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学科:固体力学. 航空航天力学与工程. 计算力学. 工程力学



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    1.     Hao P, Wang B, Li G. Surrogate-based optimum design for stiffened shells with adaptive sampling. AIAA Journal, 50(11): 2389-2407, 2012.

    2.        Hao P, Wang B, Li G*, Meng Z, Wang LP. Hybrid framework for reliability-based design optimization of imperfect stiffened shells. AIAA Journal, 53(10): 2878-2889, 2015.

    3.        Hao P, Wang B*, Tian K, Li G, Du KF, Niu F. Efficient optimization of cylindrical stiffened shells with reinforced cutouts by curvilinear stiffeners. AIAA Journal, 54(4): 1350-1363, 2016.

    4.        Hao P, Wang B, Du KF, Li G, Tian K, Sun Y, Ma YL. Imperfection-insensitive design of stiffened conical shells based on perturbation load approach. Composite Structures, 136: 405-413, 2016.

    5.        Hao P, Wang B, Li G, Tian K, Du KF, Wang XJ, Tang XH. Surrogate-based optimization of stiffened shells including load-carrying capacity and imperfection sensitivity. Thin-Walled Structures, 72(15): 164-174, 2013.

    6.        Hao P, Wang B, Li G, Meng Z, Tian K, Tang XH. Hybrid optimization of hierarchical stiffened shells based on smeared stiffener method and finite element method. Thin-Walled Structures, 82: 46-54, 2014.

    7.        Hao P, Wang B*, Li G, Meng Z, Tian K, Zeng DJ, Tang XH. Worst Multiple Perturbation Load Approach of stiffened shells with and without cutouts for improved knockdown factors. Thin-Walled Structures, 82: 321-330, 2014.

    8.        Hao P, Wang B, Tian K, Du KF, Zhang X. Influence of imperfection distributions for cylindrical stiffened shells with weld lands. Thin-Walled Structures, 93: 177-187, 2015.

    9.        Hao P, Wang B, Tian K, Li G, Zhang X. Optimization of curvilinearly stiffened panels with single cutout concerning the collapse load. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 16(7), 1550036 (21 pages), 2016.

    10.     Hao P, Wang B, Tian K, Li G, Du KF, Luan Y. Integrated optimization of hybrid-stiffness stiffened shells based on sub-panel elements. Thin-Walled Structures, 103: 171-182, 2016.

    11.     Hao P, Wang B, Tian K, Liu HL, Wang YT, Niu F, Zeng DJ. Simultaneous buckling design of stiffened shells with multiple cutouts. Engineering Optimization, 49(7): 1116-1132, 2017.

    12.     Hao P, Wang B*, Tian K, Li G, Sun Y, Zhou CX. Fast procedure for non-uniform optimum design of stiffened shells under buckling constraint. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 55(4): 1503-1516, 2017.

    13.     Hao P, Yuan XJ, Liu HL, Wang B*, Liu C, Yang DX. Isogeometric buckling analysis of composite variable-stiffness panels. Composite Structures, 165: 192-208, 2017.

    14.     Hao P, Wang YT, Liu C, Wang B, Wu H. A novel non-probabilistic reliability-based design optimization algorithm using enhanced chaos control method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 318: 572-593, 2017.

    15.     Hao P, Wang YT, Liu XX, Wang B, Li G, Wang LP. An efficient adaptive-loop method for non-probabilistic reliability-based design optimization. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 324: 689-711, 2017.

    16.     Hao P, Liu C, Yuan XJ, Wang B, Li G, Zhu TY, Niu F. Buckling optimization of variable-stiffness composite panels based on flow field function. Composite Structures, 181: 240-255, 2017.

    17.     Hao P, Feng SJ, Zhang K, Li Z, Wang B, Li G. Adaptive gradient-enhanced kriging model for variable-stiffness composite panels using isogeometric analysis. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 58(1): 1-16, 2018.

