1.Jing Lin, Yan Xue, Runhe Zhu, Zhongang Peng(2024). “Exploring the dynamics of social roles in hospital evacuation: Factors, roles and behaviors”,International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 113, 104893.
2. 林婧,彭忠昂,朱润禾,薛岩.应急疏散中医院工作人员角色识别与演化研究[J].工业建筑,2024,54(2):80-89.
3. Jing Lin, Yuhang Cai, Qinyuan Li (2023). “Development of Safety Training in Construction: Literature Review, Scientometric Analysis and Meta-Analysis”, Journal of Management in Engineering, 39(6):03123002.
4. Jing Lin, Nan Li, Li-Lin Rao, Ruggiero Lovreglio (2023). “Individual wayfinding decisions under stress in indoor emergency situations: A theoretical framework and meta-analysis”, Safety Science, 160(5):106063.
5. Runhe Zhu, Burcin Becerik-Gerber *, Jing Lin, Nan Li (2023). “Behavioral, data-driven, agent-based evacuation simulation for building safety design using machine learning and discrete choice models”, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 55(4):101827.
6. Lin, J., Cao, L., Li, N.*. (2020). “How the completeness of spatial knowledge influences the evacuation behavior of passengers in metro stations: A VR-based experimental study” , Automation in Construction, 113, 103136.
7. Lin, J., Zhu, R., Li, N.*, Becerik-Gerber, B. (2020). “How occupants respond to building emergencies: A systematic review of behavioral characteristics and behavioral theories”, Safety Science, 122, 104540.
8. Lin, J., Zhu, R., Li, N.*, Becerik-Gerber, B. (2020). “Do people follow the crowd in building emergency evacuation? A cross-cultural immersive virtual reality-based study” , Advanced Engineering Informatics, 43, 101040. (曾连续入选该期刊季度最高下载量论文列表)
9. Zhu, R., Lin, J., Becerik-Gerber, B.*, Li, N. (2020). “Human-building-emergency interactions and their impact on emergency response performance: A review of state of the art” , Safety Science, 127, 104691.
10. Zhu, R.,Lin, J., Becerik-Gerber, B.*, Li, N. (2020). “Influence of architectural visual access on emergency wayfinding: A cross-cultural study in China, United Kingdom and United States” , Fire Safety Journal, 113, 102963.
11. Lin, J., Cao, L., Li, N.* (2019). "Assessing the influence of repeated exposures and mental stress on human wayfinding performance in indoor environments using virtual reality technology", Advanced Engineering Informatics, 39, 53-61. (曾连续入选该期刊季度最高下载量论文列表)
12. Cao, L., Lin, J., Li, N.* (2019). "A virtual reality based study of indoor fire evacuation after active or passive spatial exploration", Computers in Human Behavior, 90, 37-45. (ESI本领域被引量前1.58%)
13. Ma, G., Lin, J., Li, N.* (2018). "Longitudinal assessment of the behavior-changing effect of app-based eco-feedback in residential buildings", Energy and Buildings, 159, 486-494.
14. Ma, G., Lin, J., Li, N.*, Zhou, J. (2017). “Cross-cultural assessment of the effectiveness of eco-feedback in building energy conservation”, Energy and Buildings, 134, 329-338. (被Nature Energy [Top1 in energy and fuels field]等期刊引用)
1. 李楠, 林婧,陈洁玙 (2021). “基于VR技术的建筑火灾中的个体寻路行为研究”. 大连理工大学出版社.
2. 彭岩, 王仲钰, 卢科宇, 林婧 (2018). “复杂工程的项目管理优化方法研究”. 同济大学出版社.
1. Runhe Zhu, Burcin Becerik-Gerber *, Jing Lin, Nan Li (2021). “ Modeling the impact of visual access and crowd flow on emergency wayfinding: From empirical investigations to simulations. Proc. Computing in Civil Engineering 2021, September 12–14, Orlando, United States
2. Lin, J., Li, N. * (2019). "Towards a framework to model intelligent avatars in immersive virtual environments for studying human behavior in building fire emergencies." Proc. the 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, July 26-31, Orlando, United States.
3. Lin, J., Li, N. *, Fang, D (2018). "VR based assessment of effects of gender and stress on indoor wayfinding during building emergencies." Proc. the 18th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, November 22-23, Auckland, New Zealand.
4. Zhu, R., Lin, J., Becerik-Gerber, B. *, Li, N. (2018). "Virtual reality based studies of human emergency behavior in built environments: A systematic review." Proc. the 18th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, November 22-23, Auckland, New Zealand.
5. Lin, J., Ma, G., Li, N. *, Zhou, J. (2017). "Assessment of utilizing mobile app in delivering eco-feedback information for building energy conservation." Proc., the 34th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2017), June 28-July 1, Taipei, Taiwan.
6. Lin, J. *, Li, N., Ma, G., Zhou, J. (2016). “The impact of eco-feedback on energy consumption behavior: A cross-cultural study.” Proc., the 33th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2016), July 18-21, Auburn, AL.