Transformer-based Privacy-Preserving Architecture for Intrusion Detection in Secure V2X Communications,  IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 70(1): 1810-1820  (2024). (SCI, IF= 4.3)(与北京理工、中山大学合作)

    [86] Tongyue He(研二博士), Yiming Chen, Bo Fang, Junxin Chen*, SEVGGNet-LSTM: a fused deep learning model for ECG classification, 19th EAI International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness, 7-9 Oct, 2023, Shenzhen, China. 

    [85] Jian Chen(研二硕士), Yuzhu Hu, Qifeng Lai, Wei Wang*, Junxin Chen, Han Liu, Gautam Srivastava, Ali Kashif Bashir, and Xiping Hu. IIFDD: Intra and Inter-modal Fusion Model for Depression Detection based on Multi-modal Information from Internet of Medical Things, Information Fusion, 102:102017 (2024). (SCI, 中科院一区,IF 18.6;与北京理工大学合作)

    [84] Qiankun Li(研二博士), Xianwang Yu, Junxin Chen*, Ben-Guo He*, Wei Wang, Danda B. Rawat, Zhihan Lv, PGA-Net: Polynomial Global Attention Network with Mean Curvature Loss for Lane Detection, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems25(1): 417-429 (2024). (SCI, 中科院一区,IF= 8.5;与中国科学技术大学合作) 

    [83] Junxin Chen, Wei Wang, Bo Fang, Yu Liu, Keping Yu, Victor C. M. Leung and Xiping Hu, Digital Twin Empowered Wireless Healthcare Monitoring for Smart Home, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 41(11): 3662 - 3676  (2023). (SCI, 中科院一区,CCF A 类,IF= 16.4;与北京理工大学合作) 

    [82] Xiaojia Zhao, Qiangqiang Shen, Yongyong Chen, Yongsheng Liang, Junxin Chen, and Yicong Zhou, Self-Completed Bipartite Graph Learning for Fast Incomplete Multi-View Clustering, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 34(4): 2166-2178 (2024)(SCI, 中科院一区,IF= 8.4;与哈尔滨工业大学合作) 

    [81] Wenrui Lv(研三硕士), Chong Fu, Xiuli Chai, Leo Yu Zhang, Junxin Chen*, An image encryption scheme based on Elementary and Life-liked cellular automatons, Physica Scripta, 98(8): 085211 (2023).  (SCI, 影响因子2.9,与东北大学合作)

    [80] Wenrui Lv  (研二硕士), Junxin Chen, Qiankun Li, Xu Xu, Chong Fu*, An efficient medical image encryption scheme utilizing non-uniform cellular automaton, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos33(10):  2350119 (2023).  (SCI, 影响因子2.2,与东北大学合作,混沌数学领域旗舰期刊)

    [79] Tongyue He (研一博士), Junxin Chen*, Ben-Guo He, Wei Wang, Zhi-liang Zhu, Zhihan Lv, Towards the Wearable Sensors: Advances, Trends and Challenges, ACM Computing Surveys,  55(14): 333 (2023).  (SCI, 中科院一区,影响因子16.6)

    [78] Chengrui Zhang(研二博士), Junxin Chen, Dongming Chen*, Wei Wang, Yushu Zhang, Yicong Zhou, Exploiting Substitution Box for Cryptanalyzing Image Encryption Schemes with DNA Coding and Nonlinear Dynamics, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia26: 1114-1128 (2024). (SCI, 中科院一区,IF= 7.3;与东北大学合作) 

    [77] Tongyue He (研一博士), Wei Wang, Ben-Guo He*, Junxin Chen*, Review on Optical Fiber Sensors for Hazardous-gas Monitoring in Mines and Tunnels, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 72: 7003722, (2023). (SCI, IF= 5.6)  

    [76] Yongyong Chen, Yin-Ping Zhao, Shuqin Wang*, Junxing Chen*, and Zheng Zhang, Partial Tubal Nuclear Norm Regularized Multi-view Subspace Learning, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 54(6): 3777-3790 (2024)(SCI, IF= 19.118)  (与哈工大深圳合作

    [75] Yongyong Chen, Tingting Xu, Xiaojia Zhao, Haijin Zeng, Yanhui Xu, Junxing Chen, Asymmetry total variation and framelet regularized nonconvex low-rank tensor completion, Signal Processing, 206:108901, (2023). (SCI, IF= 4.4) (与哈工大深圳合作