    18.     Hao P*, Yuan XJ, Liu C, Liu HL, Wang B*, Li G, Niu F. An integrated framework of exact modeling, isogeometric analysis and optimization for variable-stiffness composite panels. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 339: 205-238, 2018.

    19.     Hao P, Wang YT, Liu C, Wang B, Tian K, Li G, Jiang LL. Hierarchical nondeterministic optimization of curvilinearly stiffened panel with multicutouts. AIAA Journal, 56(10): 4180-4194, 2018.

    20.     Hao P, Liu C, Liu XX, Yuan XJ, Wang B, Li G, Dong MH, Chen L. Isogeometric analysis and design of variable-stiffness aircraft panels with multiple cutouts by level set method. Composite Structures, 206: 888-902, 2018.

    21.     Hao P*, Wang YT, Ma R, Liu HL, Wang B*, Li G. A new reliability-based design optimization framework using isogeometric analysis. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 345: 476-501, 2019.

    22.     Hao P*, Liu DC, Wang Y, Liu XX, Wang B*, Li G, Feng SW. Design of manufacturable fiber path for variable-stiffness panels based on lamination parameters. Composite Structures, 219: 158-169, 2019.

    23.     Hao P*, Ma R, Wang YT, Feng SW, Wang B*, Li G, Xing HZ, Yang F. An augmented step size adjustment method for the performance measure approach: toward general structural reliability-based design optimization. Structural Safety, 80: 32-45, 2019.

    24.     Hao P*, Liu XX, Wang Y, Liu DC, Wang B*, Li G. Collaborative design of fiber path and shape for complex composite shells based on isogeometric analysis. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 354: 181-212, 2019.

    25.     Hao P*, Wang Y, Wu ZM, Liu XX, Wang B*, Huang W. Progressive optimization of complex shells with cutouts using a smart design domain method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 362: 112814, 2020.

    26.     Hao P*, Feng SJ, Li YW, Wang B, Chen HH. Adaptive infill sampling criterion for multi-fidelity gradient-enhanced kriging model. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 62: 353–373, 2020.

    27.     Hao P*, Liu DC, Zhang KP, Yuan Y, Wang B, Li G, Zhang X. Intelligent layout design of curvilinearly stiffened panels via deep learning-based method. Materials & Design, 197: 109180, 2021.

    28.     Hao P, Li Z, Feng SW, Li WY, Wang YT, Wang B*. A novel framework for reliability assessment of payload fairing separation considering multi-source uncertainties and multiple failure modes. Thin-Walled Structures, 160: 107327, 2021.

    29.     Wang B, Hao P*(corresponding author), Li G, Wang XJ, Tang XH, Luan Y. Generatrix shape optimization of stiffened shells for low imperfection sensitivity. Science China, 57(10): 2012-2019, 2014.

    30.     Meng Z, Hao P*(corresponding author), Li G, Wang B, Zhang K. Non-probabilistic reliability-based design optimization of stiffened shells under buckling constraint. Thin-Walled Structures, 94: 325-333, 2015.

    31.     Keshtegar B, Hao P*(corresponding author), Wang YT, Li YF. Optimum design of aircraft panels based on adaptive dynamic harmony search. Thin-Walled Structures, 118: 37-45, 2017.

    32.     Li YF, Wang YT, Ma R, Hao P*(corresponding author). Improved reliability-based design optimization of non-uniformly stiffened spherical dome. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 60(1): 375-392, 2019.

    33.     Wang B, Tian K, Hao P*(corresponding author), Cai YW, Li YW, Sun Y. Hybrid analysis and optimization of hierarchical stiffened plates based on asymptotic homogenization method. Composite Structures, 132: 136-147, 2015.

    34.     Wang B, Tian K, Hao P*(corresponding author), Zheng YB, Ma YL, Wang JB. Numerical-based smeared stiffener method for global buckling analysis of grid-stiffened composite cylindrical shells. Composite Structures, 152: 807-815, 2016.

