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学科:环境工程. 生物工程与技术

办公地点:化工海洋与生命学院 D06-309



个人简介Personal Profile



(1) 生物催化转化;

(2) 纳米仿酶催化剂构建及其应用;

(3) 特色农产品深加工


(1) 云南省科技计划重大专项高原特色农产品精准营养设计与产品研发202202AE090075)子课题核桃蛋白肽开发关键技术研究及斛桃营养代餐食品开发2023/01–2025/12(参与);

(2) 大连市科技局,创新基金应用基础研究项目,纳米贝壳粉生态净化材料的合成及其在室内空气净化中的应用(2018J12SN072),2018/01–2020/12

(3) 大连理工大学,中央高校基本科研业务费交叉探索科研专题,MOFs固定化漆酶及其降解酚类化合物研究(DUT19JC13),2019/01–2020/12

(4) 大连理工大学,中央高校基本科研业务费引进人才科研专题,生物质导电炭的可控合成及其在固定化细胞发酵中的应用(DUT15RC(3)114),2016/01–2017/12

(5) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,超临界CO2/离子液体协同固体酸催化木材纤维素水解的研究(31270620),2013/01–2016/12

(6) 中国科学院,西部之光人才培养计划西部博士资助项目,离子液体中纤维素酶催化纤维素水解研究(Y2XB021K01),2012/01–2014/12

(7) 云南省科技厅,应用基础研究计划,功能离子液体在生物燃料合成中的应用(2011FB111),2012/01–2014/12


1) Wenzhuang Wang, Xinhang Cong, Xuehan Zhang, Wenling Xu, Jianli Diao, Yongming Bao, Feng Guo*. BiOBr/g-C3N4 heterojunction photocatalyst: Efficient benzyl alcohol oxidation without additional oxidants. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2025, 13(2), 115552. TOP 期刊

2) Hong Liu, Wenzhuang Wang, Qinghua Chuai, Wenling Xu, Feng Guo*. Integrating zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 with DES-treated loofah sponge for enhanced toluene adsorption. Langmuir, 2025, 41, 4, 2639–2650.

3) Xuehan Zhang, Wenzhuang Wang, Wenling Xu, Qinghua Chuai, Yongming Bao, Feng Guo*. Construction of a BiOI/g–C3N4 heterojunction photocatalyst: Visible Light-Mediated Efficient and Selective Oxidation of 5–Hydroxymethylfurfural. New Journal of Chemistry2025, 49, 1607–1618.

4) Xinhang Cong, Anming Li, Feng Guo*, Haotong Qin, Xuehan Zhang, Wenzhuang Wang, Wenling Xu. Construction of CdS/g–C3N4 heterojunction photocatalyst for highly efficient degradation of gaseous toluene. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 913, 169777. TOP 期刊, highly cited paper (2024)

5) Zihan Zhu, Xuehan Zhang, Wenzhuang Wang, Xinhang Cong, Haotong Qin, Feng Guo*BiOI/ZnO heterojunction for increased photodegradation of metronidazole under visible light irradiation. Chemistryselect, 2023, 8(22), e202300739.

6) Weichao Xu, Yuxuan Yi, Kunhao Guo, Anming Li, Xuehan Zhang, Wenzhung Wang, Feng Guo*. Visible-light-driven removal of 4- tert -butylphenol by coupled photoredox and enzyme catalysis. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023, 11(3), 109793.  TOP 期刊

7) Anming Li, Xinhang Cong, Haotong Qin, Weichao Xu, Xuehan Zhang, Wenzhuang Wang, Feng Guo*. Experiments and DFT investigation of microwave–assisted sol–gel method prepared S–doped g–C3N4 for enhanced photocatalytic degradation of gaseous toluene. New Journal of Chemistry, 2023, 47(8), 3910–3920. 