    [74] Yuzhu Hu(研一硕士), Jian Chen, Junxin Chen, Wei Wang, Shen Zhao, Xiping Hu, An Ensemble Classification Model for Depression Based on Wearable Device Sleep Data, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 28(5): 2602-2612 (2024). (SCI, IF= 7.7) (与北京理工大学合作,医工交叉旗舰杂志)

    [73] Zhihuan Guo  (研三硕士), Junxin Chen*, Tongyue He, Wei  Wang, Haider Abbas, and Zhihan Lv, DS-CNN: Dual-Stream Convolutional Neural Networks based Heart Sound Classification for Wearable Devices, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 69(4): 1186-1194 (2023). (SCI, IF= 4.3) (医工交叉旗舰杂志)

    [72] Junxin Chen, Zhihuan Guo, Xu Xu, Li-bo Zhang, Yue Teng, Yongyong Chen, Marcin Wozniak, and Wei Wang*, A Robust Deep Learning Framework Based on Spectrograms for Heart Sound Classification, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 21(4): 936-947 (2024). (SCI, IF= 4.5) (与北京理工大学合作,医工交叉旗舰杂志)

    [71] Jian Chen  (研一硕士), Wei Wang*, Junxin Chen, Ming Cai, Dynamic Vehicle Graph Interaction for Trajectory Prediction based on Video Signals, ICASSP 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), June 4-10 2023, Greece (2023). (CCF-B会议)

    [70] Huabao Chen (研二硕士), Xiaolong Huang, Qiankun Li, Jianqing Wang, Bo Fang, Junxin Chen*,LABANet: Lead-Assisting Backbone Attention Network for oral multi-pathology segmentation,  ICASSP 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), June 4-10 2023, Greece (2023). (CCF-B会议)

    [69] Li-bo Zhang, Shuang Sun, Junxin Chen*, Yue Teng, Zhihan Lv, Self-adaptive Reconstruction for Compressed Sensing based ECG Acquisition in Wireless Body Area Network, Future Generation Computer Systems142: 228-236 (2023). (SCI, IF= 7.307)


    [68] Wenrui Lv (研二硕士), Junxin Chen, Xiuli Chai, Chong Fu*, A robustness-improved image encryption scheme utilizing Life-liked cellular, Nonlinear Dynamics, 111: 3887–3907 (2023). (SCI, IF= 5.741)

    [67] Yongyong Chen, Shuqin Wang, Jingyong Su, and Junxin Chen, Correntropy-Induced Tensor Learning for Multi-view Subspace Clustering,  The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM, Nov. 28 - Dec. 1 2022. Orlando, USA, 2022 (CCF-B, 数据挖掘顶会) [与哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)合作]. 

    [66] Hui Zhang (研二硕士), Junxin Chen, Leo Yu Zhang, Chong Fu*, Raffaele Gravina, Giancarlo Fortino, and Zhihan Lv, Low-cost and Confidential ECG Acquisition Framework using Compressed Sensing and Chaotic Systems for Wireless Body Area Network, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 26 (12): 5783 - 5792 (2022). (SCI, IF= 7.021)

    [65] Zhaocheng Yu (研二硕士), Junxin Chen*, Yu Liu, Yongyong Chen, Tingting Wang, Robert Nowak, and Zhihan Lv, DDCNN: A Deep Learning Model for AF Detection from a Single-Lead Short ECG Signal, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 26(10): 4987-4995 (2022). (SCI, IF= 7.021)

    [64] Nan Bao, Jiajun Du (研二硕士), Chengyang Wu, Duo Hong, Junxin Chen, Robert Nowak, Zhihan Lv, Wi-breath: a WiFi-based contactless and real-time respiration monitoring scheme for remote healthcare, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 27(5):2276-2285 (2023). (SCI, IF= 7.021)

    [63] Yu Liu (研二硕士), Junxin Chen*, Bo Fang, Yongyong Chen, Zhihan Lv, Ensemble learning-based atrial fibrillation detection from single lead ECG wave for wireless body sensor network, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 10(5): 2627-2636 2023 (2023). (SCI, IF=6.6)

    [62] Bo Fang (研二硕士), Junxin Chen*, Wei Wang, Yicong Zhou, Combining multiple style transfer networks and transfer learning for LGE-CMR segmentation, ICASSP 2022-2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 23-27 May, Singapore (2022). CCF-B会议)