    35.     Li G, Fang YC, Hao P*(corresponding author), Li ZK. Three-point bending deflection and failure mechanism map of sandwich beams with second-order hierarchical corrugated truss core. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 19(1): 83-107, 2017.

    36.     Wang B, Du KF, Hao P*(corresponding author), Zhou CH, Tian K, Xu SS, Ma YL, Zhang X. Numerically and experimentally predicted knockdown factors for stiffened shells under axial compression. Thin-Walled Structures, 109: 13-24, 2016.

    37.     Wang B, Tian K, Zhou CH, Hao P*(corresponding author), Zheng YB, Ma YL, Wang JB. Grid-pattern optimization framework of novel hierarchical stiffened shells allowing for imperfection sensitivity. Aerospace Science and Technology, 62: 114-121, 2017.

    38.     Li G, Li ZK, Hao P*(corresponding author), Wang YT, Fang YC. Failure behavior of hierarchical corrugated sandwich structures with second-order core based on Mindlin plate theory. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 21(2): 552-579, 2019.

    39.     Wang B, Zhu SY, Hao P*(corresponding author), Bi XJ, Du KF, Chen BQ, Ma XT, Chao Yuh J. Buckling of quasi-perfect cylindrical shell under axial compression: a combined experimental and numerical investigation. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 130-131(1): 232-247, 2018.

    40.     Li G, Meng Z, Hao P*(corresponding author), Hu H. A hybrid reliability-based design optimization approach with adaptive chaos control using kriging model. International Journal of Computational Methods, 13(01): 1650006, 2016.

    41.     Wang B, Tian K, Zhao HX, Hao P*(corresponding author), Zhu TY, Zhang K, Ma YL. Multilevel optimization framework for hierarchical stiffened shells accelerated by adaptive equivalent strategy. Applied Composite Materials, 24(3): 575-592, 2017.

    42.     Wang B, Ma XT, Hao P*(corresponding author), Sun Y, Tian K, Li G, Zhang K, Jiang LL, Guo J. Improved knockdown factors for composite cylindrical shells with delamination and geometric imperfections. Composites Part B, 163: 314-323, 2019.

    43.     Wang B, Du KF, Hao P*(corresponding author), Tian K, Chao YJ, Jiang LL, Xu SS, Zhang X. Experimental validation of cylindrical shells under axial compression for improved knockdown factors. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 164: 37-51, 2019.

    44.     Wang B, Ma XT, Tian K, Hao P*(corresponding author), Zhou Y, Quan DL. Concurrent patch optimization of hybrid composite plates based on proper orthogonal decomposition. AIAA Journal, 54(11): 4915-4926, 2019.

    45.     Wang YT, Hao P*(corresponding author), Guo ZD, Liu DC, Gao Q. Reliability-based design optimization of complex problems with multiple design points via narrowed search region. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 142(6): 061702, 2020.

    46.     Wang YT, Hao P*(corresponding author), Yang H, Wang B, Gao Q. A confidence-based reliability optimization with single loop strategy and second-order reliability method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 372: 113436, 2020.

    47.     Liu DC, Hao P*(corresponding author), Zhang KP, Tian K, Wang B, Li G, Xu WX. On the integrated design of curvilinearly grid-stiffened panel with non-uniform distribution and variable stiffener profile. Materials & Design, 190: 108556, 2020.

    48.     Li YW, Tian K, Hao P*(corresponding author), Wang B, Wu H, Wang B. Finite element model updating for repeated eigenvalue structures via the reduced-order model using incomplete measured modes. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 142: 106748, 2020.

    49.     Ma XT, Hao P*(corresponding author), Wang FY, Wang B. Incomplete reduced stiffness method for imperfection sensitivity of cylindrical shells. Thin-Walled Structures, 157: 107148, 2020.

    50.     Liang K*, Hao P*(corresponding author), Wang B, Sun Q. A novel reduced-order modeling method for nonlinear buckling analysis and optimization of geometrically imperfect cylinders. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2021.