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学科:工程力学. 计算力学
- [101]段红霞, 李守巨, 于贺, 刘迎曦.混凝土重力坝地震损伤数值模拟[J],辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版),2010,29(6):1066-1069
- [102]武力, 李守巨, 屈福政, Wu, L.(jlwuli2004@yahoo.com.cn).土压平衡盾构改性砂土离散元模型参数反演方法研究[J],大连理工大学学报,2010,50(6):860-866
- [103]陈禹臻, 曹丽娟, 李守巨, 上官子昌.盾构机掘进过程中受力平衡分析[J],工程建设,2010,42(5):1-5
- [104]Li S., Wu L., Qu F., Sun W., Li, S., State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, 116024, China, email: lishouju@dlut.edu.cn.Parameter estimation of particle flow model for soils using neural networks[J],Journal of Convergence Information Technology,2010,5(8):3-
- [105]曹丽娟, 毛忠义, 李守巨, 上官子昌.基于神经网络的盾构机密封舱压力控制研究[J],广西师范大学学报(自然科学版),2010,28(3):175-181
- [106]Zhang Q., Li S.-J..Study on fuzzy reliability muli-objective optimization of incomplete probability information syst...[A],2010
- [107]李守巨, 上官子昌, 孙伟, 栾茂田, 刘博.盾构机密封舱渣土非线性本构模型参数识别[J],山东大学学报(理学版),2010,45(7):24-27,33
- [108]李守巨, 上官子昌, 孙伟, 亢晨钢.多孔岩土材料渗透系数与孔隙率关系随机模拟[J],辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版),2010,29(4):589-592
- [109]Cao L., Shangguan Z., Li S., Sun W..Nonlinear discrete system identification for bulkhead pressure control of shield machine[A],2010,1:14-17
- [110]Shangguan Z., Li S., Sun W., Luan M., Li, S., State Key Lab. of Struct. Anal. for Ind. Equip, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, 116024, China, email: lishouju@dlut.edu.cn.Estimating model parameters of conditioned soils by using artificial network[J],Journal of Software,2010,5(3):296-303
- [111]Shangguan Z., Sun W., Luan M., Li S., Shangguan, Z., School of Civil, Hydraulic Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, 116023, China, email: Shangguan@dlfu.edu.cn.Model reference control for bulkhead pressure of EPB shield in tunneling[J],Journal of Convergence Information Technology,2010,5(1):111-115
- [112]上官子昌, 李守巨, 孙伟, 栾茂田, 刘博, Shangguan, Z.-C.(shangguan@dlfu.edu.cn).土压平衡盾构机密封舱土压力控制方法[J],煤炭学报,2010,35(3):402-405
- [113]李守巨, 刘迎曦.Parameter inversion procedure for nonlinear constitutive model of soils in shield tunneling[J],Computers and Mathematics with Applications,2010
- [114]李守巨.Numerical Simulation of Earth Pressure on Head Chamber of Shield Machine with FEM[J],2nd International Symposium on Computational Mechanics,2010,12(33):1423-1428
- [115]李守巨, 刘迎曦.混凝土重力坝损伤数值模型[J],辽宁过程技术大学学报,2010,29(6):1066-1070
- [116]李守巨.Parameter identification and pressure control of dynamic system in shield tunneling using least s...[J],Journal of Coal Science & Engineering,2010,16(3):256-261
- [117]Yu, He, Li, Shouju, Liu, Yingxi, Zhang, Jun, H (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China..NON-LINEAR ANALYSIS OF STRESS AND STRAIN OF CONCRETE-FACED ROCKFILL DAM FOR SEQUENTIAL IMPOUNDM...[J],MATHEMATICAL & COMPUTATIONAL APPLICATIONS,2010,15(5,SI):796-801
- [118]Duan, Hongxia, Li, Shouju, Liu, Yingxi, HX (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..NONLINEAR ANALYSIS OF DAMAGE EVOLUTION FOR STEEL STRUCTURES UNDER EARTHQUAKE[J],MATHEMATICAL & COMPUTATIONAL APPLICATIONS,2010,15(5,SI):889-894
- [119]武力, 屈福政, 孙伟, 李守巨, 刘畅, Wu, L.(jlwuli2004@yahoo.com.cn).基于离散元的土压平衡盾构密封舱压力分析[J],岩土工程学报,2010,32(1):18-23
- [120]上官子昌, 李守巨, 孙伟, 栾茂田, 刘博, Shangguan, Z.-C.(shangguan@dlfu.edu.cn).基于遗传算法的改性渣土非线性本构模型参数识别[J],煤炭学报,2010,35(6):915-917