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杜浩,博士,助理教授,硕士生导师。分别于2018年、2021年和2024年获得华北电力大学学士学位、浙江大学硕士学位以及东京大学博士学位。研究领域关键词包括:聚丙烯薄膜表面改性,低温等离子体表面处理,局部放电测量及其对材料绝缘特性的影响机理,理论化学计算在高压绝缘中的应用。已发表Plasma Sources Science & Technology,Applied Surface Science,Applied Physical Letters,IEEE Trans. 等高水平国际期刊论文10余篇,并担任IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation等多本国际期刊审稿人。攻读博士期间,于日本东京大学率先成功测量出OH和O自由基在聚丙烯表面修饰中的定量作用。
[1] Du H*, Sato M, Komuro A, and Ono R 2024 Theoretical Mechanism behind the Higher Efficiency of O than OH radicals in Polypropylene Surface Modification: A Molecular Dynamics Study. Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 33 025009. JCR 1区,中科院1区Top.
[2] Du H*, Sato M, Komuro A, and Ono R 2024 Theoretical prediction of the reaction probabilities of H, O, and OH radicals with polypropylene surface. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 128(6) 1041–1048. JCR 2区,中科院2区.
[3] Du H*, Komuro A and Ono R 2023 The Mechanism behind Polypropylene Surface Modifications by OH Radicals: An Experimental Study. Applied Surface Science. 648 159086. JCR 1区,中科院1区Top.
[4] Du H, Komuro A and Ono R* 2023 Quantitative and selective study of the effect of O radicals on polypropylene surface treatment. Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 32 075013. JCR 1区,中科院1区Top.
[5] Du H, Chen X R*, Guan H 2020 Insights on the breakdown characteristics of PPLP under different test protocols and temperatures. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 30(6): 1-6. JCR 2区,中科院3区.
[6] 杜 浩,关弘路,陈向荣*,等. 2020 直流电压下交联聚乙烯电缆典型缺陷局部放电特性研究. 高电压技术.
[7] Ruan, H. O., Du, H., Umemoto, T., Ono, R., Katase, D., Kumada, A., & Sato, M. (2024). Effect of O radicals on aramid surface treatment: Experimental and molecular insights. Applied Physical Letters. 125(17). JCR 1区,中科院2区.
International students are weolcome, please note that your major background must be related to materials, electricity or chemistry. Candidates should be highly self-driven and responsible. Contact email:
华北电力大学  电气工程及其自动化  Bachelor's Degree
浙江大学  电气工程  Master's Degree
东京大学  电气专业  Doctoral Degree
大连理工大学 助理教授