姜东岳 (教授)

教授   博士生导师   硕士生导师










姜东岳,教授,博士生导师。入选大连市青年科技之星,大连理工大学“星海优青”培育计划。研究方向为数字微流控技术、储热技术。主持国家部委级重点项目、自然科学基金、工信部、辽宁省工信厅等科研项目多项。在  Advanced Materials, ACS Nano, Nano Energy 等国际期刊发表学术论文四十余篇,封面论文4篇。授权日本发明专利1项,中国发明专利5项。为Nature Communications, Nano Energy, Small, ACS applied materials & interfaces, Applied energy, Langmuir, Solar RRL, Nanotechnology, Nanoselect 等国际期刊审稿人。

Dr. Jiang received his Ph.D degree in National University of Singapore in 2015. He joined the Optofluidics and Energy Systems Laboratory as a research fellow after graduation. In 2017, he joined Dalian University of Technology as an Associate Professor. His research interest includes digital microfluidics and thermal energy storage. He has published over 40 peer-reviewed journal papers in Materials Today, ACS Nano, Nano Energy etc. He also serves as reviewers for the journal of Nature Communications, Nano Energy, Small, ACS applied materials & interfaces, Applied energy, Nanoselect.

Representative Publications:

Book chapters:

[1] D. Jiang, Chapter 13. Energy harvesting and self-powered devices in digital microfluidics, "Multidisciplinary Microfluidic and Nanofluidic Lab-on-a-Chip: Principles and Applications", ISBN: 978-0-444-59432-7, Elsevier, 2022.

Featured covers:

3-s2.0-C20110043867-cov200h.gifNano Energy.jpgLab on a chip -1.jpgLab on a chip -2.jpgLab on a chip -3.jpg

Journal articles:

[1] J.Tan, S. Sun, D.Jiang*, M. Xu*, X. Chen*, Y. Song, Z.L. Wang*, "Advances in triboelectric nanogenerator powered electrowetting-on-dielectric devices: mechanisms, structures and applications". Materials Today, (2022). Impact factor: 26.943.

[2] J. Tan, P. Tian, M. Sun, H. Wang, N. Sun, G. Chen, Y. Song, D. Jiang*, H. Jiang*, M. Xu*, “A transparent electrowetting-on-dielectric device driven by triboelectric nanogenerator for extremly fast anti-fogging”. Nano Energy, 92 (2022): 106697. Impact factor: 19.069.

[3] G. Chen, Y. Wang, D. Jiang*, H. Wang, K. Wang, J. Tan, M. Sun, Y. Song, M. Xu, “A programmable compound prism powered by triboelectric nanogenerator for highly efficient solar beam steering”. Nano Energy, 80 (2021): 105524. Impact factor: 19.069 (Research featured as Cover of Volume 80)

[4] D.Jiang*, Z. Fan, H. Wang, M. Xu*, G. Chen. Y. Song, Z. L. Wang*, "Triboelectric nanogenerator powered electrowetting-on-dielectric actuator for concealed aquatic microbots". ACS Nano, 14 (2020): 15394-15402. Impact factor: 18.027.

[5] D. Jiang*, Y. Su, K. Wang, M. Xu*, M. Dong, G. Chen, “A triboelectric and pyroelectric hybrid energy harvester for recovering energy from low grade waste fluids”. Nano Energy, 70 (2020): 104459. Impact factor: 19.069.

[6] D. Jiang*, M. Xu, M. Dong, F. Guo, X. Liu, G. Chen, Z.L. Wang*, “Water-solid triboelectric nanogenerators: an alternative means for harvesting hydropower”. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 115 (2019): 109366. Impact factor: 16.799. 

[7] G. Chen, Y. Su, D. Jiang*, L. Pan, S. Li, “An experimental and numerical investigation on a paraffin wax/graphene oxide/carbon nanotubes composite material for solar thermal storage application”Applied Energy, 264 (2020): 114786. Impact factor: 11.446. 

[8] J. Tan, H. Wang, M. Sun, P. Tian, Y. Wang, K. Wang, D. Jiang*. “Regulating droplet impact on a solid hydrophobic surface through alternating current electrowetting-on-dielectric”. Physics of Fluids, 33 (2021): 042101. Impact factor: 4.980 (Research featured as Editor's Pick) 

[9] D. Jiang*, F. Guo, M. Xu*, J. Cai, S. Cong, M. Jia, G. Chen, Y. Song. “Conformal fluorine coated carbon paper for an energy harvesting water wheel”. Nano Energy, 58 (2019): 842-851. Impact factor: 19.069

[10] G. Chen, X. Liu, S. Li, M. Dong, and D. Jiang*. “A droplet energy harvesting and actuation system for self-powered digital microfluidics”. Lab on a chip, 18 (2018): 1026-1034. Impact factor: 7.517. (Front Cover of Issue 7) 


[1]   2011.8-2015.8

新加坡国立大学  |  机械工程  |  博士

[2]   2009.9-2012.6

大连理工大学  |  热能工程  |  硕士

[3]   2005.9-2009.6

大连理工大学  |  热能工程  |  学士


[1]   2017.10-至今


[2]   2015.7-2017.10

新加坡国立大学  |  博士后研究员


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  • 其他联系方式

  • [1]  邮箱: jiangdy@dlut.edu.cn

  • [2]  电话: 0411-84707281