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- 邵雅婷, 徐凌, 陈郁.禁塑令背景下不同材质吸管环境友好性比较研究[J],环境污染与防治,2024,45(7):999-1006
- 陈郁, 宋国宝, 杨凤林, 张树深, 张芸, Liu, Zhenyu.Risk Assessment and Hierarchical Risk Management of Enterprises in Chemical Industrial Parks Based on Catastrophe Theory[J],International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2022,9(12):4386-4402
- Zhang, Yanxia, 陈郁, 刘素玲, 张芸, 张树深.Sources and Influence Approaches Analysis of Cumulative Ecological Impacts in An Offshore Area of Dalian, China[A],4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE),2022
- Li H., 张树深, 刘素玲, 郑洪波, 陈郁, 张芸.Spread of cross-border pollution and response time for an accidental instantaneous explosion and continuous leakage of liquefied chlorine[A],1st International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, ICISE2009,2022,4494-4497
- 刘素玲, 陈郁, 张芸, 张树深.Study On Sustainable Development in Dalian - Coastal City[A],The 16th Seminar of JSPS-MOE Core University Program,2022,1-11
- 刘素玲, Liu Yan, 宋国宝, 陈郁, 张树深, 陈景文, Wang Youbin, Sun Dong, Tang Zhipeng.Study on the Eco-Compatibility between Port Construction and Wetland Nature Reserve[A],Biennial International Conference on Ecological Informatics and Ecosystem Conservation (ISEIS),2022,2:486-495
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