
- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:大连理工大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:能源与动力学院
- 学科:能源与环境工程
- 电子邮箱:huchengzhi@dlut.edu.cn
[1] 李伟健, 白敏丽, 吕继组, 胡成志.基于膨胀石墨的石蜡复合材料导热物性实验研究[A],2018年工程热物理传热传质年会,2022
[2] 王玉艳, 王鹏, 白敏丽, 胡成志.射流冲击冷却过程的数值研究[J],东北大学学报 自然科学版,2022,5:692-696
[3] 王烨, 胡成志, 王涛, 唐大伟, 胡显峰, 王奎明, 李宏阳.平板热管复合相变材料的动力电池散热系统性能研究[A],中国工程热物理学会,传热传质分会,2022
[4] 高林松, 吕继组, 白敏丽, 胡成志, 杜立群.微米结构表面强化沸腾传热实验研究[A],2018中国工程热物理学会多相流分会,2022
[5] 蒋磊, 吕继组, 白敏丽, 胡成志, 张永飞.微纳米结构表面调控柴油机缸内辐射传热的基础数值模拟研究[A],2018年世界内燃机大会,2022
[6] 吕继组, 邢志远, 张永飞, 高林松, 李洋, 白敏丽, 胡成志.微结构表面液滴蒸干换热实验研究[A],2020年工程热物理年会传热传质分会,2022
[7] 白敏丽, 曹恒, 吕继组, 胡成志, 尹训彦, 王鹏.活塞环-气缸套纳米润滑油强化传热的机理研究[J],热科学与技术,2022,17(5):387-394
[8] 白敏丽, 胡成志, 吕继组.活塞环-气缸套纳米润滑油流体润滑对流传热和润滑摩擦耦合的机制研究[A],中国内燃机学会燃烧节能净化分会联合学术年会,2022
[9] Lyu, Jizu, Gao, Linsong, Zhang, Yongfei, 白敏丽, 杨黎, Dongdong, 胡成志.Dynamic spreading characteristics of droplet on the hydrophobic surface with microstructures[J],COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,2022,610
[10] Li, Hongyang, 胡成志, He, Yichuan, 唐大伟, Wang, Kuiming, Huang, Wenguo.Effect of perforated fins on the heat-transfer performance of vertical shell-and-tube latent heat en[J],JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE,2022,39
[11] Yin, Xunyan, 胡成志, 白敏丽, 吕继组.Effects of depositional nanoparticle wettability on explosive boiling heat transfer: A molecular d[J],INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS IN HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2022,109
[12] 吕继组, Chang, Shengnan, 胡成志, 白敏丽, 王鹏, Zeng, Ke.Experimental investigation of free single jet impingement using Al2O3-water nanofluid[J],INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS IN HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2022,88:126-135
[13] 吕继组, 胡成志, 白敏丽.Experimental investigation of free single jet impingement using SiO2-water nanofluid[J],EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE,2022
[14] 吕继组, 胡成志, 白敏丽, Zeng, Ke, Chang, Shengnan, Gao, Dongdong.Experimental investigation of free single jet impingement using SiO2-watet nanofluid[J],EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE,2022,84:39-46
[15] 高栋栋, 白敏丽, 吕继组, 胡成志.Experimental study on convective heat transfer and flow resistance of Fe3O4/deionized water nanoflui[A],4TH Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference,2022
[16] 刘红, 白敏丽, Lv J., 张莉, 王平, 胡成志.Experimental Study and Analysis of Lubricants Dispersed with Nanodiamond Particles on Diesel Engine[J],Journal of nanotechnology in engineering and medicine,2022,5(4)
[17] Liu, Hao, 白敏丽, 吕继组, Wang, Peng, Yuyan, 胡成志.Heat transfer analysis of piston cooling using nanofluids in the gallery[J],Micro Nano Letters,2022,10(1):28-33
[18] 赵佳飞, Sun Mingrui, 张伦祥, 胡成志, 唐大伟, 杨雷, 宋永臣.Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Porous Structure: Effect of Morphology on Pressure Drop and Heat [J],JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE,2022,30(2):363-393
[19] Li, Hongyang, 胡成志, He, Yichuan, 唐大伟, Wang, Kuiming.Influence of fin parameters on the melting behavior in a horizontal shell-and-tube latent heat stora[J],JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE,2022,34
[20] 高栋栋, 白敏丽, 胡成志, 吕继组, 王晨飞, 张雪.Hydrophobic Surface-Assisted SiO2/DI-water Nanofluids for Enhancing Heat Transfer and Reducing Flow [J],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2022,31(49):495402-