    [61] Wei Wang, Xinhua Yu, Bo Fang, Dianna-Yue Zhao, Yongyong Chen, Wei Wei, Junxin Chen*, Cross-modality LGE-CMR segmentation using image-to-image translation based data augmentation, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 20(4): 2367 - 2375 (2023). (SCI, IF= 3.702) (与中山大学合作)

    [60] Xinhua Yu (研三硕士), Junxin Chen*, Bo Fang, Wei Wang, Li-bo Zhang, Zhihan Lv, Cardiac LGE MRI segmentation with cross-modality image augmentation and improved U-Net, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 27(2): 588-597  (2023). (SCI, IF= 7.021)

    [59] Yu Liu (研二硕士), Bo Fang, Yue Zhao, Junxin Chen*, Ensemble learning for atrial fibrillation screening from a single lead ECG wave of wearable devices, 2021 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Frontiers Technology of Information and Computer (ICFTIC), 590-594 (2022) 

    [58] Bo Fang (研二硕士), Junxin Chen*, Yu Liu, Wei Wang, Ke Wang, Amit Kumar Singh, Zhihan Lv, Dual-channel neural network for atrial fibrillation detection from a single lead ECG wave, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 27(5): 2296-2305 (2023). (SCI, IF= 7.021)

    [57] Wenchao Zhang, Chong Fu*, Haoyu Xie, Mai Zhu, Ming Tie, Junxin Chen, Global context aware RCNN for object detection, Neural Computing and Applications, 33: 11627-11639 (2021). (SCI, IF= 5.102)

    [56] Yanhui Xu, Zhengkang Liu, Shiyan Wang, Wanchun Tang, Junxin Chen, Design of a multilayer dual-band balanced bandpass filter on a circular patch resonator, Frontiers in Physics, 9: 709150 (2021). (SCI, IF= 3.718) (与澳门大学合作)

    [55] Junxin Chen, Shuang Sun, Li-bo Zhang, Benqiang Yang, and Wei Wang*, Compressed Sensing Framework for Heart Sound Acquisition in Internet of Medical Things, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 18(3):2000 - 2009 (2022) (SCI, IF=11.648)


    [54] Yu Liu (研一硕士), Junxin Chen*, Nan Bao, Brij B Gupta, and Zhihan Lv, Survey on Atrial Fibrillation Detection from a Single-lead ECG Wave for Internet of Medical Things, Computer Communications, 178: 245-258 (2021) (SCI, IF=5.047)

    [53] Junxin Chen, Shuang Sun, Nan Bao, Zhiliang Zhu, Li-bo Zhang*, Improved Reconstruction for CS based ECG Acquisition in Internet of Medical Things, IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(22):25222 - 25233 (2021). (SCI, IF=4.325)

    [52] Junxin Chen, Leo Yu Zhang, Yicong Zhou*, Re-evaluation of the security of a family of image diffusion mechanisms, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 31(12): 4747 - 4758 (2021). (SCI, IF=5.859)

    [51] Wei Wang, Neeraj Kumar, Junxin Chen, Zhiguo Gong, Xiangjie Kong, Wei Wei, Honghao Gao, Realizing the Potential of Internet of Things for Smart Tourism with 5G and AI, IEEE Network, 34(6):295-301 (2021). (SCI, IF=10.294) (与中山大学、澳门大学合作)

    [50] Junxin Chen, Lei Chen, Yicong Zhou*, Cryptanalysis of image ciphers with permutation-substitution network and chaos, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 31(6): 2494 - 2508 (2021). (SCI, IF=5.859)

    [49] Junxin Chen, Lei Chen, Yicong Zhou*, Universal chosen-ciphertext attack for a family of image encryption schemes, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 23: 2372-2385 (2021). (SCI, IF=8.182)

    [48] Junxin Chen, Wei Wang*, Yicong Zhou, Syed Hassan Ahmed, Wei Wei, Exploiting 5G and Blockchain for Medical Applications of Drones, IEEE Network, 35(1): 30-36 (2021). (SCI, IF=10.294)


    [47] Shan Pufang, Yiding Wang, Chong Fu, Wei Song, Junxin Chen, Automatic skin lesion segmentation based on FC-DPN, Computers in Biology and Medicine 123: 103762 (2020) (SCI, IF=3.434)

