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Main positions:科学技术研究院副院长兼先进技术研究院院长
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大连理工大学汽车工程学院 教授,博士生导师,汽车工程学院院长。在智能车辆、传感器、智能网联与安全等领域自主研发专用传感器与系统20余台套,授权发明专利23项,技术转化2项,星海学者-星海优青,大连市首批青年科技之星,担任中国汽车工程学会理事、青年工作委员会委员、中国微纳米学会微纳执行器与微系统分会理事、中国微纳米学会青年工作委员会委员、ASME微纳系统技术委员会委员,国家音视频标准委员会委员,工信部智能车辆与装备专家组成员,5G自动驾驶联盟与产业联盟委员,负责起草汽车视频记录仪技术规范行业标准1项,参与5项。负责及完成国家自然科学基金3项,参与国家重点研发计划子课题、重点专项、GF973课题、工业互联网创新发展工程、重点专项、欧盟地平线计划5G-MOBIX、中航产学研创新项目等10余项,发表期刊论文70余篇,包括JAP、IEEE TIE、IEEE/ASME TM、SENSOR ACTUAT A/B、IEEE TIM、IEEE S、ASME JMR、MMT等知名期刊,被国际同行引用500余次,授权国家发明专利 20 项,完成技术转化2项,主编十二五规划教材1部,获曾获中国电子学会自然科学二等奖、中国工程物理研究院优秀成果二等奖、ASME IDETC MNS最佳论文奖、ASME IDETC非线性动力学分会最佳组织奖、国际机电学大会ICMT2016最佳报告奖、仪器仪表学报年度优秀论文奖、辽宁省自然科学学术成果一等奖2次、大连市自然科学优秀学术论文特等奖。
[1] MingLyu, JianZhao*, Najib Kacem Pengbo Liu, Bin Tang, Zhuang, Xiong, Hongxi Wang, Yu Huang. Exploiting nonlinearity to enhance the sensitivity of mode-localized mass sensor based on electrostatically coupled MEMS resonators. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. 121: 103455, 2020.
[2] Jian Zhao*, Ming Lyu, Hongxi Wang, Kacem, Yu Huang and Pengbo Liu. Piezoelectric Actuated Nonlinear Energy Sink With Tunable Attenuation Efficiency. Journal of Applied Mechanics. February 2020; 87(2): 021003.
[3] Jian Zhao*, Jian Zhang, K. W. Wang, Kai Cheng, Hongxi Wang, Yu Huang and Pengbo Liu. On the nonlinear snap-through of arch-shaped clamped-clamped bistable beams. Journal of Applied Mechanics. Dec 11, 2019.
[4] Jian Zhao*, XinWen, YuHuang, PengboLiu. Piezoelectric circuitry tailoring for resonant mass sensors providing ultra-high impedance sensitivity. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2019, 285: 275-282.
[5] Jian Zhao*, Chen Sun, Najib Kacem, Hongxi Wang, Renjing Gao, Pengbo Liu, and Yu Huang. A nonlinear resonant mass sensor with enhanced sensitivity and resolution incorporating compressed bistable beam. Journal of Applied Physics. 2018, 124(16): 164503.
[6] Renjing Gao, Yu Huang, Xin Wen, Jian Zhao*, Shutian Liu. Method to further improve sensitivity for high order vibration mode mass sensors with stepped cantilevers. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2017, 17(14):4405-4411.
[7] Yu Huang, Jian Zhao*, Shutian Liu*. Design optimization of segment-reinforced bistable mechanisms exhibiting adjustable snapping behavior. Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical. 2016, 252:7-15.
[8] Renjing Gao, Mingli Li, Qi Wang, Jian Zhao, Shutian Liu. A novel design method of bistable structures with required snap-through properties. Sensors and Actuators A. 272:295-300, 2018.
[9] Liqun Du, Yu Li, Jian Zhao, Weitai Wang, Wenjun Zhao, Wen Zhao, Heqing Zhu. A low-g MEMS inertial switch with a novel radial electrode for uniform omnidirectional sensitivity. Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 270:214-222, 2018.
[10] Liqun Du, Weitai Wang, Chengquan Du, Jian Zhao, Ming Zhao, Xuqiang Liu. A novel contact-enhanced low-g inertial switch with low-stiffness fixed electrode. Microsystem Technologies, 26:395-404, 2020.
