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个人信息Personal Information
学科:环境工程. 生物工程与技术
办公地点:化工海洋与生命学院 D06-309
个人简介Personal Profile
(1) 功能性营养因子的生物催化转化与稳态增效技术研究;
(2) 光酶复合催化剂的设计、构建及其应用;
(3) 农林生物质资源化利用。
(1) 大连理工大学,中央高校基本科研业务费交叉探索科研专题,MOFs固定化漆酶及其降解酚类化合物研究(DUT19JC13),2019/01–2020/12;
(2) 大连市科技局,创新基金应用基础研究项目,纳米贝壳粉生态净化材料的合成及其在室内空气净化中的应用(2018J12SN072),2018/01–2020/12;
(3) 大连理工大学,中央高校基本科研业务费引进人才科研专题,生物质导电炭的可控合成及其在固定化细胞发酵中的应用(DUT15RC(3)114),2016/01–2017/12;
(4) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,超临界CO2/离子液体协同固体酸催化木材纤维素水解的研究(31270620),2013/01–2016/12;
(5) 中国科学院,“西部之光”人才培养计划“西部博士资助项目”,离子液体中纤维素酶催化纤维素水解研究(Y2XB021K01),2012/01–2014/12;
(6) 云南省科技厅,应用基础研究计划,功能离子液体在生物燃料合成中的应用(2011FB111),2012/01–2014/12。
(1) A. Li, X. Cong, H. Qin, W. Xu, X. Zhang, W. Wang, F. Guo*. (2023). Experiments and DFT investigation of microwave–assisted sol–gel method prepared S–doped g–C3N4 for enhanced photocatalytic degradation of gaseous toluene. New J. Chem., 47, 3910–3920. https://doi.org/10.1039/D2NJ06154F.
(2) Q. Lv, H. Liu, W. Xu, A. Li, X. Zhang, Y. Yi, K. Guo, F. Guo*. (2022). Selective conversion of glucose to levulinic acid catalyzed by HPAs/MOF–5 in a hydrophilic eutectic solvent system. Energ. Fuel., 36(24), 14994–15003. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.2c03015.
(3) Z. Zhu, F. Guo*, A. Li, W. Xu, X. Zhang. (2022). Simple synthesis of BiOI/ZnO/rGO for efficient photocatalytic degradation of antibiotic chloramphenicol under visible light. J. Environ. Sci., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2022.05.045.
(4) H. Liu, F. Guo*, Q. Lv, A. Li, W. Xu, X. Zhang. (2022). Facile Synthesis of hydrophobic loofah-chitin aerogel for efficient removal of benzene and toluene. Chemistryselect, 7(12), e202200120. https://doi.org/10.1002/slct.202200120.
(5) F. Guo*, Z. Xu, W. Zhang, T. Wang, X. Di, Q. Zhang, Z. Zhu. (2021). Facile synthesis of catalase@ZIF–8 composite by biomimetic mineralization for efficient biocatalysis. Bioproc. Biosyst. Eng., 44(6), 1310–1319. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00449-021-02540-8.
(6) Z. Zhu, F. Guo*, Z. Xu, X. Di, Q. Zhang. (2020). Photocatalytic degradation of an organophosphorus pesticides using ZnO/rGO composite. RSC Adv., 10, 11929–11938. https://doi.org/10.1039/D0RA01741H.
(7) X. Di, F. Guo*, Z. Zhu, Z. Xu, Z. Qian, Q. Zhang. (2019). In situ synthesis of ZnO‒GO/CGH composites for visible light photocatalytic degradation of Methylene Blue. RSC Adv., 9, 41209–41217. https://doi.org/10.1039/c9ra09260a.
(8) F. Guo*, Z. Zhu, Z. Zheng, Y. Jin, X. Di, Z. Xu, H. Guan. (2019). Facile synthesis of highly efficient fluorescent carbon dots for tetracycline detection. Environ. Sci. Pollut. R., 27(4), 4520–4527. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-019-06779-3.
(9) H. Guan, A. Zhang, P. Pandey, F. Guo* and P. Li*. (2019). ESIPT Fluorescence Probe Based on Double-Switch Recognition Mechanism for Selective and Rapid Detection of Hydrogen Sulfide in Living Cells. ACS Omega, 4(5), 9113–9119. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.9b00934.
(10) 衣同辉, 李奕姗, 郭晓倩, 朱子含, 柳婷, 谢蕾, 王洁, 郭峰*. (2019). 亲水性荧光碳点的制备及其特异性检测废水中的Fe(Ⅲ)离子. 化学通报, 82(4), 323–328.