    [46] Lei Chen, Junxin Chen, Lisha Ma, Shihong Wang, Cryptanalysis of a chaotic image cipher based on plaintext-related permutation and lookup table, Nonlinear Dynamics, 100: 3959-3978 (2020) (SCI, IF=4.867). (与清华大学、绿盟公司合作)

    [45] Fangfang Han, Linkai Yan, Junxin Chen, Yueyang Teng, Shuo Chen, Shouliang Qi, Wei Qian, Jie Yang, William Moore, Shu Zhang, Zhengrong Liang, Predicting Unnecessary Nodule Biopsies from a Small, Unbalanced, and Pathologically Proven Dataset by Transfer Learning, Journal of Digital Imaging, 33: 685–696 (2020) . (SCI, IF=3.697)

    [44] Junxin Chen, Lei Chen, Yicong Zhou*, Cryptanalysis of a DNA-based image encryption scheme, Information Sciences, 520: 130–141 (2020) (SCI, IF=5.910).

    [43] Shuang Sun  (研一硕士), Jiazhu Xing, Zheng Zhou, Wei Wang, Junxin Chen*, Comparative Study of Compressed Sensing for Heart Sound Acquisition in Wireless Body Sensor Networks, IEEE Access, 8: 22483 - 22492 (2020) (SCI, IF=3.745)

    [42] Wei Wang, Junyang Chen, Jinzhong Wang, Junxin Chen, Jinquan Liu, Zhiguo Gong. Trust-Enhanced Collaborative Filtering for Personalized Point of Interests Recommendation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16(9): 6124 - 6132 (2020). (SCI, IF=9.112). (与中山大学、澳门大学合作)

    [41] Wang, Wei, Junyang Chen, Jinzhong Wang, Junxin Chen, Zhiguo Gong. Geography-Aware Inductive Matrix Completion for Personalized Point of Interest Recommendation in Smart Cities. IEEE Internet of Things Journal , 7(5): 4361 - 4370 (2020). (SCI, IF=9.936). (与中山大学、澳门大学合作)


    [40] 齐林、邢家柱、陈俊鑫*、张良钰,基于压缩感知的心电信号稀疏采样与重构算法研究,东北大学学报》(自然科学版), 40(8): 1087-1093 (2019).

    [39] Junxin Chen*, Lei Chen, Leo Yu Zhang, Zhi-liang Zhu, Medical image cipher using hierarchical diffusion and non-sequential encryption, Nonlinear Dynamics, 96(1): 301-322 (2019) (SCI, IF=4.867).

    [38] Junxin Chen, Jiazhu Xing, Leo Yu Zhang, Lin Qi, Compressed sensing for electrocardiogram acquisition in wireless body sensor network: A comparative analysis, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks , 15(7), 1550147719864884 (2019). (SCI, IF=1.151).

    [37] Jia Wang, Leo Yu Zhang, Junxin Chen, Guang Hua, Yushu Zhang, Yong Xiang, Compressed Sensing Based Selective Encryption With Data Hiding Capability, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 15(12): 6560 - 6571 (2019). (SCI, IF=9.112) (与澳大利亚迪肯大学、深圳大学合作)

    [36] Lei Chen, Junxin Chen, Geng Zhao, Shihong Wang*, Cryptanalysis and Improvement of a Chaos-Based Watermarking Scheme, IEEE Access, 7: 97549 - 97565 (2019) (SCI, IF=3.745) (与清华大学、绿盟公司合作)


    [35] Junxin Chen, Zhi-liang Zhu*, Li-bo Zhang, Yushu Zhang, Ben-qiang Yang, Exploiting self-adaptive permutation–diffusion and DNA random encoding for secure and efficient image encryption, Signal Processing, 142: 340-353 (2018). (SCI, IF=3.470) (ESI Highly Cited Paper in Web of Science)

    [34] Junxin Chen, Yu Zhang, Jinchang Li, Li-bo Zhang*, Security enhancement of double random phase encoding using rear-mounted phase masking, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 101: 51-59 (2018). (SCI, IF=3.388)

    [33] Junxin Chen, Yu Zhang, Lin Qi, Chong Fu, Lisheng Xu*, Exploiting chaos-based compressed sensing and cryptographic algorithm for image encryption and compression, Optics & Laser Technology, 99: 238-248 (2018). (SCI, IF=2.503)