8) Zihan Zhu, Feng Guo*, Anming Li, Weichao Xu, Xuehan Zhang. Simple synthesis of BiOI/ZnO/rGO for efficient photocatalytic degradation of antibiotic chloramphenicol under visible light. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2023, 134, 65-76.TOP 期刊

9) Qiang Lv, Hong Liu, Weichao Xu, Anming Li, Xuehan Zhang, Yuhang Yi, Kunhao Guo, Feng Guo*. Selective conversion of glucose to levulinic acid catalyzed by HPAs/MOF–5 in a hydrophilic eutectic solvent system. Energy & Fuel, 2022, 36(24), 14994–15003. 

10) Hong Liu, Feng Guo*, Qiang Lv, An-ming Li, Wei-chao Xu, Xue-han Zhang. Facile Synthesis of Hydrophobic Loofah-Chitin Aerogel for Efficient Removal of Benzene and Toluene. Chemistryselect, 2022, 7(12) e202200120.

11) Feng Guo*, Zhonghao Xu, Wendong Zhang, Tongxin Wang, Xiaoxuan Di, Qian Zhang, Zihan Zhu. Facile synthesis of catalase@ZIF–8 composite by biomimetic mineralization for efficient biocatalysis. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2021, 44(6), 130–1319.

12) Zihan Zhu, Feng Guo*, Zhonghao Xu, Xiaoxuan Di, Qian Zhang. Photocatalytic degradation of an organophosphorus pesticides using ZnO/rGO composite. RSC Advances, 2020, 10, 11929–11938.

13) Xiaoxuan Di, Feng Guo*, Zihan Zhu, Zhonghao Xu, Ziqi Qian, Qian Zhang. In situ synthesis of ZnO‒GO/CGH composites for visible light photocatalytic degradation of Methylene Blue. RSC Advances, 2019, 9, 41209–41217.‬‬‬

14) Feng Guo*, Zihan Zhu, Zhangqin Zheng, Ying Jin, Xiaoxuan Di, Zhonghao Xu, Hongwei Guan. Facile synthesis of highly efficient fluorescent carbon dots for tetracycline detection.Environ. Sci. Pollut. R., 2019, 27(4), 4520–4527.

15) Hongwei Guan, Aixia Zhang, Pramod Pandey, Feng Guo* and Peng Li*. ESIPT Fluorescence Probe Based on Double-Switch Recognition Mechanism for Selective and Rapid Detection of Hydrogen Sulfide in Living Cells. ACS Omega, 2019, 4(5), 9113–9119

16) X. Guo, Feng Guo*, Y. Li, Z. Zheng, Z. Zhu, T. Liu, X. Zhang, Y. Jin. Dehydration of D-xylose into furfural over bimetallic salts of heteropolyacid in DMSO/H2O mixture. Applied Catalysis A: General, 2018558, 18–25.

17) C. Zhu, Feng Guo*, X. Guo, X. Li. In Situ Saccharification of Cellulose using a Cellulase Mixture and Supplemental β-glucosidease in Aqueous-Ionic Liquid Media. BioResources, 2016, 11(4), 9068–9078.

18) X. Guo, C. Zhu, Feng Guo*. Direct transformation of fructose and glucose to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in ionic liquids under mild conditions, BioResources, 2016, 11(1), 2457–2469.

19) Feng Guo, Z. Fang. Shape-controlled Synthesis of Activated Bio-chars by Surfactant-templated Ionothermal Carbonization in Acidic Ionic Liquid and Activation with Carbon Dioxide. BioResources, 2014, 9(2), 3369–3383.

20) Feng Guo, Z. Fang, C.C. Xu (C. Charles Xu), R.L. Smith Jr (Richard L. Smith Jr). Solid Acid Mediated Hydrolysis of Biomass for Producing Biofuels. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2012, 38, 672–690. TOP 期刊

21) Feng Guo, Z.L. Xiu, Z.X. Liang. Synthesis of Biodiesel from Acidified Soybean Soapstock Using a Lignin-derived Carbonaceous Catalyst. Applied Energy, 2012, 98:4752. TOP 期刊

22)  Feng Guo, Z. Fang, T.J. Zhou. Conversion of Fructose and Glucose into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural with Lignin-derived Carbonaceous Catalyst under Microwave Irradiation in Dimethyl Sulfoxide-Ionic Liquid Mixtures. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 112, 313–318. TOP 期刊 

