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学科:药物分析学. 生物医学工程
个人简介Personal Profile
李娜,大连理工大学生物医学工程学院副教授,2016年1月博士毕业于中国科学院大连化学物理研究所生物化工专业,2017年4月至2019年12月先后在美国南达科他大学的生物医学工程系和美国芝加哥大学的生物科学部从事博士后工作。2020年1月开始就职于大连理工大学电子信息与电气工程学部生物医学工程学院,2022年10月转到医学部工作。主要从事基于血管组织工程和血管生物力学的血管疾病及药物筛选研究工作。主持辽宁省医工交叉联合基金项目1项,作为主要参与人参与国家自然基金项目2项,大连市重点研发计划项目1项,美国心脏协会基金项目1项以及美国南达科他州项目1项。目前在Cardiovascular Research, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, Materials Science and Engineering C等国际期刊发表SCI论文25篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者文章13篇。申报国家发明专利14项,其中3项已经获批。参与编写两本中文专著和一本英文专著,分别由科学出版社和Springer Nature出版社出版。近几年发表主要文章如下:
1. Bao YX, Zhang HY, Wang DB, Yan PS, Shao S, Zhang ZY, Liu B, Li N (corresponding author). The Pathological Factors Involved in Current in Vitro Atherosclerotic Models, Tissue Engineering Part B-Reviews, 2024, doi. 10.1089/ten.TEB.2023.0272.
2. Zhao YY, Aziz AR, Zhang HY, Zhang ZY, Li N (corresponding author), Liu B. A Systematic Review on Active Sites and Functions of PIM-1 Protein. Human Cell. 2022, 35: 427-440.
3. Qu MR, Yu KH, Aziz AR, Zhang HY, Zhang ZY, Li N (corresponding author), Liu B. The Role of Actopaxin in Tumor Metastasis. Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology, 2022, 175: 90-102.
4. Gao TY, Zhang ZY, Yang YN, Zhang HY, Li N (corresponding author), Liu B. Impact of RIM-BPs in Neuronal Vesicles Release. Brain Research Bulletin, 2021, 170: 129-136.
5. Sanyour H, Li N (co-first author), Rickel A, Torres HM, Anderson RH, Miles MR, Childs JD, Francis KR, Tao JN, Hong ZK. Fluvastatin Treatment Modifies Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells Biomechanics and Induces Cytoskeletal Architecture Remodeling. Journal of Physiology-London, 2020, 598: 1505-1522.
6. Li N, Rickel A, Sanyour H, Hong ZK. Vessel Graft Fabricated by the On-site Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Toward Vascular Cells on Vascular Extracellular Matrix Scaffold under Mechanical Stimulations in Bioreactor, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2019,7: 2703-2713.
7. Sanyour H, Li N (co-first author), Rickel A, Childs JD, Kinser CN, Hong ZK. Membrane Cholesterol and Substrate Stiffness Coordinate to Induce the Remodeling of Cytoskeleton and Alteration in Biomechanics of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell, Cardiovascular Research, 2019, 115: 1369-1380.
8. Li N, Xue FX, Zhang H, Sanyour H, Rickel A, Uttecht A, Fanta B, Hu JL, Hong ZK. Fabrication and Characterization of Pectin Hydrogel Nanofiber Scaffolds for Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells into Vascular Cells, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2019, 5: 6511-6519.
9. Li N, Sanyour H, Remund T, Kelly P, Hong ZK. Vascular Extracellular Matrix and Fibroblasts-coculture Directed Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells toward Smooth Muscle-like Cells for Vascular Tissue Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering C, 2018, 93: 61-69.
10. Li N, Sui ZG, Liu Y, Wang DD, Ge GB, Yang L. A Fast Screening Model for Drug Permeability Assessment Based on Native Small Intestinal Extracellular Matrix, RSC Advances, 2018, 8: 34514-34524.