    [32] Junxin Chen*, Fangfang Han, Wei Qian, Yu-dong Yao, Zhi-liang Zhu, Cryptanalysis and improvement of an image encryption scheme using combination of the 1D chaotic map, Nonlinear Dynamics, 93(4): 2399–2413, (2018). (SCI, IF=4.339)

    [31] Junxin Chen*, Nan Bao, Leo Yu Zhang, Zhi-liang Zhu, Optical information authentication using optical encryption and sparsity constraint, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 107: 352–363 (2018). (SCI, IF=3.388)

    [30] Junxin Chen, Leo Yu Zhang, Yushu Zhang, Fabio Pareschi, Yu-dong Yao, Exploiting the Security Aspects of Compressive Sampling (Editorial Cover), Security and Communication Networks2018. (SCI, IF=0.904) (Editorial Cover)

    [29] Junxin Chen, Jiazhu Xing, Lin Qi, Chong Fu, Image encryption based on fully phase encoding and pixel scrambling in gyrator transform domain, 2018 5th International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems (ICCSS), Pages: 67 - 72. (Best Paper Finalist).

    [28] Yushu Zhang, Qi He, Yong Xiang, Leo Yu Zhang, Bo Liu, Junxin Chen, Yiyuan Xie, Low-cost and confidentiality-preserving data acquisition for internet of multimedia things, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 5(5):3442 - 3451 (2018). (SCI, IF=9.515) (与澳大利亚迪肯大学、南京航空航天大学合作)

    [27] Chong Fu, Gao-yuan Zhang, Mai, Zhu, Junxin Chen, Weimin Lei, A Fast Chaos-Based Colour Image Encryption Algorithm Using a Hash Function, Informatica, 29(4): 651-673 (2018). (SCI, IF=1.386)


    [26] Junxin Chen, Yushu Zhang, Leo Yu Zhang, On the security of optical ciphers under the architecture of compressed sensing combining with double random phase encoding, IEEE Photonics Journal, 9(4): 7802611 (11pp) (2017). (SCI, IF=2.291)

    [25] Junxin Chen, Nan Bao, Jinchang Li, Zhi-liang Zhu, Leo Yu Zhang, Cryptanalysis of optical ciphers integrating double random phase encoding with permutation, IEEE Access, 5: 16124-16129 (2017). (SCI, IF=3.244)

    [24] Junxin Chen, Nan Bao, Zhi-liang Zhu, Optical information authentication via compressed sensing and double random phase encoding, Journal of Optics, 19: 105702 (11pp) (2017). (SCI, IF=1.741)

    [23] Junxin Chen, Zhi-liang Zhu, An approach for physical layer security enhancement and PAPR reduction in OFDM-PON, Optical Fiber Technology, 36: 370-373 (2017). (SCI, IF=1.678)

    [22] Junxin Chen, Zhi-liang Zhu, Chong Fu, Li-bo Zhang, Yushu Zhang, Information authentication using sparse representation of double random phase encoding in fractional Fourier transform domain, Optik, 136: 1-7, 2017.

    [21] Wenying Wen, Yushu Zhang, Moting Su, Rui Zhang, Jun-xin Chen, Ming Li, Differential attack on a hyper-chaos-based image cryptosystem with a classic bi-modular architecture, Nonlinear Dynamics, 87(1): 383-390 (2017). (SCI, IF=3.464)

    [20] Yushu Zhang, Wenying Wen, Yongfei Wu, Rui Zhang, Jun-xin Chen, Xing He, Deciphering an RGB color image cryptosystem based on Choquet fuzzy integral, Neural Computing and Applications,  28 (1): 165-169 (2017). (SCI, IF=2.505)


    [19] Jun-xin Chen, Zhi-liang Zhu, Chong Fu, Li-bo Zhang, Yushu Zhang, An efficient image encryption scheme using lookup table based confusion and diffusion, Nonlinear Dynamics, 81(3): 1151-1166 (2015). (SCI, IF=3.000)

    [18] Jun-xin Chen, Zhi-liang Zhu, Chong Fu, Hai Yu, Li-bo Zhang, An efficient image encryption scheme using Gray code based permutation approach, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 67: 191-204(2015). (SCI, IF=2.319)

    [17] Jun-xin Chen, Zhi-liang Zhu, Chong Fu, Hai Yu, Yushu Zhang, Reusing the permutation matrix dynamically for efficient image cryptographic algorithm, Signal Processing, 111: 294-307 (2015). (SCI, IF=2.063)

