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- [161]吴东江, 郭东明, 马广义, 姚龙元.偏振态对飞秒激光加工石英玻璃表面质量的影响[J],强激光与粒子束,2014,26(2):31-37
- [162]吴东江, 范聪, 刘士博, 马广义, 郭东明, Wu, D.-J.(djwudut@dlut.edu.cn).Hastelloy C-276/316L激光异质焊焊缝腐蚀性能[J],中国有色金属学报,2014,24(2):441-447
- [163]Sun, Yuwen, Zhao, Yang, Bao, Yurong, Guo, Dongming, YW (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Key Lab Precis & Nontradit Machining Technol, Minist Educ, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..A novel adaptive-feedrate interpolation method for NURBS tool path with drive constraints[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINE TOOLS & MANUFACTURE,2014,77:74-81
- [164]吴东江, 王占宏, 马广义, 杨义彬, 郭玉泉, 郭东明.Hastelloy C-276合金脉冲激光焊接熔池流动行为分析[J],大连理工大学学报,2014,54(1):49-53
- [165]王续跃, 王彦飞, 江豪, 徐文骥, 郭东明.圆形倾斜薄壁件的激光熔覆成形[J],中国激光,2014,41(1):0103006
- [166]高美娜, 王续跃, 徐文骥, 郭东明.激光熔覆不锈钢-碳钢层合板的材料性能[J],激光与光电子学进展,2014,51(7):71603
- [167]董志刚, 高尚, 康仁科, 郭东明.Investigation on properties of magnesia grinding wheels used in silicon wafer grinding[A],2014,117(-):273-278
- [168]朱祥龙, 董志刚, 康仁科, 郭东明.Design of Double-Sided Polishing Machine for Functional Crystal Substrate. The International Symp...[A],2014,1017:580-585
- [169]杨睿, 孙士勇, 钱卫, 郭东明.A Precise Manufacturing Method of the Composite Structure-Similar Flutter Model[J],Advances in Mechanical Engineering,2014,2014:1-10
- [170]吴东江, 郭东明.偏振态对飞秒激光加工石英玻璃表面质量影响的试验研究[J],强激光与粒子束,2014,26(2):21006-21006
- [171]王续跃, 徐文骥, 郭东明.不锈钢碳钢层合板激光熔覆制备方法试验研究[J],激光与光电子学进展,2014,51(2):1-8
- [172]高美娜, 王续跃, 徐文骥, 郭东明.不锈钢-碳钢层合板激光熔覆制备方法试验研究[J],激光与光电子学进展,2014,51(2):021403
- [173]王彦飞, 王续跃, 徐文骥, 郭东明.基于图像处理的铝合金薄板激光切割质量研究[J],中国激光,2014,41(1):0103002
- [174]马绪鹏, 郭东明, 王续跃, 徐文骥.不锈钢-碳钢层合板激光弯折区增厚现象研究[J],中国激光,2014,41(8):0803001
- [175]Wang, Yanfei, Xuyue, Xu, Wenji, Guo, Dongming, Y.(wangyfmeng2010@163.com).Study on laser cutting quality of aluminum alloy sheet based on imagine processing[J],Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers,2014,41(1)
- [176]Wang, Xuyue, Yanfei, Jiang, Hao, Xu, Wenji, Guo, Dongming, X.(wbzzd@dlut.edu.cn).Laser cladding forming of round thin-walled parts with slope angle[J],Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers,2014,41(1)
- [177]Guo X., Zhang X., Liu Z., Zhang D., Jin Z., Guo D., Zhang, X., Key Laboratory for Precision, Non-traditional Machining, Technology of Ministry of Education, Dalian University of Technology, No. 2 Linggong Road, China.Modelling the effects of tool edge radius on micro machining based on smooth particle hydrodynami...[J],International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials,2014,16(3-4):303-317
- [178]郭东明.大学精神引领大学和社会的进步[J],教育与职业,2013,31:57
- [179]Zhou, Ping, Guo, Dongming, Kang, Renke, Jin, Zhuji, P (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Minist Educ, Key Lab Precis & Nontradit Machining Technol, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..A mixed elastohydrodynamic lubrication model with layered elastic theory for simulation of chem...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2013,69(5-8):1009-1016
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