23) Feng Guo, N.N. Wei, Z.L. Xiu, Z. Fang. Transesterification Mechanism of Soybean Oil to Biodiesel Catalyzed by Calcined Sodium Silicate. Fuel, 2012, 93, 468–472. TOP 期刊

24) X.F. Tian, Z. Fang, Feng Guo. Impact and Prospective of Fungal Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass for Enzymatic Hydrolysis. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 2012, 6, 335–350. (invited review)

25) L.Q. Jiang, Z. Fang, Feng Guo, L.B. Yang. Production of 2,3-Butanediol from Acid Hydrolysates of Jatropha Hulls with Klebsiella Oxytoca. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 107, 405–410. TOP 期刊

26)  Feng Guo, Z. Fang, X.F. Tian, Y.D. Long, L.Q. Jiang. One-step Production of Biodiesel from Jatropha Oil with High-Acid Value in Ionic Liquids. Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102 (11): 6469–6472. TOP 期刊

27) Y.D. Long, Feng Guo, Z. Fang, X.F. Tian, L.Q. Jiang, F. Zhang. Production of Biodiesel and Lactic Acid from Rapeseed Oil Using Sodium Silicate as Catalyst. Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102(13): 6884-6886.

28)  F.L. Pua, Z. Fang, S. Zakaria, Feng Guo, C.H. Chia. Direct Production of Biodiesel from High-Acid Value Jatropha Oil with Solid Acid Catalyst Derived from Lignin. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2011, 4:56.

29) Z. Fang, F. Zhang, H.Y. Zeng, Feng Guo.Production of Glucose by Hydrolysis of Cellulose at 423 K in the Presence of Activated Hydrotalcite Nanoparticles. Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102(17), 8017–8021. TOP 期刊

30) Feng Guo, Z.G. Peng, J.Y. Dai, Z.L. Xiu.Calcined Sodium Silicate as Solid Base Catalyst for Biodiesel Production. Fuel Processing Technology, 2010, 91(3), 322–328. TOP 期刊  


1. Feng Guo, Zhen Fang*, Solid- and nano-catalysts pretreatment and hydrolysis techniques, In the Book: Pretreatment Techniques for Biofuels and Biorefineries, Publisher: Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg Berlin, p.339-366, ISBN 978-3-642-32734-6, 2013.

2. Feng Guo, Zhen Fang, Biodiesel production with solid catalysts, In the Book: Biodiesel - Feedstocks and Processing Technologies (Chapter 16, 339-358), edited by Margarita Stoytcheva, InTech, 2011, ISBN 978-953-307-713-0), (ISSN 0192-303X). 


(1) 郭峰*, 啜清华, 包永明, 王银波. 一种仿生物配体定向固定化蛋白水解酶方法. 中国:202411874582.6 2024-12-19

(2) 郭峰*, 张学翰, 王银波. 一种光催化选择性氧化 5-羟甲基糠醛制备 5-羟甲基-2-呋喃甲酸的方法. 中国: CN 202410606330.9 2024-5-16

(3) 郭峰,吕强. 一种固体酸在亲水性DES中催化葡萄糖制备5-HMF和乙酰丙酸的方法. 中国: CN2021121000554920. 2021-12-10

(4) 郭峰*,金盈.一种双金属取代固体杂多酸盐复合催化剂的合成与应用.中国:ZL 201811560526.X

(5) 管红伟,李鹏,郭峰*. 一种含硒纯有机室温磷光化合物的制备及其氧传感应用. 中国: ZL201811181191.0.

(6) 郭峰*,邢喆宇. 一种用于降解挥发性有机物的气相光催化反应装置. 中国:ZL201820037090.5

(7) 郭峰*,郭晓倩,李奕姗,朱子含,柳婷. 一种磁性纳米荧光碳点的制备与分离方法. 中国: ZL20161128548.7.

(8) 郭峰,修志龙,张代佳. 煅烧硅酸钠催化制备生物柴油. 中国:ZL200710159084.3.

(9) 修志龙*郭峰,彭振刚. 一种硅酸盐催化制备生物柴油的方法. 中国:ZL200710011068.X.



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