    [16] Jun-xin Chen, Zhi-liang Zhu, Chong Fu, Hai Yu, Li-bo Zhang, Gyrator transform based double random phase encoding with sparse representation for information authentication, Optics & Laser Technology, 70: 50-58 (2015). (SCI, IF=1.879)

    [15] Jun-xin Chen, Zhi-liang Zhu, Chong Fu, Hai Yu, Li-bo Zhang, A fast chaos-based image encryption scheme with a dynamic state variables selection mechanism, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 20(3): 846-860 (2015). (SCI, IF=2.834)

    [14] Jun-xin Chen, Zhi-liang Zhu, Chong Fu, Li-bo Zhang, Yushu Zhang, An image encryption scheme using nonlinear inter-pixel computing and swapping based permutation approach, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 23(1): 294-310 (2015). (SCI, IF=2.834)

    [13] Jun-xin Chen, Zhi-liang Zhu, Chong Fu, Li-bo Zhang, Hai Yu, Analysis and improvement of a double-image encryption scheme using pixel scrambling technique in gyrator domains, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 66: 1-9 (2015). (SCI, IF=2.319)

    [12] Jun-xin Chen, Zhi-liang Zhu, Chong Fu, Hai Yu, Optical image encryption scheme using 3-D chaotic map based joint image scrambling and random encoding in gyrator domains, Optics Communications, 341: 263-270 (2015). (SCI, IF=1.480)

    [11] Yushu Zhang, Yantao Li, Wenying Wen, Yongfei Wu, Jun-xin Chen, Deciphering an image cipher based on 3-cell chaotic map and biological operations, Nonlinear Dynamics, 82 (4): 1831-1837 (2015). (SCI, IF=3.000)

    [10] Wenying Wen, Yushu Zhang, Zhijun Fang, Jun-xin Chen, Infrared target-based selective encryption by chaotic maps, Optics Communications, 341: 131-139 (2015). (SCI, IF=1.480)

    [9] Jun-xin Chen, Zhi-liang Zhu, Zhengjun Liu, Chong Fu, Li-bo Zhang, Hai Yu, A novel double-image encryption scheme based on cross-image pixel scrambling in gyrator domains, Optics Express, 22(6): 7349-7361 (2014). (SCI, IF=3.488)

    [8] Jun-xin Chen, Zhi-liang Zhu, Chong Fu, Li-bo Zhang, Yushu Zhang, Cryptanalysis and improvement of an optical image encryption scheme using a chaotic Baker map and double random phase encoding, Journal of Optics, 16(12): 125403 (2014). (SCI, IF=2.059)

    [7] Jun-xin Chen, Zhi-liang Zhu, Chong Fu, Hai Yu, A fast image encryption scheme with a novel pixel swapping-based confusion approach, Nonlinear Dynamics, 77(4): 1191-1207 (2014). (SCI, IF=2.849)

    [6] Jun-xin Chen, Zhi-liang Zhu, Li-bo Zhang, Chong Fu, Hai Yu, An efficient diffusion scheme for chaos-based digital image encryption, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Article ID 427349, 13 pages, 2014. (SCI, IF=0.762)

    [5] Jun-xin Chen, Zhi-liang Zhu, Hai Yu, A fast chaos-based symmetric image cryptosystem with an improved diffusion scheme, Optik, 125(11): 2472-2478, 2014 (SCI, IF=0.677)

    [4] Jun-xin Chen, Zhi-liang Zhu, Chong Fu, Hai Yu, An improved permutation-diffusion type image cipher with a chaotic orbit perturbing mechanism, Optics Express, 21(23): 27873-27890 (2013). (SCI, IF=3.525)

    [3] Chong Fu, Tao Wang, Zhao-yu Meng, Jun-xin Chen, Hong-feng Ma, A fast chaos-based symmetric image cipher with a novel bit-level permutation strategy, 5th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security, Zhangjiajie, China, pp 52-66, Nov. 2013.

    [2] Yi Sha, Junxin Chen, Jin Chen, Guangxing Wang, A new PAPR reduction algorithm for SFBC MIMO-OFDM system, Journal of Northeastern University (Natural Science), 31(4): 503-506 (2010).

    [1] Yi Sha, Junxin Chen, Guangxing Wang, PAPR reduction method for SFBC MIMO-OFDM systems, Journal of Communications, 30(10): 114-117(2009).

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