[11] Wenzhuo Zhang, Guangyi Chen, Jian Zhao, Jicai Liang, Lifeng Sun, Guangfei Liu, Baowei Ji, Xiangiyu Yan, Jiarui Zhang. Self-growth Ni2P nanosheet arrays with cationic vacancy defects as a highly efficient bifunctional electrocatalyst for overall water splitting. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 561:638-646. 2020.
[12] Wenzhuo Zhang, Guangyi Chen, Jian Zhao, Jicai Liang, Guangfei Liu, Baowei Ji, Lifeng Sun. Hybridizing amorphous NiO: X nanoflakes and Mn-doped Ni2P nanosheet arrays for enhanced overall water electrocatalysis. Sustainable Energy and Fuels. 3(11):3093-3100, 2019.
[13] Jian Zhao*, Jiaqi Liu, Ming Lv. Design of Nonlinear Energy Sink Based on Bistable Cosine-Shaped Beam, The 9th IEEE International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (IEEE-CYBER 2019), 2019.8 Suzhou, China.
[14] Jian Zhao*, Linyu Fu, Jian Zhang. Design and Analysis of Nonlinear Resonant Accelerometer with Two Compressed Beams "The 9th IEEE International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (IEEE-CYBER 2019). 2019.8, Suzhou, China.
[15] 赵剑. 车辆智能感知创新技术研究(专题报告). 2019智能网联汽车大会(CICV2019), 北京.
[16] Jian Zhao*, Renjing Gao*, Guoxi Chen, Shutian Liu, Qikai Cao, Tao Qiu. Nonlinear coupling mechanical model for large stroke magnetic-based multistable mechanisms. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2015, 83(1):56-68.
[17] Jian Zhao, Yongcun Zhang, Renjing Gao*, Shutian Liu*. A new sensitivity improving approach for mass sensors through integrated optimization of both cantilever surface profile and cross-section. Sensors and Actuators B:Chemical. 2015, 206:343-350.
[18] Jian Zhao, Renjing Gao, Shutian Liu*, Yu Huang. A New Sensitivity-Improving Method for Piezoelectric Resonance Mass Sensors Through Cantilever Cross-Section Modification. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2014, 61(3): 1612-1621.
[19] Jian Zhao*, Pengbo Liu, Zhenan Tang, Kefeng Fan, Xiaosong Ma, Renjing Gao, Jiading Bao. A wireless MEMS inertial switch for measuring both threshold triggering acceleration and response time. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement . 2014, 63(12):3152-3161.
[20] Zhao Jian*, Huang Yu, Gao Renjing, Chen Guoxi, Yang Yintang, Liu,Shutian. Novel Universal Multistable Mechanism Based on Magnetic-Mechanical-Inertial Coupling Effects. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2014, 61(6): 101-111.
[21] Jian Zhao, Yongcun Zhang, Yu Huang, Shutian Liu. Mechanical-magnetic Coupling Analysis of A Novel Large Stroke Penta-stable Mechanism Possessing Multistability Transforming Capability. ASME Transactions Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics. 2014.
[22] Renjing Gao*, Pengfei Shi, Shutian Liu, Jian Zhao. A novel method to design single-sided left-handed metamaterials with a specific frequency band. Electronic Materials Letters. 10(1), pp 11-18, 2014.
[23] Jian Zhao*, Renjing Gao, Yintang Yang, Yu Huang, Ping Hu. A Bidirectional Acceleration Switch Incorporating Magnetic Fields Based Tristable Mechanism. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2013, 18(1):113-120.
[24] Renjing Gao, Yankang Zhang, Jian Zhao*. A Novel V-Shaped Cross Section Cantilever Sensor for Monitoring Concentrated Masses With Improved Detecting Sensitivity and Measuring Accuracy. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2013, 61(3):1612-1621.
[25] Shi Peng Fei, Gao Renjing, Shutian Liu, Jian Zhao. A new design method for a strain sensor using the cross-section modification of a coaxial cable. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 203(12), pp 355-361, 2013
[26] Huang Yu, Liu Shutian, Zhao Jian. Optimal design of two-dimensional band-gap materials for uni-directional wave propagation. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2013, 48(3), pp 487-499.
[27] 赵剑,张淑敏,高仁璟. 基于构型优化的高阶模态微质量传感器灵敏度提升方法. 光学精密工程,2017,25 (3): 656-662.
[28] 高仁璟, 张莹, 赵剑, 陈文炯*, 刘书田, 仝立勇. 面向结构形状控制的压电纤维复合薄膜驱动器布局方式与控制参数协同优化设计[J]. 机械工程学报, 2016, 18:177-183.