(11) X. Guo, F. Guo*, Y. Li, Z. Zheng, Z. Zhu, T. Liu, X. Zhang, Y. Jin. (2018). Dehydration of D-xylose into furfural over bimetallic salts of heteropolyacid in DMSO/H2O mixture. Appl. Catal. A-Gen., 558, 18–25. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apcata.2018.03.027.
(12) C. Zhu, F. Guo*, X. Guo, X. Li. (2016). In Situ Saccharification of Cellulose using a Cellulase Mixture and Supplemental -glucosidease in Aqueous-Ionic Liquid Media. BioResources, 11(4), 9068–9078.
(13) X. Guo, C. Zhu, F. Guo*. (2016). Direct transformation of fructose and glucose to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in ionic liquids under mild conditions, BioResources, 11(1), 2457–2469.
(14) F. Guo, Z. Fang*. (2014). Shape-controlled Synthesis of Activated Bio-chars by Surfactant-templated Ionothermal Carbonization in Acidic Ionic Liquid and Activation with Carbon Dioxide. BioResources, 9(2), 3369–3383.
(15) F. Guo, Z. Fang*, C.C. Xu, R.L. Smith Jr. (2012). Solid Acid Mediated Hydrolysis of Biomass for Producing Biofuels. Prog. Energ.Combust., 38, 672–690.
(16) F. Guo, Z.L. Xiu*, Z.X. Liang. (2012). Synthesis of Biodiesel from Acidified Soybean Soapstock Using a Lignin-derived Carbonaceous Catalyst. Appl. Energ., 98, 47–52.
(17) F. Guo, Z. Fang*, T.J. Zhou. (2012). Conversion of Fructose and Glucose into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural with Lignin-derived Carbonaceous Catalyst under Microwave Irradiation in Dimethyl Sulfoxide-Ionic Liquid Mixtures. Bioresource Technol., 112, 313–318.
(18) F. Guo, N.N. Wei, Z.L. Xiu*, Z. Fang. (2012). Transesterification Mechanism of Soybean Oil to Biodiesel Catalyzed by Calcined Sodium Silicate. Fuel, 93, 468–472.
(19) X.F. Tian, Z. Fang*, F. Guo. (2012). Impact and Prospective of Fungal Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass for Enzymatic Hydrolysis. Biofuel. Bioprod. Bior., 6, 335–350. (invited review)
(20) L.Q. Jiang, Z. Fang*, F. Guo, L.B. Yang. (2012). Production of 2,3-Butanediol from Acid Hydrolysates of Jatropha Hulls with Klebsiella Oxytoca. Bioresource Technol., 107, 405–410.
(21) 薛宝金, 郭峰, 方真*, 黄梅. (2012). 千年桐种子油提取工艺研究及其主要脂肪酸成分分析. 天然产物研究与开发, 24, 804–807.
(22) F. Guo, Z. Fang*, X.F. Tian, Y.D. Long, L.Q. Jiang. (2011). One-step Production of Biodiesel from Jatropha Oil with High-Acid Value in Ionic Liquids.Bioresource Technol., 102 (11), 6469–6472.
(23) Y.D. Long, F. Guo, Z. Fang*, X.F. Tian, L.Q. Jiang, F. Zhang. (2011). Production of Biodiesel and Lactic Acid from Rapeseed Oil Using Sodium Silicate as Catalyst. Bioresource Technol., 102(13), 6884-6886.
(24) F.L. Pua, Z. Fang*, S. Zakaria, F. Guo, C.H. Chia. (2011). Direct Production of Biodiesel from High-Acid Value Jatropha Oil with Solid Acid Catalyst Derived from Lignin. Biotechnol. Biofuels, 4:56.
(25) Z. Fang*, F. Zhang, H.Y. Zeng, F. Guo. (2011). Production of Glucose by Hydrolysis of Cellulose at 423 K in the Presence of Activated Hydrotalcite Nanoparticles. Bioresource Technol., 102(17), 8017–8021.
(26) 蒋丽群, 郭峰, 方真*, 龙运多, 张帆. (2011). 微生物发酵法生产2,3-丁二醇的研究. 化学与生物工程, 28(6), 25–28.
(27) F. Guo, Z.G. Peng, J.Y. Dai, Z.L. Xiu*. (2010). Calcined Sodium Silicate as Solid Base Catalyst for Biodiesel Production. Fuel Proces. Technol., 91(3), 322–328.
(28) 修志龙*, 郭峰, 梁志霞, 滕虎, 孙亚琴. (2010). 第二代生物柴油及其生物炼制关键技术. 化工进展, 29(S1), 58–63.
