- 主要任职:建设工程学院副院长
- 其他任职:土木水利国家教学示范中心主任、辽宁省土木基础设施安全监测与控制重点实验室主任
- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:哈尔滨工业大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:建设工程学院
- 学科:结构工程. 桥梁与隧道工程
- 办公地点:土木工程学院综合3号楼305研究室
- 联系方式:lidongsheng@dlut.edu.cn
- 电子邮箱:lidongsheng@dlut.edu.cn
[81] 张喆, 欧进萍, 李冬生.基于Kriging代理模型的连梁金属阻尼器性能研究与参数优化设计[J],计算力学学报,2022,2:131-136
[82] 曹海, 李冬生, 唐世斌.基于RFPA软件的PVA纤维混凝土数值模拟研究[A],2011年全国土木工程研究生学术论坛,2022,89-89
[83] 李冬生, 胡倩.基于小波奇异性碳纤维拉索疲劳损伤研究[A],第八届全国土木工程研究生学术论坛,2022,1169-1177
[84] 李冬生, 井自豪.基于压电智能骨料的混凝土冻融损伤检测[J],福建建设科技,2022,5:1-4
[85] 张大伟, 丁宇, 侯立群, 李茂林, 李冬生, 喻言.基于振动传感器网络的海洋平台动位移分析及位移状态评估研究[J],物联网技术,2022,4:63-65,68
[86] 都方竹, 杨栋, 李冬生.钢-混凝土组合梁栓钉损伤无基线波动检测试验研究[J],建筑结构,2024,53(S2):1732-1738
[87] 任正义, 李冬生.Uniaxial compressive behavior study of normal-strength concrete using waste steel slag aggregate thr[J],Journal of Building Engineering,2024,85
[88] 刘家赫, Tang, Li, 李冬生, Shen, Wei.Experimental and numerical validation of guided wave based on time-reversal for evaluating grouting [J],Smart Structures and Systems,2024,33(1):41-53
[89] 刘家赫, 崔修实, 李冬生.Debonding Detection in Grouted Sleeves Using Axisymmetric Longitudinal Guided Waves.[J],Sensors (Basel, Switzerland),23(22)
[90] 崔修实, 刘家赫, 李冬生, 欧进萍.An NCFA-Based Notch Frequency Feature Extraction Method for Guided Waves and Its Application in Stee[J],JOURNAL OF BRIDGE ENGINEERING,28(12)
[91] Zhang, Yue, 刘家赫, 崔修实, 李冬生.Guided wave-based damage assessment on bolt in precast beam-to-column joints[J],Journal of Building Engineering,2024,87
[92] 任正义, 李冬生.Application of Steel Slag as an Aggregate in Concrete Production: A Review.[J],Materials (Basel, Switzerland),16(17)
[93] 刘家赫, 崔修实, 周俊龙, Yi, Jun, 李冬生.Combined two-level guided wave structural health monitoring strategy using multifeature integration [J],Smart Materials and Structures,32(9)
[94] 刘家赫, 崔修实, 李冬生.Research status and future directions of defect detection in grouted splice sleeves: A review[J],Construction and Building Materials,2024,402
[95] Zhang, Yue, 李冬生.耗能螺栓连接装配式钢管混凝土柱-RC 梁节点恢复力模型研究[J],Journal of Building Structures,44(4):309-318
[96] Zhao, Ying, Zhang, Jingjing, 李冬生, Zhou, Daocheng, Xin, Dabo.Finite Element Model Updating of Bridge Structures Based on Improved Response Surface Methods[J],Structural Control and Health Monitoring,2024,2023
[97] 崔修实, 刘家赫, Song, Bo, 李冬生.A Baseline-Free Lamb Wave Damage Localization Method Based on Compressed Sensing[J],STRUCTURAL CONTROL & HEALTH MONITORING,2024,2023
[98] 刘家赫, Zhang, Yue, 李冬生, Cui, Xiushi.Determination of the working stage of beam-to-column connections using longitudinal guided wave[J],Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring,2024,13(2-3):633-648
[99] 居诗源, 李冬生, 贾金青.Experimental investigation and damage evaluation of a novel bond type anchorage for carbon fiber rei[J],Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring,2024,13(1):117-132
[100] 刘家赫, 崔修实, 康伟, Tang, Li, 李冬生.Data-driven models to predict the water-to-cement ratio and initial setting time of cement grouts[J],Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation,2024