[29] 赵剑, 陈国玺, 高仁璟, 刘书田. 基于磁机耦合效应的大行程多稳态机构非线性跳跃分析. 机械工程学报 2014, 20.
[30] 赵剑, 朱传月, 高仁璟. 梯形变截面槽型悬臂梁式质量传感器设计与分析. 仪器仪表学报. 2013, 34(12), pp.2641-2647
[31] 高仁璟, 赵剑, 李雪. 基于槽式悬臂梁结构的微质量传感器设计.光学 精密工程.2012, 20(1):102-108
[32] 高仁璟, 张莹, 赵剑, 陈文炯*, 刘书田, 仝立勇. 面向结构形状控制的压电纤维复合薄膜驱动器布局方式与控制参数协同优化设计[J]. 机械工程学报, 2016, 18:177-183.
[33] 赵剑,魏岩,高仁璟,刘书田; 基于局部截面构型优化的双稳态结构跳跃阈值控制与设计, 机械工程学报, 2016-10-5 , (19).
[34] 赵剑; 程凯; 高仁璟; 黄毓; 刘蓬勃; 柔性双稳态结构分岔跳跃模式的探讨, 机械工程学报, 2018-10-10 , 65:1-8. EI.
[35] Jian Zhao*, Yu Huang, Pengbo Liu, Qifei Fang, Renjing Gao. Nonlinear Design Model for Multi-Threshold Accelerometer Utilizing Magnetic Induced Multistable Mechanisms, ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 12th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, Quebec City, Canada, 2018. 8.26-8.29. (Best Paper Award)
[36] Jian Zhao,Yu Huang,Xin Wen, Renjing Gao. A theoretical model for multi-threshold accelerometer utilizing multistable mechanisms for advanced vehicle airbag systems. Chinese Society of Micro-Nano Technology Annual Conference CSMNT 2017, Dalian, 2017.
[37] Jian Zhao, Yu Huang, Renjing Gao. Multi-threshold acceleration switch employing magnetic-compliant self-locking mechanisms. ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference IDETC/CIE 2017. Cleveland, IDETC 2017-67829.
[38] Jian Zhao, Yu Huang, Renjing Gao, Shutian Liu. NONLINEAR AMPLITUDE RESPONSE BASED THRESHOLD MASS SENSOR WITH COMBINATIVE PIEZOELECTRIC CANTILEVER STRUCTURES. ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference IDETC/CIE 2017. Cleveland, IDETC 2017-67829. (最佳组织者奖励, ASME IDETC 29th Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise (VIB), 2017)
[39] Jian Zhao, Shutian Liu, Yu Huang, Renjing Gao. A new impedance based sensitivity model of piezoelectric resonant cantilever sensor. The 2017 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM17). 28 August - 1 September, 2017 at KINTEX in Ilsan(Seoul), Korea
[40] Yu Huang, Renjing Gao, Jian Zhao, and Shutian Liu. Dynamic optimization of snapping through procedure of compressed bistable mechanisms. The 2017 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM17). 28 August - 1 September, 2017 at KINTEX in Ilsan(Seoul), Korea
[41] Jian Zhao, RenjingGao*, Shutian Liu. Optimization based design for specific bistable mechanics of compliant mechanisms. Proceedings of ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conference (IDETC/CIE2016), August 21-24, 2016, Charlotte, USA.
[42] Jian Zhao, ShengtianCai, RenjingGao*, Shutian Liu. Nonlinear Threshold Mass Detection through Response Amplitude Tracking. The 20th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology. Oct 28-31, Dalian, China.(Best presentation award)
[43] Jian Zhao, RenjingGao*, Shutian Liu. Configuration optimization for cantilever-based high order mode resonant mass sensor. Joint Symposium of the 18th Annual Conference of Chinese Society of Micro-Nano Technology and Microsystems &Nanoengineering Summit 2016, CSMNT2016, Beijing.
[44] Jian Zhao, Shumin Zhang, RenjingGao*, Shutian Liu. Optimization based sensitivity improving method for piezoelectric mass sensor. 2016 Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications. Oct. 21- Oct. 24, 2016. Xi’an, China.
[45] Jian Zhao, Renjing Gao. Bistable miroelectronic devices. 9th International Workshop on Innovation & Commercialization of Micro & Nanotechnology. (MAN2015 & ICMAN2015)