(29) 郭峰, 乌日娜, 梁志霞, 刘卓, 王同华, 杨天奎, 修志龙*. (2009). 生物基炭质催化剂催化大豆皂脚酸化油制备生物柴油. 中国油脂, 2009, 34(4), 35–38.
(30) 乌日娜, 王同华*, 修志龙, 郭峰, 潘艳秋, 银建中. (2009). 生物柴油合成用木质素固体酸催化剂的制备. 现代化工, 29(S1), 155–157.
(31) 乌日娜, 王同华*, 修志龙, 郭峰, 潘艳秋, 银建中. (2009). 生物质炭基固体酸催化剂的制备. 催化学报, 12, 1203–1208.
1. Feng Guo, Zhen Fang*, Solid- and nano-catalysts pretreatment and hydrolysis techniques, In the Book: Pretreatment Techniques for Biofuels and Biorefineries, Publisher: Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg Berlin, p.339-366, ISBN 978-3-642-32734-6, 2013.
2. Feng Guo, Zhen Fang, Biodiesel production with solid catalysts, In the Book: Biodiesel - Feedstocks and Processing Technologies (Chapter 16, 339-358), edited by Margarita Stoytcheva, InTech, 2011, ISBN 978-953-307-713-0), (ISSN 0192-303X).
(1) 郭峰*,吕强. 一种固体酸在亲水性DES中催化葡萄糖制备5-HMF和乙酰丙酸的方法. 中国: CN2021121000554920.
(2) 郭峰*,张倩,吕强. 一种双功能固体催化剂催化纤维素制备马来酸的方法. 中国: CN202110188448.0.
(3) 郭峰*,许忠豪. 一种简便合成过氧化氢酶@MOFs复合催化剂的方法. 中国:CN 201910816345.5.
(4) 郭峰*,邸晓萱. 一种新型ZnO-GO甲壳素水凝胶复合材料的制备方法和应用. 中国:CN 201910814484.6.
(5) 管红伟,郭峰*,吴明火. 一种基于硅酸钙基复合催化剂制备碳酸甘油酯的方法. 中国:CN 201910480392.9
(6) 郭峰*,金盈.一种双金属取代固体杂多酸盐复合催化剂的合成与应用.中国:ZL 201811560526.X
(7) 郭峰*,朱子含,张倩,许忠豪,邸晓萱. 一种荧光碳点在四环素检测中应用的方法. 中国:CN201811323408.7
(8) 管红伟,李鹏,郭峰*. 一种含硒纯有机室温磷光化合物的制备及其氧传感应用. 中国: ZL201811181191.0.
(9) 郭峰*,邢喆宇. 一种用于降解挥发性有机物的气相光催化反应装置. 中国:ZL201820037090.5
(10) 郭峰*,陈雨浓,郭晓倩,金盈,管红伟. 一种功能碳材料的合成及其在重金属污水处理中的应用. 中国:CN 201710189094.5
(11) 郭峰*,郭晓倩,李奕姗,朱子含,柳婷. 一种磁性纳米荧光碳点的制备与分离方法. 中国: ZL20161128548.7.
(12) 郭峰*,郭晓倩,柳婷,李奕姗,朱子含. 水溶性碳点的制备及其在微生物发酵中的应用. 中国:CN 201610913394.9
(13) 郭峰*,郭晓倩,金盈,管红伟. 一种生物碳基固体酸的制备方法及在纤维素水解反应中的应用. 中国:CN201610437789.6
(14) 郭峰,方真*. 一种介孔活性炭制备新方法. 中国:ZL201310331615.8.
(15) 郭峰,方真*. 一种木质素基固体酸催化制备5-羟甲基糠醛的方法. 中国:ZL201110376665.9.
(16) 方真*,张帆,郭峰. 一种固体纳米催化剂的制备及其应用于纤维素水解. 中国:ZL201110106853.X.
(17) 郭峰,方真*,潘慧琳. 利用造纸厂黑水制备的催化剂及其在生物柴油制备中的应用. 中国: ZL201110080225.9.
(18) 郭峰,方真*. 一种利用酸性离子液体制备5-羟甲基糠醛的方法. 中国:CN201110080223.X.
(19) 郭峰,方真*. 一种离子液体催化制备生物柴油的方法. 中国:ZL201010578591.2.
(20) 郭峰,方真*,龙运多. 一种联合生产生物柴油和乳酸的方法. 中国:CN201010537935.5.
(21) 郭峰,修志龙,张代佳. 煅烧硅酸钠催化制备生物柴油. 中国:ZL200710159084.3.
(22) 修志龙*,郭峰,彭振刚. 一种硅酸盐催化制备生物柴油的方法. 中国:ZL200710011068.X.
团队成员Research Group