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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Master Tutor


Alma Mater:哈尔滨工业大学

Other Post:中国金属学会金属材料深度加工分会委员

Degree:Doctoral Degree


Discipline:Mechanical Manufacture and Automation

Business Address:知方楼8051

Contact Information:13390043773 微信同号


Date:2024-04-11  Hits:

Journal:Forging & Stamping Technolog

Affiliation of Author(s):机械工程学院



Page Number:17-20,55

ISSN No.:1000-3940

Key Words:"anisotropic; yield criterion; subsequent yield; biaxial stress; thin-walled tube"

CN No.:11-1942/TG

Abstract:A new method of constructing yield criterion for thin-walled tube was proposed based on experimental stress and strain parameters under biaxial stress state. For the 6061-O extruded aluminum alloy thin-walled tube,the stress calculation model of thin-walled tube during bulging experiment under biaxial controlled loading was analyzed,and based on this,several flow stress-strain curves of thin-walled tube under different biaxial tensile stress states were obtained by experiment system of tube bulging under biaxial controlled loading. Taking Hill48 model as an example,the yield criterion of thin-walled tube was established based on these flow stress and strain components of thin-walled tube under biaxial tensile stress states. The results show that compared with the yield criterion obtained by traditional method,the yield behavior of thin-walled tube under biaxial stress states is described accurately by the yield criterion established by the experimental stress and strain components under biaxial stress state,and the evolution process of subsequent yield behavior is more accurately characterized.


Date of Publication:2022-10-10

Pre One:金属板材拉深制耳形状与各向异性系数的解析关系模型 Next One:An accurate determination method for constitutive model of anisotropic tubular materials with DIC-based controlled biaxial tensile test