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基于BIM和Linked Data的建筑业电子商务信息融合框架


Date of Publication:2022-10-10


Affiliation of Author(s):建设工程学部



Page Number:7-12

ISSN No.:1674-8859

Abstract:E-commerce information of the construction industry suffers from the massive,heterogeneous,and scattered problems, influencing the development of e-commerce. After analyzing the characteristic of information in the existing e-commerce platform and the application of information integration using BIM and Linked Data,a fusion framework for e-commerce information of the construction industry based on BIM and Linked Data is proposed. The proposed framework creates a fusion information environment by using BIM and Linked Data to connect the supplier information,customer information,distribution information,transaction information and procurement information. The framework can effectively solve the problem of e-commerce information fusion of the construction industry,and thus provides an effective solution of realizing the information integration of e-commerce in the construction industry.


Pre One:基于BIM的建设项目文档管理系统设计

Next One:Study on Contract Domain Ontology Supporting BIM Interactivity