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目前主要从事纳米材料,非晶及高熵合金的抗辐照性能、纳米力学性能、磁性能等研究工作。在Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia、Materials Science and Engineering A、Journal of Materials Science and Technology等国际知名期刊上发表SCI论文36篇,其中第一作者论文16篇。上述成果被46个国家280个研究机构引用1700余次。应邀担任 J. Mater. Process. Technol.,Mater. Sci. Eng. A 等8个国际期刊审稿人。2017年度“中国材料研究学会最佳论文”获得者,2018年度“中国材料研究学会优秀博士论文”获得者。2020 年一项重要的研究成果被材料领域 TOP 1期刊 Advanced Materials 接收并被选为当期杂志封面。
1. L. Jiang, Y.J. Hu, K. Sun, P.Y. Xiu, M. Song, Y.W. Zhang, W.L. Boldman, M.L. Crespillo, P.D. Rack, L. Qi, W.J. Weber, L.M. Wang*. Irradiation‐Induced Extremes Create Hierarchical Face‐/Body‐Centered‐Cubic Phases in Nanostructured High Entropy Alloys. Advanced Materials, 2020, 39(32), 2002652.
2. Y.P. Lu#, X.Z. Gao#, L. Jiang#, Z.N. Chen, T.M. Wang, J.C. Jie , H.J. Kang, Y.B. Zhang, S. Guo, H.H. Ruan, Y.H. Zhao, Z.Q. Cao, T.J. Li. Directly cast bulk eutectic and near-eutectic high entropy alloys with balanced strength and ductility in a wide temperature range. Acta Materialia, 2017;124:143-150.
3. L. Jiang, Y.P. Lu, M. Song, C.Y. Lu, Z.Q. Cao, T.M. Wang, F. Gao, L.M. Wang*. A Promising CoFeNi2V0.5Mo0.2 High Entropy Alloy with Exceptional Ductility. Scripta Materialia, 2019;65:128-133.
4. L. Jiang, Q. Peng, P.Y. Xiu, Y. Yan, Z.J. Jiao, C.Y. Lu, T. Liu, C. Ye, R. Shu, Y.H. Liao, Q.S. Ren, F. Gao, L.M. Wang*. Elucidating He-H assisted cavity evolution in alpha Cr under multiple ion beam irradiation. Scripta Materialia, 2020;187:291-295.
5. L. Jiang*, D.X. Qiao, Z.Q. Cao, C.Y. Lu, M. Song, L.M. Wang. Tunable Mechanical Property and Strain Hardening Behavior of a Single-phase CoFeNi2V0.5Mo0.2 High Entropy Alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2020;776:139027.
6. L. Jiang*, M. Powers, Y.C. Cui, B.K. Derby. A. Misra. Microstructure and mechanical properties of nanoscale Cu/(Ta50Nb25Mo25) multilayers. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2020;799:140200.
7. L. Jiang, P.P. Xiu, Y. Yan, C.Y. Lu, J. Huang, T. Liu, C. Ye, H.P. Sun, R. Shu, L.M. Wang*. Effects of Ion Irradiation on Chromium Coatings of Various Thicknesses on a Zirconium Alloy. Journal of Nuclear Material, 2019;526:151740.
8. L. Jiang, M. Song*, L. Yang, J. Yang, D. Du, X. Lou, Y. Chen*, A Comparison study of void swelling in additively manufactured and cold-worked 316L stainless steels under ion irradiation, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 551(2021) 152946. (Invited paper)
9. L. Jiang, H. Jiang, Y.P. Lu, T.M. Wang, Z.Q. Cao*, T.J. Li. Mechanical properties improvement of AlCrFeNi2Ti0.5 high entropy alloy through annealing design and its relationship with its particle-reinforced microstructures. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2015;31:397-402.
10. L. Jiang, Y.P. Lu, W. Wu, Z.Q. Cao*, T.J. Li. Microstructure and mechanical properties of a CoFeNi2V0.5Nb0.75 eutectic high entropy alloy in as-cast and heat-treated conditions. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2015;32:245-250.