
- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:大连理工大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:系统工程研究所
- 学科:管理科学与工程. 系统工程
- 办公地点:经济管理学院D533
- 联系方式:hxxia(at)dlut(dot)edu(dot)cn
[1] 刘非凡, 陈依晴, 夏昊翔.复杂网络上消息竞争传播与传染病扩散耦合模型研究[J],系统工程理论与实践,2024
[2] ARIPIN WAHYU TERI, Pan, Qian, 夏昊翔.A Unique Perspective on Vulnerability and Route Dynamics in the Global Liner Shipping Network[J],Operations Research Forum,2024,5(3)
[3] 王瑞新, 罗双玲, 夏昊翔.考虑顽固者影响的群体决策意见协调动力学模型[J],管理工程学报,2024,38(06):156-167
[4] Liu, Shuo, Guo, Shuhui, Zheng, Huijun, Fu, Wenxuan, 夏昊翔, Lu, Xin.A dual-threshold approach for the dynamics of bi-polarization in signed networks with communities[J],Chaos, Solitons and Fractals,2024
[5] 刘鹏, 桂亮, 王慧蓉, 夏昊翔.融合网络结构与节点属性的关系预测深度学习方法研究[J],运筹与管理,2024,33(07):158-165
[6] 刘非凡, 张爽, 夏昊翔.Science as Exploration in a Knowledge Landscape: Tracing Hotspots or Seeking Opportunity?[J],arXiv,2024
[7] 张爽, 刘非凡, 夏昊翔.Scientists’ bounded mobility on the epistemic landscape[J],arXiv,2024
[8] Zhang, Shuang, 刘非凡, 夏昊翔.Understanding Citation Mobility in the Knowledge Space[A],CEUR Workshop Proceedings,2024,3745:128-133
[9] 刘非凡, Zhang, Shuang, 夏昊翔.Connector and Provincial Hub Dichotomy in Scientific Collaborations Identified by Reinforcement Lear[A],CEUR Workshop Proceedings,2024,3745:106-108
[10] 刘非凡, 张爽, 夏昊翔.Science as exploration in a knowledge landscape: tracing hotspots or seeking opportunity?[J],EPJ DATA SCIENCE,13(1)
[11] 张爽, 刘非凡, 罗双玲, 夏昊翔.Smap:基于文献语义的学科知识图景可视化[J],情报学报,2024,42(1):74-89
[12] Han, Xu, 夏昊翔, 赵小薇.Memory–based adaptive interaction willingness enhances cooperation in spatial prisoner's dilemma[J],Applied Mathematics and Computation,2024,476
[13] Zhao, Xiaowei, 夏昊翔.Information accuracy of migration and imitation influences the evolution of cooperation in spatial p[J],CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS,2024,176
[14] Liu, Shuo, Mos, Michael, 夏昊翔, Flache, Andreas.Job Done? New Modeling Challenges After 20 Years of Work on Bounded-Confidence Models[J],JASSS-THE JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL SOCIETIES AND SOCIAL SIMULATION,26(4)
[15] Liu, Shuo, 关希望, 夏昊翔.Exploring Group Opinion Polarization Based on an Opinion Dynamics Model Considering Positive and Neg[A],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2024,1927 CCIS:260-273
[16] 董洪宇, 夏昊翔.Exploring the Evolutionary Dynamics of Wikipedia: The Interplay of Knowledge Community Formation and[A],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2024,1927 CCIS:165-177
[17] Su, Qi, 刘非凡, Shi, Hongquan, 夏昊翔, Ma, Zhengwei.Research on Resilience of Maritime Distributed Combat Network Under Targeted Attacks[A],Proceedings - 2023 10th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications, DSA 2023,2024,519-526
[18] 董洪宇, 夏昊翔.Who Connects Wikipedia? A Deep Analysis of Node Roles and Connection Patterns in Wikilink Network[A],Communications in Computer and Information Science,2024,1846 CCIS:107-118
[19] 罗双玲, 夏昊翔, 王延章.微博社会网络及传播研究评述[J],情报学报,2022,12:1304-1313
[20] 杜佩佩, 夏昊翔.基于邮件交流数据的Linux内核开发者协作网络分析[A],中国系统工程学会第十八届学术年会,2022,2