
个人信息Personal Information



主要任职:Associate Professor






学科:防灾减灾工程及防护工程. 水工结构工程. 港口、海岸及近海工程. 船舶与海洋结构物设计制造. 模式识别与智能系统



个人简介Personal Profile

韩旭,大连理工大学水利工程系副教授,挪威科技大学海洋技术专业博士,十余年海外留学、工程、研发工作经历,曾任挪威船级社工程师、4Subsea高级数据科学家。从事海洋工程结构及水动力计算分析、海上资源开发关键装备设计、智能监测及智慧安装运维、海洋工程人工智能方法、海工结构动力学系统辨识及预报、舰载智能决策支持系统开发和算法开发等。具有多年海洋工程结构分析、船上决策系统算法开发、商用结构分析软件开发维护、计算审核、产品认证等工程和研发实践经验,撰写柔性结构海上安装国际行业工程技术指南。发表论文20余篇,授权专利近10项,行业权威期刊Marine Structures、Ocean Engineering、Mechanical System and Signal Processing和Journal of Cleaner Production审稿人。



  1. Fu J, Han X*, Shi W*, Karimirad M, Li X. Real-time hybrid model tank testing for aero-hydro-servo-elastic assessment of a monopile offshore wind turbine, Applied Ocean Research, 2024: 104304.

  2. Zhang C, Han X*, Li C, Leira BJ, Sævik S, Lu D, Shi W, Li X. Modal Parameter Identification of Jacket-Type Offshore Wind Turbines Under Operating Conditions. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2024,12(11): 2083.

  3. Han F; Wang W*; Zheng X; Han X; Shi W;  Li X* ; Investigation of essential parameters for the design of offshore wind turbine based on structural reliability, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2024, 110601.

  4. Fu J, Shi W*, Han X, Karimirad M, Wang T, Li X. Development and performance study of a multi-degree-of-freedom loading device for real-time hybrid model testing of floating offshore wind turbines. Marine Structures 2025, 99: 103717.

  5. Shi W, Yan C, Ren Z, Yuan Z, Liu Y, Zheng S, Li X, Han X*. Review on the development of marine floating photovoltaic systems, Ocean Engineering, 2023, 286: 115560.

  6. Radhakrishnan G*, Han X, Leira B J, Gao Z, Sævik S. Calibration of high-fidelity hydrodynamic models utilizing on-site vessel response measurements, Ocean Engineering, 2023, 278: 114076.

  7. Yan C, Shi W*, Han X, Li X, Verma A S. Assessing the dynamic behavior of multiconnected offshore floating photovoltaic systems under combined wave-wind loads: A comprehensive numerical analysis, Sustainable Horizons, 2023, 8: 100072.

  8. Li N, Shi W, Han X, Li X, Verma A S, Liu C. Dynamic analysis of an integrated offshore structure comprising a jacket-supported offshore wind turbine and aquaculture steel cage, Ocean Engineering, 2023, 274: 114059. (SCI, 1区, IF=4.372)

  9. Zhou Y, Feng S, Guo X, Tian F, Han X*, Shi W, Li X*. Initial design of a novel barge-type floating offshore wind turbine in shallow water, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2023, 11(3): 464 (SCI, 1区, IF=2.744)

  10. Ren Z, Han X, Yu X*, Skjetne R, Leira B J, Sævik S, Zhu M. Data-driven simultaneous identification of the 6DOF dynamic model and wave load for a ship in waves. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023, 184: 109422. (SCI, 1区, IF=8.934, 高被引, 热点)

  11. Radhakrishnan G, Leira B J, Gao Z,  Sævik S, Han XAnalyzing the sensitivity of wave frequency responses of floating vessels to uncertain system variables utilizing Polynomial Chaos Expansion, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 2023.

  12. Han X*, Leira B J, Sævik S. Vessel hydrodynamic model tuning by discrete Bayesian updating using simulated onboard sensor data. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 220: 108407. (SCI, 1区, IF=4.372)

  13. Han X*, Leira B J, Sævik S, Ren Z. Onboard tuning of vessel seakeeping model parameters and sea state characteristics. Marine Structures, 2021, 78: 102998. (SCI, 1区, IF=4.5)

  14. Han X*, Leira B J, Sævik S, Kaasen K E. Validation of vessel seakeeping model tuning algorithm based on measurements at model scale. Marine Structures, 2021, 80: 103083. (SCI, 1区, IF=4.5)

  15. Han X*, Sævik S, Leira B J. Tuning of vessel parameters including sea state dependent roll damping. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 233: 109084. (SCI, 1区, IF=4.372)

  16. Han X*, Ren Z, Leira B J, Sævik S. Adaptive identification of lowpass filter cutoff frequency for online vessel model tuning. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 236: 109483. (SCI, 1区, IF=4.372)

  17. Ren Z*, Han X, Verma A S, Dirdal J A, Skjetne R. Sea state estimation based on vessel motion responses: Improved smoothness and robustness using Bézier surface and L1 optimization. Marine Structures, 2021, 76: 102904. (SCI, 1区, IF=4.5)

  18. Han X*, Leira B J, Sævik S, Radhakrishnan G, Skjong S, Kyllingstad L T. A framework for condition monitoring and risk-based decision support involving a vessel state observer. Proceedings of the ASME 2021 40th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Virtual, Online, 2021. 

  19. Radhakrishnan G*, Han X, Sævik S, Gao Z, Leira B J. System Uncertainty effects on the wave frequency response of floating vessels based on polynomial chaos expansion. Proceedings of the ASME 2021 40th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Virtual, Online, 2021. 

  20. Han X*, Sævik S, Leira B J. A sensitivity study of vessel hydrodynamic model parameters. Proceedings of the ASME 2020 39th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Virtual, Online, 2020. 

  21. Caruso M, Han X, Sødahl N. Consistent free span VIV fatigue analysis of flexibles, Proceedings of the ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Trondheim, Norway, 2017.


  • 技术指南“Limiting weather criteria during installation”共同作者. DNV, 2016. (研究成果于写入国际规范DNVGL-ST-F101,服务全球近70%海底管道)


  • 4Insight Marine Operations海上作业智能决策支持系统算法开发,主持研发项目2项,应用于Subsea7安装船队:

- Rigid body transformation of acceleration measurements from IMU sensors, 2022

- Prediction of wave-induced vessel response using a machine learning based approach, 2022

  • 教育经历Education Background
  • 工作经历Work Experience
  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会兼职Social Affiliations
    1. 海上新能源智慧开发

    2. 海上智能作业

    3. 海洋工程结构物健康监测与智慧运维

    4. 海洋结构随机动力学与可靠性

    5. 人工智能与动力学系统辨识

    6. 海洋工程柔性结构装备设计及优化

    7. 信号与数据处理